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Minister slams European body's resolution on Karabakh - state TV

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  • Minister slams European body's resolution on Karabakh - state TV

    Public Television of Armenia
    May 21 2010

    Armenian minister slams European body's resolution on Karabakh - state TV

    Armenian Foreign Minister Edvard Nalbandyan has slammed 20 May
    resolution of the European Parliament, which called for withdrawal of
    Armenian troops from "occupied Azerbaijani territories".

    "Provisions contained in the [European Parliament's] report
    [resolution on the South Caucasus], pertaining to Nagornyy Karabakh
    are not in accordance with either the Madrid principles [of the
    Karabakh settlement], the L'Aquila statement [statement of presidents
    of countries that co-chair the OSCE Minsk Group], or the Moscow
    [Meindorf] declaration, which is mentioned in the report itself,"
    Nalbandyan told the news conference.

    The European Parliament adopted resolution number 2216 on 20 May
    demanding the "withdrawal of Armenian forces from all occupied
    territories of Azerbaijan, accompanied by deployment of international
    forces, to be organized in accordance with the UN Charter in order to
    provide the necessary security guarantees during the period of
    transition. This will ensure the security of the population of
    Nagorno-Karabakh and allow the displaced persons to return to their
    homes", the official website of the European Parliament said on 20

    The Armenian foreign minister said the resolution contradicted the
    EU's position on the issue: "There is an obvious mess of the
    formulations, and I believe one of the reasons is that the author of
    the report had never been to Karabakh and to the region at the time of
    writing that report and had not consulted with even the representative
    of France, which is an EU member and a co-chair in the OSCE Minsk
    Group. For this reason some of these provisions contradict the EU's
    position as well. This position [EU's position] was expressed on
    numerous occasions; the EU's position was expressed in a quite
    extensive statement in December 2009 in Athens and this position is
    also fully in accordance with Armenia's position", Nalbandyan said at
    the news conference.