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Georgian Local Elections Focus Of Intense Scrutiny

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  • Georgian Local Elections Focus Of Intense Scrutiny

    May 25, 2010

    Georgian Local Elections Focus Of Intense Scrutiny

    On May 30, Georgians go to the polls to elect new municipal councils across
    the country and the mayor of Tbilisi. In the wake of two successive
    elections in 2008 (presidential in January and parliamentary in May) that
    many opposition parties claim were rigged, the key issue is not so much one
    of policy, or even who will win most votes where, as of procedure: will
    President Mikheil Saakashvili's United National Movement (EEM) use all the
    administrative resources at its disposal to preserve its hold on power, or
    it will it allow a vote that is truly free, fair, and democratic?

    In light of international criticism of the 2008 elections, Saakashvili has
    repeatedly stressed that the local elections must be "exemplary," and
    proceed "calmly" and "in an organized way." It is a measure of the
    importance the Georgian authorities attach to securing a positive assessment
    of the vote that they asked the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions
    and Human Rights (ODIHR) to deploy an election observation mission.

    ODIHR does not generally monitor municipal elections: it did so most
    recently in Moldova in 2007 and in Bosnia in 2008. But it is treating the
    Georgian elections as though they were national ones, and will deploy some
    200 observers.

    In all, some 38 domestic NGOs and 26 international bodies will deploy
    monitors, Caucasus Press reported on May 24. The international contingent
    includes a group from the Council of Europe's Congress of Local and Regional
    Authorities, and one from the British Embassy in Tbilisi.

    Some Georgian political figures nonetheless doubt whether the presence of
    such a large contingent of observers will deter procedural violations on
    polling day, and how incisive the criticisms of any such violations that do
    occur will be. Gogi Topadze, one of the nine candidates for Tbilisi mayor,
    told the Council of Europe observers on May 4 that "elections are rigged
    year after year. European observers come and say one and the same thing: the
    elections were held in a democratic manner, albeit with minor violations."
    Topadze said foreign observers would do better not to come at all than to
    continue to offer such assessments, Caucasus Press reported.

    A total of 36 political parties applied to participate in the local
    elections, of which the Central Election Commission registered 26; two
    subsequently withdrew. Ten of the 14 remaining parties aligned in three
    blocs. Fourteen parties or blocs registered lists of candidates for election
    (under the proportional system) to the Tbilisi municipal council.

    Nine candidates registered for the Tbilisi mayoral ballot, including
    incumbent Gigi Ugulava; former Ambassador to the UN Irakli Alasania, who now
    heads the opposition Alliance for Georgia; Zviad Dzidziguri of the
    opposition National Council bloc; and beer magnate and former legislator
    Gogi Topuria, who heads the Industry Will Save Georgia party.

    The Labor Party and former parliament speaker Nino Burjanadze's Democratic
    Movement-United Georgia declined to participate in the local elections.
    Burjanadze and Labor Party leader Shalva Natelashvili both called on other
    opposition parties to boycott rather than participate in an exercise that
    Natelashvili described as intended to "save the authorities' collective

    The 86,000-strong Armenian community of Tbilisi has expressed resentment at
    the failure of both Saakashvili's EEM and prominent opposition parties to
    include Armenian candidates on their lists for the elections to the Tbilisi

    The initial assessment of the election campaign made public on May 7 by the
    OSCE election observation mission noted that despite numerous amendments to
    the Electoral Code, most recently in December 2009, provisions remain in
    force that "allow unlimited campaigning by political officials and the use
    of administrative resources for campaign purposes." Those provisions, the
    interim report said, "do not guarantee a level playing field for all

    In an attempt to minimize, if not preclude the abuse of administrative
    resources on behalf of candidates representing the ruling party, a group of
    Georgian NGOs under the auspices of the National Democratic Institute
    drafted a memorandum on how such resources may be used. Twelve political
    parties fielding candidates in the municipal elections, including the EEM
    but not Industry Will Save Georgia and the Alliance for Georgia, signed that
    memorandum with the Central Election Commission on May 8.

    An inter-factional parliamentary group is monitoring compliance with the
    memorandum, and its head told journalists on May 19 that there have been
    infrequent isolated violations. The cases he cited were mostly of local
    representatives of the EEM threatening to withhold social benefits from
    persons who declined to pledge they would vote for EEM candidates.

    But statements by the opposition National Council suggest that there is a
    clear pattern of intimidation of its candidates, up to one dozen of whom
    have pulled out of the race, citing pressure from the authorities in the
    Kvareli, Tianeti, Sagaredjo, Lentekhi and Akhalkalaki districts, according
    to Caucasus Press on May 5 and 10.

    The National Council unites the Conservative and People's parties and former
    Prime Minister Zurab Noghaideli's movement For a Just Georgia. Noghaideli
    and Conservative leader Koba Davitashvili have both been subjected to
    widespread media vilification for traveling to Moscow to meet with Russian
    leaders in a bid to seek ways to defuse the festering tensions between the
    two countries.

    The Alliance for Georgia too has complained of pressure. The group's leader
    in the west Georgian town of Zugdidi told RFE/RL's Georgian Service on May
    11 that the pressure on its candidates began in April and steadily

    Malkhaz Khutsishvili, who heads the alliance's branch in Sighnaghi, told
    Caucasus Press on May 12 that the local authorities were extorting money
    (10,000 laris, or $5,609) from businessmen to finance the EEM's election

    Ambassador Peter Semneby, the European Union's special representative for
    Georgia, noted the focus on procedure, rather than policy issues in a recent
    interview with Semneby said that if the May 30 elections were
    conducted "well," demonstrating the development of political and democratic
    culture, it will mean that Georgia "has been able to overcome some of the
    consequences of the previous difficult situation" and is "moving towards a
    more stable institutional framework in terms of political process."

    At the same time, Semneby acknowledged that this would be only the beginning
    of a broader process that will encompass the adoption of a new constitution
    and Electoral Code. Alluding to the frequent amendments to the constitution
    since Saakashvili was first elected in January 2004, Semneby said he hoped
    the new constitution and election law "will remain in place for some time
    without being instrumentalized in the day-to-day political struggle."

    Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty © 2010 RFE/RL, Inc.

    From: A. Papazian