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BAKU: Baku appeals to UN over separatist vote

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  • BAKU: Baku appeals to UN over separatist vote

    AzerNews Weekly, Azerbaijan
    May 21 2010

    Baku appeals to UN over separatist vote

    21-05-2010 05:23:36
    Azerbaijan's ambassador to the United Nations has sent a letter to
    the UN General Assembly condemning the so-called "parliament
    elections" planned on Sunday by the Armenia-backed separatist regime
    in Azerbaijan's occupied Upper (Nagorno) Garabagh region, according to
    the UN Information Center.
    Expressing concern over the planned vote, Ambassador Agshin Mehdiyev
    noted that Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that despite its efforts
    aiming to resolve the long-standing conflict in line with
    international law, Armenia's policy of occupation and the illegal
    actions being taken in the occupied territories indicate Yerevan's
    persistent attempts to annex the occupied land.
    `Any vote conducted in the backdrop of the ongoing aggression and
    ethnic cleansing carried out in Azerbaijan's occupied territories,
    cannot be considered legitimate and harms the previous legal status of
    these territories, which are deemed as Azerbaijan's territories under
    international law,' the letter says.
    Mehdiyev also wrote that the world community has unequivocally
    denounced all `elections' held so far in Upper Garabagh. Therefore,
    Azerbaijan is expecting the UN and its members to condemn these
    illegal actions by Armenia again.
    `This lawlessness targeting Azerbaijan's sovereignty and territorial
    integrity jeopardizes the political efforts aimed at settling the
    conflict and causes a disruption of stability in the South Caucasus
    The Garabagh conflict began in 1988 on Armenian territorial claims.
    Since the early 1990s, Armenian armed forces have occupied 20 percent
    of Azerbaijan including the Upper Garabagh region and its seven
    surrounding districts, despite four standing UN resolutions on
    unconditional pullout of Armenian troops and condemnation by a number
    of other international organizations.*