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Azerbaijan fails propaganda event in Moscow

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  • Azerbaijan fails propaganda event in Moscow

    Azerbaijan fails propaganda event in Moscow

    14:19 22/05/2010 » Politics

    Azerbaijan initiated a press conference on `Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    in the context of Armenian-Turkish normalization' at `RIA Novosti'
    Russian news agency in Moscow 2 days ago. Azerbaijani side was
    represented by Elkhan Nuriyev, Director of the Center for Strategic
    Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mili Mejlis
    deputy Asim Mollade and political expert Rasim Mosabekov.

    8-10 reporters were present, including 7 Azerbaijanis, with the others
    representing the Armenian side. What comes surprising is that no
    Russian reporters were present at the conference. Azerbaijani side
    said Azerbaijan is an economically powerful country and can give more
    to Karabakhi people than Armenia.

    Armenian reporters had hot discussions with the Azerbaijani side,
    which was followed by the ungrounded explanations of the latter over
    Azerbaijan's current aggressive policy. Eventually, as the press
    conference turned into hot discussions and Azeris appeared in a
    difficult condition, the organizers announced the end of the event.
