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Sochi Olympics Offer A Lever On Russia And Rights

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  • Sochi Olympics Offer A Lever On Russia And Rights

    Kurt Volker

    Washington Post
    May 25 2010

    With summer arriving, it might seem early to be thinking through the
    politics of the 2014 Winter Olympics. But the next Winter Games are to
    be held in Sochi, Russia, just a few miles from Abkhazia, a territory
    Russia broke off from Georgia by military force in 2008. Simply put,
    this will be tricky. Preparations need to begin as soon as possible.

    Few are suggesting that the United States and Europe boycott the Sochi
    Games, a la Moscow in 1980. But attending the 2014 Olympics under
    today's circumstances would make all of us complicit in cementing
    in practice Russia's changing European borders by force, even if we
    reject those changes in principle.

    Imagine the practicalities. Abkhazia is a part of sovereign Georgian
    territory according to every country in the world except Russia,
    Venezuela, Nicaragua and Nauru. Already, Olympic construction workers
    are being housed in Abkhazia. By 2014, we could see housing for
    tourists, regular border crossings between Russia and Abkhazia without
    a hint of Georgian sovereignty, high-visibility symbols of Abkhaz
    "statehood" such as flags and travel documents, and the presence of
    the Abkhaz and South Ossetian "presidents" at Olympic ceremonies --
    alongside U.S. and European leaders.

    To avoid the unpalatable choices of boycott or complicity, the United
    States and Europe should get to work on a third possibility: that the
    Sochi Olympics could become a catalyst for resolving long-standing
    conflicts, bringing the Caucasus region into the 21st century.

    Russia's interest in a successful Olympics -- an interest that we
    share -- should be a powerful incentive for consigning to history
    Moscow's zero-sum, divide-and-rule approach to the Caucasus. This
    would surely be the best outcome for the states and peoples in the
    region, for Moscow, for the athletes and for the Olympics.

    To get there, four steps come to mind:

    First, we need to be clear that in today's Europe, the change of
    borders by force will not be recognized. Diplomacy should begin now
    so that at this autumn's NATO and U.S.-E.U. summit meetings, we can
    agree on a formal non-recognition policy pertaining to Abkhazia and
    Georgia's other breakaway province, South Ossetia.

    Although details can be fine-tuned, such a policy could encompass:
    non-recognition of statehood; non-acceptance of travel documents issued
    by the two territories; no official travel to these areas unless the
    access is from Georgian territory; no investment in, or trade with,
    business entities based in these territories; and no U.S.

    or E.U. visas for officials of the breakaway governments, unless it
    is on terms the United States and Europe decide upon. But it should
    be equally clear that the West is prepared to lift these policies
    quickly should there be agreement with Georgia on internationally
    supervised autonomy.

    Second, in parallel with a non-recognition policy, the United States
    and Europe should give a renewed push to the Geneva process of
    negotiations over Abkhazia and South Ossetia. First launched after
    the E.U.-brokered cease-fire in 2008, the talks are foundering. The
    United States hit the reset button in early 2009; it is time for
    Russia to reset as well.

    Third, efforts should be reenergized to resolve the region's other
    major conflict: the Nagorno-Karabakh territory, which is disputed by
    Armenia and Azerbaijan. This is an issue on which Russia, the United
    States and Europe have been working together well for years, and the
    outlines of a possible settlement have long been on the table. An
    Azeri-Armenian settlement could spur travel, trade, investment
    and economic prosperity in the region. A ministerial meeting of
    the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's Minsk
    group, led by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian Foreign
    Minister Sergei Lavrov, should be convened to renew pressure toward
    a settlement.

    Fourth, the OSCE, the European Union and the United States should
    put far greater resources into strengthening democratic institutions,
    supporting nongovernmental organizations, monitoring conflict zones,
    fighting corruption and building trade and investment throughout
    the Caucasus. The next elections in Georgia -- where democratic
    institutions are strongest, though still fragile -- should be heavily
    monitored to make them as clean as possible. We should step up calls
    for genuine democratic processes in Azerbaijan and Armenia. Washington
    should increase Freedom Support Act funding and team up with the E.U.

    Eastern Partnership initiative. Healthy political and economic
    development will increase incentives for resolving conflicts and
    serve as a magnet for breakaway territories to seek closer integration.

    If the United States and Europe do nothing, we will surely face an
    untenable situation in 2014. But by acting now, we can stake out a
    position based on democratic values and increase the prospects for
    reaching long-term solutions well before the Sochi Games.

    Kurt Volker, U.S. ambassador to NATO from July 2008 to May 2009, is
    managing director of the Center on Transatlantic Relations at Johns
    Hopkins University and a senior adviser at the Atlantic Council of
    the United States.

    From: A. Papazian