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Azerbaijani Media Still Trying To Justify Their Defeat

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  • Azerbaijani Media Still Trying To Justify Their Defeat

    Marina Ananikyan

    November 3, 2010

    The best thing Azerbaijani journalists can do is to accept the reality
    and think over their unworthy behavior.

    Azerbaijani media representatives do not give up attempts to justify
    their defeat at the 17th exhibition festival of press and news agencies
    in Tehran.

    It's extremely interesting to watch desperate and inconsequent efforts
    to authorize the barbarian methods of problem resolution they inherited
    from nomad predecessors.

    Azerbaijani journalists do not break off the habit of laying the blame
    at someone else's doorstep. They seem to have forgotten about their
    own threats to boycott the exhibition in case the photograph of We
    and Our Mountains Armenian monument is stuck back to the Armenian
    stand and slammed the decision of the Armenian delegation to quit
    participation in the event as "stupid".

    Although it's obvious that should the photograph be returned to its
    place, the Azerbaijani delegation would not cease its participation in
    "such an internationally important event, where media representatives
    from over 50 countries gather" [quotation from Azeri media reports].

    As for Turkish delegation, they would hardly spoil relations with
    their Iranian colleagues because of "younger brothers and sisters."

    Accusations of some Azeri media that the "Armenian journalists are
    scared to enter in competition with their Azerbaijani colleagues,
    who achieved progress in dismissing Armenian propaganda lies"
    are ridiculous.

    Competition implies civilized manners to resolve problems, which
    still remains unknown for our "neighbors." A question arouses: can
    men's aggressive attacks at two young girls representing Armenia
    at the exhibition be described as civilized? Or can the offences of
    Azerbaijani female journalists whose voice range can be compared to
    that of boisterous women be called a well-bred speech? Certainly NO!

    Moreover, competition can hardly suggest tearing off the Armenian
    map from the stand.

    Delayed attempts to justify such unworthy behavior will have no
    result. Azerbaijani journalists could not suppose that Yekaterina
    Poghosyan and Hasmik Harutyunyan were not easily frightened and did
    not surrender either to numerical superiority of Azeris or their

    So, the best thing Azerbaijani journalists can do is to accept the
    reality and think over their behavior.

    A photograph of Artsakh's symbol - We and Our Mountains memorial
    - which was featured in the Armenian pavilion at the 17th media
    exhibition in Tehran, where Armenia is represented by PanARMENIAN.Net
    news agency and Azg newspaper, aroused indignation of the Azerbaijani
    delegation. While the correspondents from PanARMENIAN.Net and Azg were
    preparing their pavilion for opening, the Azerbaijanis were closely
    following the action. After the map of Armenia and Artsakh Republic
    was stuck to the stand, they first demanded that the map and the image
    of the monument should be removed but then, without waiting for any
    decision by the exhibition management, one of them burst into the
    pavilion and tore away the map. It's also worth mentioning that the
    Azerbaijanis called the Turkish delegation to protect their interests.

    Attempts to draw the infuriated Azerbaijani aside attracted attention
    of a dozen of foreign attendees.

    The next morning the Armenian journalists saw that the photograph of
    the monument was removed from the stand.

    The event organizers stated that the photograph of the monument will
    be returned to its place, while the Azerbaijanis were warned to stay
    away from the Armenian pavilion. However, the promise was not kept.

    As a result, the Armenian delegation took the decision to boycott the
    exhibition, issuing the following statement of explanation: "Dear
    colleagues, we, the correspondents of PanARMENIAN.Net news agency
    and Azg newspaper, representing Armenia at the exhibition festival of
    press and information agencies, apologize for ceasing our participation
    over the unsatisfactory organization of the event, during which media
    freedom is being infringed and limitations are imposed on materials
    providing information about our country. We express our indignation at
    the fact that the exhibition organizers disallow placement of We and
    Our Mountains monument image on our stand, thus yielding to provocative
    acts of the Azerbaijani delegation, which used the event to push on
    anti-Armenian propaganda and claims to the historical Armenian land,
    Artsakh. With the exhibition organizers failing to keep their promise
    and return the photograph of the monument to the Armenian pavilion
    as well as to ensure security of the Armenian delegation, we consider
    our further participation in the event to be impossible."

    Thanks to assistance of Armenian Ambassador to Tehran Grigor Arakelyan,
    the Armenian journalists will come back to Yerevan on the night of
    October 30, several days prior to the scheduled date of return.

    From: A. Papazian