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Russia, The USA And France Have Already Recognized The Right Of Peop

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  • Russia, The USA And France Have Already Recognized The Right Of Peop

    David Stepanyan

    2010-05-25 12:39:00

    Interview of vice-speaker of Armenian National Assembly Samvel Nikoyan
    with ArmInfo News Agency

    Mr. Nikoyan, does the warming of Russian-Turkish relations in
    the context of Ankara's vain attempts to recover the "territorial
    integrity" of Azerbaijan put the Armenian authorities on their guard?

    Further processes will show, of course, if the Russian-Turkish
    relations will impact the Karabakh peace process. Exchanging
    the centuries-old strategic relations of Armenia and Russia with
    cooperation in energy sector or temporary tactical steps is simply
    inadmissible. The point is that Russia, the USA and France - three
    intermediaries of the Minsk Group separately, have recognized the
    right of people for self-determination prevailing over the principle
    of territorial integrity. Russia did it when it recognized Abkhazia
    and Ossetia; France and the USA - having recognized independence of
    Kosovo. For this reason, one can say that each of these countries
    considers its priority the right of peoples for self-determination. I
    also think that double standards and lie of some diplomats may
    reach such a level when saying one thing in case of Kosovo, Abkhazia
    and Ossetia, they could say something opposite in case of Nagorny
    Karabakh. So, I do not think that it may have real consequences for
    the process.

    PACE Chairman Mevlut Cavusoglu has recently visited Armenia. How much
    his appointment may affect Armenia-PACE relations?

    I do not think that this may somehow affect our relations, however,
    we have to understand the most important thing: Cavusoglu is not
    a European official for us. This man is a Turk, first of all, who
    protects Turkey's interests. Consequently, none of us should have
    illusions that he may exceed the circle of his national interests
    and protect the Europe-wide values.

    Opinions are still voiced in Armenia saying we must recall the
    signatures from under the Protocols after suspension of their
    ratification. How much is it correct and possible today?

    President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan has exactly announced the country's
    stance saying that Armenia may recall its signatures from under the
    Protocols if Turkey continues linking normalization of relations with
    Armenia to the Karabakh conflict resolution. Armenia has not resorted
    to that only because it respects its partners, the world community and
    their authority. After all, all the super powers have shared and keep
    on sharing Armenia's viewpoints, whereas Turkey still prefers words
    to specific steps. Turkey's statements often become silly. They in
    Ankara have already begun speaking about opening of borders to Armenia
    and even the open borders between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Actually,
    what Turkey can do today is to establish diplomatic relations with
    Armenia and open the borders without preconditions, because it was
    Turks that closed the borders but not Armenia. It is not Armenia that
    must make concessions. Turkey has neither powers and nor possibilities
    in the Karabakh peace process for it is not a mediator or impartial in
    the issue. All the recent information tricks by Turkey regarding the
    "sooner yielding" of Kelbajar and Fizoulu, are just silly. I think
    that all these endeavors are nothing but propaganda. They disseminate
    misinformation and began trusting in it, then the Armenian party
    refutes it and Turkey falls into deep disappointment and blames
    everyone for the biased attitude to Azerbaijan.

    By the way, as for Azerbaijan, they in Baku have recently started
    discussing some renovated and coordinated Madrid principles. Do they
    really exist?

    Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan has recently expressed
    the official viewpoint of the Armenian authorities saying there are no
    renovated Madrid principles. Actually, we mean the Madrid principles
    which consist of 6 points which were already published. There is
    the joint statement by the OSCE foreign ministers, signed by all the
    ministers, according to which the Karabakh conflict should be resolved
    taking into account the right of peoples for self-determination,
    territorial integrity and non-application of force or threat. All the
    rest proposals do not meet reality and Armenia is not going to discuss
    them or comment on them, this is not a problem of the Armenian party.

    The world has to finally understand a simple reality, that having
    no evident privilege the principles of the right of peoples for
    self-determination and territorial integrity are regarding the states
    recognized by the UN in these borders. As for the principle - the right
    of peoples for self-determination, the right of peoples for getting
    independence has been recognized. Much is said about contradiction of
    these two principles, but I think they are not so much contradictory
    and settle absolutely different problems. I think that in Azerbaijan
    as well they should understand this simple truth.

    They in Georgia and Azerbaijan, are trying to connect discontent of the
    Javakhq population with Armenia. What is the basis for these attempts
    and what is the actual stance of the Armenian authorities today?

    Obviously, by such efforts Azerbaijan is trying to preserve the
    union with Georgia on the strong basis of common interests. Hereby,
    Baku is trying to create a strong tandem Georgia-Azerbaijan in the
    South Caucasus naturally directed against Armenia. I think that the
    Georgian authorities are aware that the official position of Yerevan
    on Javakhq is the only right position. We think that the problems of
    that region in Georgia populated with Armenians are connected only with
    human rights protection and fulfillment of Georgia's commitments to
    the Council of Europe and other similar issues. Armenian authorities
    have not demanded anything else from Georgia. Public organizations in
    Armenia and Javakhq constantly criticize such stance of Yerevan. It
    is simply senseless to look for other claims of Armenia to Georgia.

    From: A. Papazian