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Trilateral Meeting In Sochi Or Another Turkish Newspaper Hoax?

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  • Trilateral Meeting In Sochi Or Another Turkish Newspaper Hoax?


    Trilateral meeting of Vladimir Putin, Serzh Sargsyan and Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan over Nagorno-Karabakh is possible next month, the Chairman
    of Turkey Centre for International Relations and Strategic Analysis
    TURKSAM Sinan Ogan said in an interview to Russian "Expert" periodical.

    Answering Russian reporter's question on why Zurich protocols failed,
    the Turkish expert particularly said: "The thing is the government
    hadn't foreseen the opinion of the Turkish society. Turkish society
    greatly signifies Azerbaijan's role, hence, if Karabakh issue is not
    settled, the dead point of the process will hardly revive. Trilateral
    meeting of Vladimir Putin, Serzh Sargsyan and Recep Tayyip Erdogan over
    Nagorno-Karabakh is possible in Sochi next month. Another issue over
    the current situation is Armenia's approach. Most powers think that if
    they have been able to live with close borders for 17 years, they can
    do so a little while more. They consider the probability that Turkey
    may recognize the Armenian genocide in 2015, its 100th anniversary."

    It's hard to say how Sinan Ogan could foresee the possibility of
    the trilateral meeting, what is more, the possibility of a meeting
    on Nagorno-Karabakh. Anyway, neither any official nor non-official
    information has been published by now. What comes interesting here is
    that the Turkish expert does not mention Azerbaijani representatives
    among the participating sides of the meeting, as if to discuss
    Karabakh. Apparently, Ankara has decided to take on Karabakh issue
    so seriously, they have considered Azerbaijan's participation in the
    talks unnecessary (naturally, due to Baku disconstructive disposition).

    To be more serious, it's quite absurd to imagine Armenia having any
    discussions on Nagorno-Karabakh peaceful settlement outside OSCE Minsk
    group format. So, apparently, to spread another instigating piece
    of information, this time Turkish propaganda machine uses Russian
    information platforms.

    Remind that earlier this kind of newspaper hoaxes were circulated in
    Azerbaijani and Turkish media.

    From: A. Papazian