2010-05-21 11:06:00
ArmInfo. The points which Europarliament's resolution on the
South Caucasus regarding Karabakh contains, are inconsonant with
either the Madrid principles or the statement by presidents of
OSCE MG co-chairing countries made in Aquila, as well as the Moscow
declaration, Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandyan said when
commenting, at ArmInfo's request, on the resolution passed by the
Europarliament on May 20.
To note, Europarliament passed a resolution on May 20 based on
the report of Bulgarian parliamentarian Yevgeniy Kirillov "On the
necessity of developing EU strategy in the South Caucasus". It says,
in particular, that the "occupied" Azerbaijani regions around Nagorno
Karabakh must be cleared as soon as possible. It also says that an
intermediate status must be proposed till final determination of the
NKR status, and this may create frames for peaceful co-existence and
cooperation of Armenians and Azerbaijanis in the region.
According to E. Nalbandyan, there is an evident mess in the report
concerning formulations, one of the reasons of which is the fact that
the reporter has never been in Nagorno Karabakh and in the region. He
did not even have consultation with representative of France being EU
member and one of OSCE MG cochairmen, when preparing the report. "For
this reason, formulations of the report also conflict with EU stance
being multiply proclaimed. The European Union's stance was clearly
expressed in the statement made in Athens in December 2009, and it
fully concurs with Armenia's stance in this issue", E. Nalbandyan
2010-05-21 11:06:00
ArmInfo. The points which Europarliament's resolution on the
South Caucasus regarding Karabakh contains, are inconsonant with
either the Madrid principles or the statement by presidents of
OSCE MG co-chairing countries made in Aquila, as well as the Moscow
declaration, Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandyan said when
commenting, at ArmInfo's request, on the resolution passed by the
Europarliament on May 20.
To note, Europarliament passed a resolution on May 20 based on
the report of Bulgarian parliamentarian Yevgeniy Kirillov "On the
necessity of developing EU strategy in the South Caucasus". It says,
in particular, that the "occupied" Azerbaijani regions around Nagorno
Karabakh must be cleared as soon as possible. It also says that an
intermediate status must be proposed till final determination of the
NKR status, and this may create frames for peaceful co-existence and
cooperation of Armenians and Azerbaijanis in the region.
According to E. Nalbandyan, there is an evident mess in the report
concerning formulations, one of the reasons of which is the fact that
the reporter has never been in Nagorno Karabakh and in the region. He
did not even have consultation with representative of France being EU
member and one of OSCE MG cochairmen, when preparing the report. "For
this reason, formulations of the report also conflict with EU stance
being multiply proclaimed. The European Union's stance was clearly
expressed in the statement made in Athens in December 2009, and it
fully concurs with Armenia's stance in this issue", E. Nalbandyan