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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 11/11/2010

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 11/11/2010

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 686-0710
    Fax: (212) 779-3558
    Email: [email protected]

    TOP STORY November 11,

    His Holiness Karekin II in prayer at Holy Etchmiadzin.

    _His Holiness Karekin II: 11 Years of Spiritual Service _

    On Sunday, November 7, a special service was held at Holy Etchmiadzin in
    celebration of the 11th anniversary of the enthronement of His Holiness
    Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.

    Bishop Artak Tigranian celebrated the Divine Liturgy. At the conclusion of
    services, an Order of Special Prayer for the Catholicos was held. Diocesan
    Primates and members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin gathered to
    congratulate His Holiness.

    `Holy Etchmiadzin, established by our Lord Jesus Christ, with her
    Catholicos, is the life-giving and everlasting fountainhead of the
    Armenians,' Bishop Tigranian said in his sermon. `The spiritual authority of
    the Mother See extends and spreads worldwide to the Armenian nation and

    At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, His Holiness Karekin II extended
    his blessings to the faithful.

    Eleven years ago, the National Ecclesiastical Assembly elected His Holiness
    Karekin II as the 132nd Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.
    His Holiness was consecrated and enthroned as the successor to St. Gregory
    the Illuminator in a majestic ceremony at the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin
    on November 4, 1999.

    _Primate Attends Meetings in Armenia and Jerusalem _

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church
    of America (Eastern), departed for Holy Etchmiadzin this week, where he will
    participate in a meeting of the Supreme Spiritual Council.

    The Supreme Spiritual Council is the highest executive body of the Armenian
    Church, comprised of clergy and lay members. It convenes under the
    presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos
    of All Armenians.

    Following the meeting at Holy Etchmiadzin, Archbishop Barsamian will travel
    to the Holy Land, where he will attend a meeting of the St. James
    Brotherhood at the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

    Scripture of the Week

    Is 25:9-26:7
    Phil 1:1-11
    Lk 9:44-50

    Prayer of the week

    Jesus, Wisdom of the Father, grant me wisdom, that I may, at all times,
    think, speak, and do before you that which is good in your sight. And save
    me from evil thoughts, words, and deeds. Have mercy upon your creatures, and
    upon me, a great sinner. Amen.

    Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    _20 November:_ Feast of All Saints, Old and New, Known and Unknown

    _21_ _November:_ Presentation of the Holy Mother-of-God to the Temple;
    Barekendan of the Fast of Advent


    The Vaskenian Theological Seminary was established in 1990.

    _Vaskenian Seminary Celebrates 20th Anniversary _

    On Thursday, November 4, His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and
    Catholicos of All Armenians, presided over a celebration dedicated to the
    20th anniversary of the Vaskenian Theological Seminary.

    Clergy, seminarians, faculty members, seminary benefactors, government
    officials, and guests took part in the event, which was held at the
    Pontifical Residence of Holy Etchmiadzin.

    Located in Sevan, Armenia, the Vaskenian Theological Seminary was
    established in 1990 by His Holiness Karekin II, who was then the Primate of
    the Araratian Diocese in Armenia. The institution bears the name of His
    Holiness Vasken I, the late Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All

    At this month's celebration, His Holiness Karekin II offered a prayer asking
    that `our spiritual seminaries nurture priests who will justify the hopes of
    our nation and realize the oath which will glorify the name of His Holiness
    Vasken I of blessed memory. May God send His blessings that the seminary
    keep the name and sacred memory of our beloved Pontiff vibrant."

    Since its inception, 142 young men have graduated from the seminary.

    [4]Click here to read more.


    _Annual Appeal: Track Our Progress
    Since the launch of the 2010 Annual Appeal this fall, generous supporters
    have contributed $323,659 to the effort ([5]click here to track our

    We are almost halfway to reaching _our goal of raising $750,000_ to help our
    Diocese meet its budgetary needs. And we need your help.

    For our 2010 Diocesan Appeal, a generous donor has issued a `Matching
    Contribution Initiative.' The donor has agreed to contribute up to
    $100,000-_matching dollar-for-dollar every contribution received by the
    Diocese this fall!_

    Our success depends on donations large and small, from people who want to
    seize this opportunity to _double the impact_ of their contributions to the
    Armenian Church of America.

    Whether you're one of the Diocese's much-appreciated longtime donors, or
    someone who's been looking for the right time to give, _you won't want to
    let this opportunity slip away!_

    The National Council of Churches and the Church World Service are meeting in
    New Orleans this week.

    _NCC Meeting Marks 100 Years of Ecumenical Movement
    Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Director of Ecumenical Relations at the Eastern
    Diocese, is attending the 2010 General Assembly of the National Council of
    Churches and the Church World Service this week in New Orleans, LA.
    Archbishop Aykazian served as President of the NCC from 2008 to 2010.

    Also taking part in the meetings are the Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian of
    Chicago, IL; Yn. Arpi Kouzouian of Cambridge, MA; and the Rev. Fr. Vartan
    Kasparian of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of America.

    This year's General Assembly is dedicated to the celebration of the
    centennial of the establishment of the worldwide ecumenical movement. Some
    400 religious leaders are attending the November 9 to 11 events, which
    include scheduled talks, small group meetings, and joint prayer and worship.

    In addition to looking back at a century of work in the ecumenical movement,
    participants are discussing the future of Christian unity, with a focus on
    increased global diversity, war and terrorism, economic inequality, and
    environmental issues. Also under discussion is the plight of Christians in
    the Middle East and the situation in Sudan. Another theme is the rebuilding
    of New Orleans, five years after Hurricane Katrina.

    More than 100 women gathered in Washington, D.C., for the Women's Guild
    Central Council Symposium.

    _Symposium Builds Ties Among Women's Guild Chapters
    More than 100 women from across the Eastern Diocese attended the Women's
    Guild Central Council Fall Symposium in Washington, D.C., last weekend. The
    gathering was hosted by the city's St. Mary Armenian Church.

    Participants heard from a roster of interesting speakers, including
    Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, director of Ecumenical Relations at the Eastern
    Diocese; Yn. Jennifer Karapetyan; Yn. Anahid Kalayjian; Mrs. Rita Balian;
    and Mrs. Donna Evans, wife of former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans.

    Other highlights included a tour of Washington-with visits to the National
    Cathedral, the Capitol, and the Armenian Embassy, among other sites=80'a lunch
    served by the Women's Guild of St. Mary Church, and a festive `Kef Nite.'

    The weekend concluded with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy on Sunday,
    November 7, by the Rev. Fr. Hovsep Karapetyan, pastor of St. Mary Church.

    Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute students volunteer at the FAR Vanadzor
    Old Age Home.

    _Students in Armenia Volunteer at FAR Home in Vanadzor _

    Students from Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute's Department of Social
    Pedagogy and Psychology recently spent a month volunteering at the Fund for
    Armenian Relief's Vanadzor Old Age Home (VOAH) in Vanadzor, Armenia.

    The students worked under the supervision of VOAH's teachers and
    psychologists, and spent time with elderly residents. They learned about the
    operations of the center and the implementation of various research methods.
    FAR and the Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute look forward to a long-term

    VOAH provides a supportive and caring environment for Armenia's elderly who
    are unable to afford proper care. Dedicated staff provide medical,
    psychological, and financial assistance to more than 50 residents.

    [7]Click here to visit FAR's blog and to read more.
    Joao Kouyumdjian.

    _Classical Guitar Recital Held at Diocese
    Brazilian-Armenian classical guitarist Joao Kouyumdjian performed at the
    Diocese's Haik and Alice Kavookjian Hall on Friday, November 5. The evening
    also included guest performances by Solange Merdinian (mezzo-soprano), Gohar
    Vardanyan (guitar), and Joe Arndt (piano).

    The program featured pieces by J.S. Bach, Isaac Albeniz, Heitor Villa-Lobos,
    and Iakovos Kolanian. The event was sponsored by the Diocese's Krikor and
    Clara Zohrab Information Center, the New York Armenian Students'
    Association, and the Armenian Network of Greater New York.

    [8]Click here to read the Zohrab Center's blog.

    A woman makes lavash in Armenia (photo submitted by Rosa, Avedis, and Ara

    _Share Your Photos, and See What Others are Posting
    Our readers have continued to send creative submissions for our online photo
    contest. [9]Click here to see the latest posts.

    We invite you to share your digital photos in response to the question `What
    is Armenian about your day?'

    E-mail images to [10][email protected] (please include a
    caption in the subject of your e-mail, and your full name in the body).
    10. mailto:[email protected]

    We will feature the best entries in our e-newsletter and on our [11]Facebook
    page in the coming weeks.

    _Diocese Searches for Executive Director_

    The Eastern Diocese is searching for candidates for the position of
    Executive Director.

    Based in New York City, the Executive Director will be responsible for the
    management of the administrative and operational functions at the Diocese,
    in accordance with the policies established by the Primate and the Diocesan
    Council. Responsibilities will encompass the areas of finance,
    administration, development, communications, education, and facilities

    [12]Click here to view a complete job description and list of
    qualifications. Applicants should send a resume and cover letter to
    [13][email protected].
    13. mailto:[email protected]


    Parishioners Mr. and Mrs. Vreij and Christine Kolandjian were presented with
    the Diocese's `St. Vartan Award.'

    _Houston Parish Honors Dedicated Members_

    St. Kevork Church of Houston, TX, marked the 28th anniversary of the
    parish's establishment on Sunday, November 7, and honored several
    parishioners for their dedication and service to the community.

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, visited St. Kevork Church and
    celebrated the Divine Liturgy on this occasion. The Primate spoke about the
    Armenian identity, focusing on how Armenians' commitment to their faith and
    nation was cemented in the fifth-century Battle of Avarayr.

    Archbishop Barsamian congratulated the day's honorees, and stressed that
    their efforts are helping to carry forward the mission of the Armenian
    Church in America.

    Parishioners Mr. and Mrs. Vreij and Christine Kolandjian were presented with
    the Diocese's `St. Vartan Award.'

    Also recognized were: Asdghik Bray, Sadie Jordan, Hasmig Mavoulian, and
    Manoosh Penrose for their contributions to St. Kevork's Women's Guild;
    Hasmik Kadamian for 10 years of dedication and excellence in teaching at the
    parish Armenian School; Craig `Sarkis' Rogers and Helen Marout for
    exceptional service to the Parish Council; and Mhair Dekmezian for
    contributions to the local ACYOA chapter.

    The afternoon program featured remarks and vocal and instrumental
    performances. Dinner was prepared by the parish Women's Guild.

    Click to [14]read more and to [15]view photos.

    _Palos Heights, IL, Parish to Bless New Liturgical Object_

    On Sunday, November 14, parishioners at Sts. Joachim and Anne Church of
    Palos Heights, IL, will gather for the 52nd anniversary of the church and
    the blessing of the church's new Holy Week tomb.

    The tomb (_kerezmahn_) is a liturgical object traditionally used in the
    Armenian Church during Holy Week to represent the entombment of our Lord. On
    Holy Friday, a cross is placed in the tomb, where it remains until Easter
    Sunday. The empty tomb is displayed between Easter and the Feast of the
    Ascension of Our Lord as a symbol of the Resurrection.

    The new tomb at Sts. Joachim and Anne Church was donated by Liz Sahagian in
    memory of Andy Sahagian. It was constructed by John Soghomonian. When it is
    not being used as the tomb of Christ, exterior walls can be added to the
    structure, which then resembles the architecture of the cruciform of the
    Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin.

    Following services on November 14, the parish will host a traditional
    Armenian dinner. A celebratory program will feature performances by Sunday
    School students and a talk by Parish Council chair Biran Nigohosian on `The
    Moral Compass of the American Lawyer.'

    For more information, or to make a reservation, contact the church office at
    (708) 388-4940, or [16]click here to visit the parish website.

    _Greenfield, WI, Parish to Celebrate 70th Anniversary_

    Parishioners at St. John Church of Greenfield, WI, will celebrate the 70th
    anniversary of the church's consecration on Sunday, November 14. Archbishop
    Yeghishe Gizirian will visit the parish and celebrate the Divine Liturgy on
    this occasion.

    The day will begin with a morning service at 9:30 a.m., followed by the
    Divine Liturgy at 10 a.m. A banquet and program will be held later in the

    To make a reservation for the banquet, call Laurie Dadian at (414) 423-0416,
    or e-mail the church at [17][email protected]. [18]

    Click here
    to view a flyer for more information.
    17. mailto:[email protected]

    The St. Vartan Cathedral Council sponsored a fall gathering at Michael
    Aram's flagship store in Manhattan.

    _Michael Aram's Store Site of St. Vartan Cathedral Evening_

    On Friday, October 29, more than 100 people took part in a fall gathering at
    Michael Aram's flagship store in Manhattan. The special evening was planned
    and sponsored by the St. Vartan Cathedral Council.

    Participants had an opportunity to meet members of the cathedral community
    and to speak with artist and designer Michael Aram while browsing his latest
    collection of metalwork items for the home.

    The mission of the St. Vartan Cathedral Council is to extend the reach of
    the cathedral community in New York City. The council looks forward to
    hosting more community events in the coming months.

    Click to [19]read more about the October gathering, and to [20]view photos.
    Armenia's Keghart Monastery.

    _Mission Parishes Department Announces Trip to Armenia_

    The Diocese's Department of Mission Parishes will sponsor a trip to Armenia
    from June 22 to July 7, 2011. The two-week program will be led by the Rev.
    Fr. Tateos Abdalian, director of the Department of Mission Parishes.

    The trip will include visits to Holy Etchmiadzin, the Kandzasar Monastery in
    Nagorno-Karabagh, the Tatev Monastery, the Sevan Monastery, the Keghart
    Monastery, sightseeing in Yerevan, and more.

    The trip is open to all parishioners of the Diocese's mission parishes (18
    and older). The registration deadline is February 15, 2011 (the cost of
    $2,790 will be offered to the first 30 people to register).

    [21]Click here to download an itinerary and application form.

    _Upcoming Parish Gatherings _

    _Armenian Church at Hye Pointe | Haverhill, MA_
    The Armenian Church at Hye Pointe will host its annual bazaar on Friday and
    Saturday, November 12 and 13, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The event will be held
    at 110 Main Street in Haverhill, MA.

    Enjoy Armenian cuisine, including lamb, losh, and chicken kebab dinners,
    kheyma, and other favorites. The bazaar will also feature a pastry table, a
    country store, and raffles.

    For more information, visit the church website at
    [22], or call the church office at (978) 372-9227.

    _Holy Cross Church of Armenia | New York, NY_
    New York City's Holy Cross Church will host its annual bazaar and food
    festival on Sunday, November 14, following the Divine Liturgy.

    Enjoy choreg, katah, keshgeg, kufteh, manteh, simit, and more. Take out will
    be available. The event will also feature a country store, music by the John
    Vartan Ensemble, and activities for children.

    For more information, call the church at (212) 927-4020. Holy Cross Church
    is located at 580 West 187th Street in Manhattan's Washington Heights

    _St. Mary Church | Livingston, NJ_
    The Women's Guild of St. Mary Church of Livingston, NJ, will host its first
    "Hye Tea" event on Saturday, November 13, from 3 to 5 p.m.

    The event is open to all ladies. For more information, call the church at
    (973) 533-9794.

    _St. Vartan Cathedral | New York, NY_
    The St. Vartan Cathedral Council is sponsoring a food and coat drive in New
    York City. Drop-off dates are November 7 to December 19.

    For information, call Deacon Sebuh Oscherician at (212) 686-0710, ext. 141.


    _ACYOA Holiday Outreach Initiative Underway_

    At the ACYOA Leadership Conference, held last month at the Diocesan Center,
    young adults from 24 parishes made a commitment to implement a holiday
    outreach initiative in their local communities.

    Working in small groups, they designed action plans to collect art supplies
    and other items for the Fund for Armenian Relief's Children's Center in
    Yerevan, Armenia. The project is one phase of a three-pronged plan to build
    a partnership with FAR-an idea that was first adopted at the ACYOA's Annual
    Assembly last spring.

    Parish ACYOA chapters are asked to participate in this outreach initiative
    during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season, and to help collect items for
    the Children's Center in Yerevan. Parishes without formal ACYOA chapters are
    also encouraged to take part. [23]Click here to learn more about the
    project, and to access guidelines and resources.

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Phone: (212) 686-0710 | Fax: (212) 779-3558
    Web: [24]

    From: A. Papazian