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BAKU: "Russia Has Come Up With Its Own Formula Of Liberation Of Regi

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  • BAKU: "Russia Has Come Up With Its Own Formula Of Liberation Of Regi


    May 25 2010

    Day.Az interview with Azerbaijani political analyst Mubariz Ahmadoglu.

    In its recent resolution, the European Parliament unequivocally
    reaffirmed its support for Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. May we
    conclude that from now on the European Parliament will treat Armenia
    as an aggressor in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?

    In fact, Europeans said publicly what they have always said during
    private meetings behind closed doors with the Azerbaijani leadership.

    During official meetings in Baku they said Azerbaijan's territorial
    integrity must be restored.

    Today, three documents are in the center of attention. The first is
    the recommendation of the U.S. Department to its citizens, even the
    citizens of Armenian nationality, not to visit Nagorno-Karabakh. The
    second is a resolution in which the European Parliament reiterated
    a need to restore Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and withdrawal
    of Armenian occupying forces. The third one is a statement made by EU
    High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine
    Ashton that the EU recognizes neither "NKR" nor fake "presidential
    election" in the occupied territories.

    Armenia has not yet expressed its attitude to the updated Madrid
    Principles. Usually, a country that ignores international initiatives
    to restore peace and security, has sanctions imposed against it. Why
    does not it happen with Armenia?

    Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian, a person close to Serge Sargsyan,
    said that Armenia has refused to liberate the Azerbaijani territories,
    which can be assessed as a refusal to adopt the updated Madrid
    principles. Armenia is not going to withdraw from our lands. Now we
    must wait for reaction of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs.

    There are two possible scenario of events. The first is that co-chairs
    may simply announce the updated basic principles as adopted, and such
    a precedent exists. For example, after the Group of Eight summit in
    L'Aquila in July 2009, three co-chair revealed the updated Madrid
    principles. Armenia said that some items have been included to the
    document without Armenia's consent. The Armenian authorities stated
    that they learned about some points after the document was made public.

    It is possible that during the upcoming meeting with Azerbaijani
    Foreign Minister, co-chairs will say the updated Madrid principles
    have been adopted. By the way, Serzh Sargsyan, has recently stated
    that the Karabakh conflict settlement depends not only on Armenia.

    Possibly, Armenia expects this scenario to happen.

    Second possible scenario is that the Minsk Group co-chairs will submit
    the updated principles to the UN Security Council, which will adopt
    5th resolution on the Karabakh conflict. As a result, Armenia will be
    imposed sanctions as a party refraining from the conflict settlement.

    I think that the first option seems more realistic. To calm down
    Azerbaijan, the co-chairs will announce updated Madrid principles
    adopted, and then through their own channels will exert pressure on
    Armenia so that it will adopt the document.

    If the European Parliament recognizes the territorial integrity,
    accordingly it recognizes the right to protect national borders. In
    this situation, Azerbaijan has even more reason to start a military
    operation to liberate its territories...

    According to Article 51 of item 7 of the UN Charter, Azerbaijan
    retains a right to restore its territorial integrity by force.

    Azerbaijan is working in parallel on all fronts. We have convinced the
    world public by political means that Armenia ignores all international
    norms. Now everyone knows how hypocritical the power in Yerevan is.

    In the meantime, Azerbaijan is rapidly developing its defense
    capabilities and increasing the combat potential of the armed forces.

    The National Army is fully prepared to fulfill the mission to restore
    the sovereignty throughout its territory. While the Azerbaijani Foreign
    Ministry awaits a response from the OSCE, the Ministry of Defense of
    Azerbaijan is in full swing preparing in event the response of the
    Minsk Group is not satisfactory.

    In your opinion, what is the logic of the policy of the Armenian
    authorities? Maybe Armenian authorities fear that they will have
    problems at home if they agree to resolve the conflict by peaceful

    Armenia won the first phase of the war due to the arms delivered to
    the country under the guise of humanitarian aid after the collapse of
    the Soviet Union. But they do not want to understand that since then
    everything has changed, and now the threat is looming over Armenia.

    In your opinion, how can Armenia's role of outpost be helpful?

    Armenia is ready to satisfy Russia's any whim so that Moscow would
    support the Armenian position on Karabakh issue. But Armenia's current
    policy is contrary to regional policy in Russia.

    In your opinion, are conflict resolution formulas 2+3+2, 5+2 etc.

    reported by media recently true?

    They are quite well-grounded. Earlier, former OSCE Minsk Group co-chair
    Matthew Bryza said that liberation of seven regions is being discussed
    among other proposals. Russian has come up with its own formula of
    liberation of regions around Nagorno Karabakh. But the Armenians are
    silent about this. I think that talks about the formula, under which
    Azerbaijani regions will be liberated, are well-grounded.

    From: A. Papazian