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Obama Trying To Make Rape Look Like Seduction

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  • Obama Trying To Make Rape Look Like Seduction

    Peter Chamberlin
    May 24 2010

    Thanks to Bush, Cheney and Condi Rice, the complex plan for world
    domination, which has been produced over several generations by the
    earth's most advanced minds, teeters over the chasm of total defeat.

    Obama's mission is to keep us out of the chasm, while ramming through
    the central elements of the plan.

    Bush's heavy-handed policies have been described in the Russian
    press as "rape," compared to Obama's policies of "seduction"
    (SEE: Turkey will show us how to play gambit with the West? Part 2
    ). Obama must persuade the people of central and south Asia to open
    wide and accept the American intrusion into their lives, despite the
    enormous anti-American resistance that has been created by previous
    Bush intrusions. It would be only fitting if, in the end, America's
    self-inflicted wounds proved to be fatal.

    Obama's foreign policy is clearly a reversal of Bush policies,
    backing-up, while staying in the same tracks and laying down a heavy
    cover fire. Those tracks lead deep into central Asia. While it now
    looks to us like nothing has really changed in the Western military
    campaign in Afghanistan, it will soon become apparent that there is
    a new military focus--central Asia.

    Obama's reversal undercuts basic Republican neoconservative ideology,
    as originally spelled-out in the PNAC (Project for a New American
    Century) document--"deterring any potential competitors from even
    aspiring to a larger regional or global role." Elevating Turkey to a
    regional power is a new twist, due to its strategic location, but even
    more, because of the role that it has played in the plans up until now.

    Turkey's role in Bush's attempted rape of the Caucasus and in
    southern Russia has previously been described by FBI whistleblower
    Sybil Edmonds . Turkey's moderate Islamists of the Fatullah Gulen
    movement have operated out of Saudi financed mosques throughout the
    former Soviet Republic, indoctrinating locals in their Wahhabi-lite
    version of Islam. These "Islamists" have stirred-up a lot of animosity
    in the region.

    Bush created a series of global proxies to take actions on America's
    behalf, giving some of them the impression that they were to be the
    next great power in the Middle East of Asia. It was enough for some
    of the minor players that they were just a part of the "winning team."

    The leaders of Turkey, India, Israel, Pakistan, even Georgia, were all
    convinced that they were America's "indispensible partners" in the new
    global alliance. Each of these national leaders became key regional
    players in the pipeline drama, even though they were all considered
    expendable in an ever-changing pipeline scheme (In truth, the neocons
    planned a classic "double-cross" for most of their partners.).

    In the endgame, it was never American intentions to empower a real
    competitor in the Middle East, key allies like India and Israel were
    being set-up for a major double-cross just like Pakistan has been
    going through on a daily basis for several years. Pakistan surely
    has its faults, but the American manipulation of those fault lines
    within Pakistan to warrant outside military intervention is the cause
    of most of their major problems today. They have been set-up for a
    very hard fall

    As the leaders of these patsy nations have come to realize the big
    set-up that they are in (mostly because of the shock of America's
    ongoing economic collapse), they have begun to wise-up to America's
    ways of forced penetration. It is rapidly becoming clear to more and
    more of them that the policies of Bush/Cheney amounted to "rape" on
    a national scale. Universal revulsion to this perception is fuelling
    the global epidemic of anti-Americanism.

    In order to reverse the damage done in this penetration, without losing
    ground in the pipeline wars, a way had to be found to capitalize
    on the gains made previously by Turkish assets. The solution was to
    transform Turkey into the latest false adversary of America.

    The quickest way to create the impression in people's minds that
    Turkey and America have parted ways is for the Turkish Prime Minister
    to publicly pick a fight with Israel. No one comes between the Zionist
    American administration and Israel. What better way to send a false
    signal to the world?

    Turkey next cancelled the yearly war games with Israel. The
    Democrat-controlled US House of Representatives next passed
    a resolution accusing Turkey of "genocide" for the slaughter of
    thousands of Armenians in WWI. These acts created the impression that
    the Turkish position had really changed. Erdogan was considered from
    that time to be his own man, freed from US clutches. Nothing could
    have been further from the truth.

    Turkey, the world's only "moderate Muslim" state, would play its new
    designated adversary role, even while serving as Obama's proxy. The
    Empire's battery of behavioral scientists determined that the Muslim
    countries of the former Ottoman Empire would not likely push away
    the more familiar Turkish suitor. Recep Tayyip Erdogan would serve
    as Barack Obama's Miles Standish , sent forth to woo the Muslim world
    on his behalf.

    Mr. Erdogan is a maverick. He is a "moderate Muslim," a living example
    of "democratic Islam." Only Turkey could have produced this "new Muslim
    man," living proof that democracy and Islam are not incompatible. The
    children of Ataturk have endured a split society for generations,
    part of it secular, but most of it very religious.

    Turkey has been for isolated for decades, sandwiched between East
    and West, ostracized by the Muslim world for embracing secularism,
    while its leadership hungered for NATO membership. This awkward
    relationship between two civilizations has made Turkey an incubator
    for "political Islam."

    It is possible that all of this speculation is dead wrong--that
    Erdogan really has turned against the United States. But in this
    American-dominated capitalistic world, it would be political suicide
    in the international arena to defect from the American side. It is
    more likely that mafia rules apply for national political leaders
    just as much as they apply to the real "Cosa Nostra"--the biggest,
    meanest thug gets whatever he wants. It may not be apparent to the
    naked eye, but Barack Obama will prove to have been the biggest
    "thug" on the planet. Blackmail and not profit is a more probable
    explanation for Erdogan's sudden behavior change. He may simply
    be trying to save Turkey from American blackmail over the Armenian
    "genocide" issue (an explosive issue with the real potential to cause
    Turkey's self-destruction).

    For whatever hidden reasons, he is now riding a wave of
    anti-Americanism while playing foil to America. In this role, he
    is not only helping the US to get its way with the Muslim world,
    but also to obtain Russian help in breaking through the national
    social barriers to the multiple pipeline projects that have so far
    proven to be unsolvable. By entering into partnerships with Russia,
    it is hoped that he can become the key to unlocking the impasse between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan, over Nagorno-Karabakh, so that more economical
    southern pipeline routes from Baku to Turkey (which bypass Georgia)
    can be opened.

    For the most part, there is already full cooperation on pipeline
    development. We are understandably mistaken to believe that news
    reports on energy-related issues which concern both Russia and America
    are about real areas of conflict or confrontation between East and
    West. The conflict arises from efforts to integrate the separate
    pipeline plans of Moscow and Washington.

    The integration of systems of political control and supply creates
    friction which is vented in social protests which erupt whenever
    locals (who have always been accustomed to state-controlled prices)
    experience real capitalist inflation.

    In many ways, Russian/Soviet systems of supply and security have
    already found integration into the Western UN security structure
    (SEE: The Implications of UN-CSTO Cooperation ):

    [Beginning in March] "the Russia-dominated security group and the
    United Nations would henceforth cooperate in countering terrorism,
    transnational crime (including illegal arms trafficking), and in
    settling conflicts."

    Confrontations occur whenever the security arrangements of East and
    West overlap, as they do in Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Ukraine.

    Development of Asian fuels will require the breaking-down of borders
    and the simultaneous maintenance of security; this cannot happen
    if both sides keep throwing-up new military boundaries that impede

    American and Russian leaders have come to a quiet understanding,
    arriving at a common strategy, intended to persuade the people of
    the world to accept the globalist plans. Their idea was to maintain
    perceptions of an "adversarial relationship," while quietly entering
    into joint projects together through third parties. They would ease
    East and West together by focusing their merging strategies upon a
    leader who is a product of both worlds, Turkish P.M. Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan. He truly represents both sides.

    Instead of open conflict over any of these national issues, the US and
    Russia can now defuse regional tensions. Erdogan has been made into
    a lightening rod for outrage, as well as a grounding force to pull
    all things together. By carefully following the American military
    science of the "strategy of tension," explosive potential conflicts
    can be defused or turned into opportunities. Threat levels are elevate
    at first, then allowed to play-out in a controlled manner, keeping
    deaths to an acceptable level. We see this process see at work in the
    political conflict zones, playing-out in little psycho-dramas intended
    to captivate and misdirect the locals into manageable conflicts.

    These political dramas often cross the lines separating political
    action from outright terrorism, enabling their misinterpretation by
    the population at large as real outright conflicts. Deception and
    misdirection of the target population accomplish the task of creating
    a "false trail," to throw-off any real investigations of the hidden
    big picture.

    The hidden picture is this--There are no real wars anymore; there is
    only profit. "Enemies" are not really military adversaries; they are
    either assets or competitors. Russia and America do not really work
    against each other's interests--ANYWHERE. If we think that Putin
    and Obama (or even Brzezinski) are head-to-head in a "chess match"
    for world domination--guess again. There is only the illusion of
    competition; it is useful for misleading the locals.

    Consider the Armenian/Azerbaijan contest--where alleged competitor
    pipeline projects Nabucco and South Stream vie for access to Caspian
    Sea gas. Even though both sides use Turkey in an apparent contest
    between competing pipelines, both pipelines will transit Turkey on
    their way to Europe. The big illusion is that Russia is seriously
    trying to break the impasse over Nagorno-Karabakh in order to cut
    America's throat. There is zero chance that Putin will turn against
    Armenia to force a resolution, considering that Russia's only military
    base in the S. Caucasus region is located there.

    Everyone wants to see the energy harvested from central Asia. The
    United States and Russia both want to gain total control of the world
    and together put an end to the endless cycles of petty conflicts
    which deplete limited resources. The US wants control of every market.

    Russia wants to be accepted as the world's primary energy supplier,
    selling gas, oil and nuclear energy to the developing world.

    All media-driven disputes in this region should be considered political
    theater. Having said this, some major media events are not driven
    by the media, but by the events themselves, or by the players in
    them. Sometimes, one side in these violent political dramas goes
    too far, requiring the "false opposition" to suddenly become very
    real. One such event was the Georgian war on S. Ossetia. Mikhail
    Saakashvili went way too far, threatening to cut Russian supply lines
    through the Caucasus Mountains at the Roki Tunnel.

    The latest case of one side going too far in central Asia is the
    United States in Kyrgyzstan. US pressure to take control of the
    country to secure the northern end of the NDN (Northern Distribution
    Network) drove Putin and Medvedev to act. In spite of all the happy
    talk coming out of Washington and Brussels lately about a "reboot"
    of American/Russian relations, Vladimir Putin is playing to win
    in Kyrgyzstan, just as he was in South Ossetia. While Obama may be
    turning away from the brutish tactics of Bush and Cheney, Putin seems
    to be ready for an old fashioned fist fight.

    Neither Obama nor his mentor Brzezinski (not to mention the
    conventional forces of the United States), appears to be in shape
    for a knock-down, drag-out in the Ferghana Valley.

    The Kyrgyz people, who are trapped in ringside seats, have no way of
    escaping the turmoil that these antagonists may have planned there.

    Yesterday, anti-Uzbek, anti-government violence escalated into open
    street war, with each side fielding several thousand combatants. This
    pent-up tension exploded when Naftogas cut the gas going to south
    Kyrgyzstan by 50%. Rioting centered around the Uzbek university in
    Osh, the one city which also happens to be the location of the only
    Russian military base in that country. It is no coincidence that the
    communist-inspired riots focused upon Russia's allies the Uzbeks,
    occured near a Russian air base. Any communist agitator will tell you
    that the quickest way to gain properly motivated allies to your cause
    is to stage attacks upon your own people or allies--a traditional
    "false flag" attack. By bringing-down rage upon the Uzbeks within
    Kyrgyzstan, support for Bakyiev's cause was given stimulus to grow.

    So, even if the Kyrgyz situation does represent a point of disagreement
    between Putin and Obama, it still comes full-circle, with the rioting
    bringing support to the Kyrgyz opposition. By building the forces of
    opposition, it also pushes the country to civil war.

    Civil war destabilizes the entire region--good for American plans.

    With America playing the "bad cop," instead of Russia, the historical
    antagonisms between the former Soviets and their former clients is
    temporarily pushed aside.

    Learning to see.

    Civilization is simply a cowed population. Americans are the most
    cowed of all human livestock.

    The New World Order will come about, but only when East and West
    come together. That merger will either result in a harmonious world
    of limitless opportunity, or it will bring-about the global police
    state; it is within our power to choose the happy ending and the
    new beginning.

    We the People of Planet Earth must assert our people power to ensure
    that the order which comes out of this coming together is respective of
    all of our God-given rights as human beings. Failure to stand together
    to protect all human rights in any global agreements which come about
    will lead to a world where there are no protected individual rights
    against the power of the almighty "Corporation."

    Our leaders are not fools; they know the same things that we know
    (and so much more). They understand that humankind stands on the
    threshold of the great awakening. In their eyes, that new day can
    only come about through selective intelligent application of force,
    to establish total control over all our lives. What they fail to
    understand or to accept is that the keys to our survival lie within
    us. It is human creativity that holds the power to effect all change,
    and it, above all, must be set free.

    Human nature itself must be changed and that cannot come about
    through force.

    From: A. Papazian