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Nagorno Karabakh Mediators Say They Recognize Democracy In NKR

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  • Nagorno Karabakh Mediators Say They Recognize Democracy In NKR

    Armen Hareyan
    May 25 2010

    OSCE Minsk Group, which consists of the representatives of The
    United States, France and Russia said they "understand the need"
    for holding parliamentary elections in Nagorno Karabakh Republic as a
    way of providing good governance for Karabakh people. While Armenia
    has strongly supported the democratic elections in NKR, Azerbaijan
    has called it illegal.

    The European Union has also called it illegal as Nagorno Karabakh's
    Republic is not recognized state and has broken away from Azerbaijan
    22 years ago voting for independence. However, Catherine Ashton, High
    Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security
    Policy, reiterated EU's "firm support to the OSCE Minsk-Group and the
    work of the three Co-chairs and their efforts towards a settlement
    of the conflict." She also said in a statement that EU is ready to
    further support to this end.

    Now let's see what the Minsk-Group has said about yesterday's
    parliamentary elections in Nagorno Karabakh. "Although the Co-Chairs
    understand the need for the de facto authorities in NK to try to
    organize democratically the public life of their population with
    such a procedure, they underscore again that Nagorno-Karabakh is not
    recognized as an independent and sovereign state by any of their three
    countries, nor by any other country, including Armenia," co-chairs
    said in a statement published on OSCE's website.

    Mediators go little further saying this parliamentary election in
    Nagorno Karabakh cannot pre-empt the solution to the conflict. While
    this is understood, let's see what exactly the co-charis say.

    First, the countries that mediate the Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    between Azerbaijan and Armenia do acknowledge the "de facto
    authorities" of the republic. This naturally makes the authorities
    as a conflict party, something that Azerbaijan denies and prefers
    to negotiate only with Armenia. Second, is the important that Minsk
    group co-chairs "understand the need" for organizing the public life
    of the population. The third is very important: co-chairs understand
    the need to organize the public life "democratically."

    No serious violation has been registered or report in Nagorno Karabakh
    vote. While the negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia continue,
    Nagorno Karabakh made another big step toward proving that it is able
    to self-govern itself in a very democratic way providing freedom for
    its population.

    The interest is growing to the ability of Nagorno Karabakh to function
    as an independent democratic state. If this state is indeed making
    such great headway in organizing its public life in a democratic way,
    it is really good for the entire region. While Nagorno Karabakh is not
    recognized country, it is a democratic state and it is in Europe's,
    Russia's and United States' interest to support and strengthen this

    There were more than 100 international observers monitoring the vote.

    The statement issued by the Russian observing mission read that
    the Nagorno Karabakh election was "legitimate, open, democratic,
    transparent, fully responsible to the Electoral Code of NKR and all
    the highest international standards for democratic elections." It
    further stresses that the parliamentary elections were held in an
    atmosphere of free political competition.

    From: A. Papazian