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VIZA Joins ANCA, AYF, And Cyprus Action Network To Educate And Activ

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  • VIZA Joins ANCA, AYF, And Cyprus Action Network To Educate And Activ


    Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

    NEW YORK - On May 21st and 22nd the Armenian National Committee of
    America (ANCA) Eastern Region, Armenian Youth Federation, and Cyprus
    Action Network teamed up with the music rock band "VIZA" to educate
    and activate concert-goers about current efforts to end U.S.

    complicity in Turkey's denial of the Armenian Genocide and end Turkey's
    illegal occupation of Cyprus. The organizations joined VIZA at concerts
    in New York City and Philadelphia, and had an opportunity to reach
    out and mobilize a primarily young crowd.

    "Art and music have a history of being at the forefront of social
    change," said K'noup, lead singer of VIZA. "We're always looking
    forward to working with organizations that are making positive social
    change. The groups joining us on our East Coast tour work on issues
    that the band members hold a deep connection to - with myself being
    Greek and five of them Armenian."

    The ANCA Eastern Region gathered signatures around the Armenian
    Genocide Resolution in the Senate. "By reaching out to people outside
    of our standard methods we continue to see that Armenian Genocide
    recognition is something that all Americans care about - it is not
    just an Armenian issue as some claim." said Garo Manjikian, Eastern
    Region Director of the ANCA. "The signatures we gathered will be sent
    to Senators who have not yet cosponsored the Senate Armenian Genocide
    Resolution." The list includes Pennsylvania Senators Arlen Spector and
    Robert Casey Jr. and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. Spearheaded
    by Senators Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and John Ensign (R-NV), S.Res.316
    currently has 17 cosponsors.

    "It was a rewarding experience to join the ANCA table at the VIZA
    concert, not only to enjoy the unique musical experience of this Greek
    and Armenian band and meet the many Greek and Armenian VIZA fans,
    but also to support the cause - recognition of the Armenian Genocide
    and the issue of Turkey's impunity and continued aggression to its
    neighbors," said Nikoloas Taneris, Founder of Cyprus Action Network
    of America (CANA).

    CANA gathered petition signatures calling for the arrest of Turkish
    settler Kenan Akin, who is wanted by the Cypriot police and has an
    Interpol warrant for his arrest. Akin murdered young Greek-Cypriot
    demonstrator Solomos Solomou who was attempting to take down the
    Turkish flag from a flagpole during a peaceful anti-occupation
    demonstration. "The effort to bring him to justice is especially
    symbolic of what our people are going through. Akin has been an
    official political 'candidate' as recently as last year in the illegal
    Turkish-military-occupation regime that is recognized only by Turkey.

    Not only has he escaped justice, he has publicly gloated over the
    killing in recent interviews."

    Long time activist and former Executive Director of Armenian National
    Committee of America, Western Region, Andrew Kzirian plays the
    oud (traditional Armenian instrument) for VIZA. Kzirian has been
    instrumental in bringing activism into the band's mission. "I feel
    that music and artistic expression is a fresh and appealing medium
    for educating our youth, some of whom will inevitably serve as our
    leaders of tomorrow," said Kzirian. "It is an effective supplement
    to more conventional approaches to societal change and a valuable
    way to educate the audience about what is going on the world."

    Public support for Armenian Genocide Recognition continues to grow
    through all parts of the country. Just recently the Armenian National
    Committee of Georgia, led by the Agasarkisian family, passed two
    Armenian Genocide Resolutions in the state legislature. Last week
    the Armenian National Committee of Massachusetts announced that the
    local coalition of anti-genocide activists surpassed their goal of
    10,000 signatures on their online petition at

    Picture - Garo Manjikian, ANCA Eastern Region Director and Nikoloas
    Taneris, founder of CANA at VIZA concert in Knitting Factory, New York

    From: A. Papazian