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Poverty reduction in Armenia possible through boosting agri producti

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  • Poverty reduction in Armenia possible through boosting agri producti

    Poverty reduction in Armenia possible through boosting agricultural production
    By the World Bank's estimate, poverty in Armenia may reach 27,9% in 2010.

    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Regional
    Conference for Europe and Central Asia kicked off in Marriott hotel,
    Yerevan, Armenia, on May 13, with high-ranking officials from 41 FAO
    member countries, EU (Member Organization), observers from EU Council,
    UN and Holy See of Vatican participating.

    May 17, 2010
    PanARMENIAN.Net -

    The FAO provided USD 1,8 million funding to Armenia in 2008-2009. This
    year, USD 40 thousand was provided for Nubarashen pesticide waste
    burial place research laboratory. USD 600 thousand is supposed to be
    allocated for development of seed farming, USD 2 million for upgrading
    laboratories and USD 1.6 thousand for construction of new facilities
    for cattle slaughter. Struggle against brucellosis is also among FAO
    priority programs.

    The Europe and Central Asia region has achieved striking success in
    fighting poverty and food insecurity over the last ten years, with
    agriculture playing a key role. But the international financial and
    economic crisis could threaten that process FAO Director-General
    Jacques Diouf said.

    `The financial and economic crisis could adversely affect the progress
    and the significant improvement in living standards that have been
    achieved in the region in the last decade. FAO studies have shown that
    the crisis has weakened agriculture, particularly in the countries of
    Central and East Europe. In addition, World Bank estimates show that
    Europe and Central Asia is the region that has been hit hardest by the
    crisis,' he said.

    `Since 1998, some 50 million people in the Europe and Central Asia
    region have succeeded in moving out of poverty - a striking example of
    success in fighting poverty and food insecurity. In Central Asia, the
    number of people suffering from hunger fell by 38 percent from 9.3
    million in 2000-2002 to 5.8 million in 2004-2006... Agriculture has
    played a key role. History showed that `there is no more powerful
    engine for stimulating growth and eradicating hunger and poverty than
    investment in agriculture. But sufficient financial resources were
    needed. Globally $44 billion a year of Official Development Assistance
    was required to finance modern inputs, rural infrastructures and
    technologies for the benefit of small farmers in poor countries,'
    Diouf said. `Investing in Europe and Central Asia could help resolve
    hunger in other regions of the world. It was estimated that with
    sufficient investment, nearly 10 million hectares of arable land could
    be brought back into cultivation to grow grains and oilseeds in
    Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Ukraine.'

    Diouf, who launched a major international anti-hunger campaign, the
    `1billionhungry project', to bring pressure on world leaders to pull a
    billion people out of hunger, said he is convinced that `together we
    can eliminate hunger from our planet.'

    By the World Bank's estimate, poverty in Armenia may reach 27,9% in
    2010, as a consequence of the global financial crisis.

    Hripsime Hayrapetyan / PanARMENIAN News