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Back in grandad's building

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  • Back in grandad's building

    Calcutta Telegraph, India
    May 22 2010

    Back in grandad's building

    - Irene happy to be home in Stephen Court after 57 days

    The granddaughter of the man whose name Stephen Court bears is back
    home in the blaze-ravaged building after 57 days.

    Irene Harris (Martin), whose grandfather was Arathoon Stephen, sat
    back on Friday evening in flat No. 27, lit a cigarette, and said:
    `It's definitely nice to be back home.'

    She and husband Jimmy ' last seen in public the day after the fire at
    Stephen Court seated on the Park Street pavement opposite their house
    (in picture) ' are busy getting their house up and running again.
    `When the house is empty, dust settles. And the servant has not come.
    So my husband and I are doing our best to put everything in order,'
    said the 84-year-old.

    Their neighbours have ensured there is water in their second-floor
    flat in wing IV, but without the lift the two senior citizens are
    confined to their home. `Both my husband and I need canes to walk. We
    cannot negotiate the stairs,' said Irene, between playing gracious
    hostess to a guest and rewinding to March 23.

    `I was sitting at home that day when a friend who was passing through
    Middleton Row called up and said `Irene there is a fire in Stephen
    Court'. I said, `What rubbish. There's never ever been a fire at
    Stephen Court'.... You see, the fire was at the other end and we
    didn't feel it inside. But it could have spread.'

    >From then on, a tiny quarters in Sir Catchick Paul Chater Home, better
    known as Armenian Home, off Park Circus was home for Irene and Jimmy.
    `This place is nice and we are very well taken care of but home is
    home,' Irene had told Metro earlier this week.

    Back in her sprawling but sparse Stephen Court flat, won't she be
    haunted by all the controversy surrounding the building her
    grandfather once owned? `That's old history,' she shrugged, before
    adding with a twinkle in her eye, `but the building does bear his name
    ' Stephen.' sp/calcutta/story_12475177.jsp