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BAKU: Baku-Washington relations to get better with envoy appointment

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  • BAKU: Baku-Washington relations to get better with envoy appointment, Azerbaijan
    Nov 11 2010

    Baku-Washington relations to change for better with envoy appointment
    Thu 11 November 2010 08:31 GMT | 10:31 Local Time
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    Tod Lindberg News.Az interviews Tod Lindberg, research fellow, Hoover
    Institution, Stanford University.
    What are your impressions of the recent visit to Azerbaijan? What can
    you say about the role of the country in the region?

    I am just studying the region, I have spent some time in Georgia, I
    visited Armenia. I have recently visited Azerbaijan and I can already
    say for sure that Azerbaijan is a regional leader. I think the recent
    Baku forum of international experts in the South Caucasus showed that
    the decisions are taken in Baku which is gaining importance not only
    for the republic but also the whole region.

    What should be done to make the Karabakh conflict more famous abroad
    and in the West, in particular?

    Frankly speaking, I think Azerbaijan must really conduct a good work
    in this direction to present about interpretation of this story to the
    world. As you know, Armenian diaspora has very good relations with the
    world centers and it has done a huge and effective work to present its
    own version of what happened. I do not see the signs of that the
    demonstration of Azerbaijan's interpretation today was quite
    effective. At the same time, my words are applicable not only to the
    western but also to Russian audience that is in a wider scale.

    Some believe after August 2008 Russia is unable to play a role of an
    impartial arbiter in the resolution of conflicts in the South
    Caucasus. What do you think about it?

    I think some steps related to neighbors to persuade them about
    Moscow's intention to settle problems peacefully in coordination with
    the world community depend on Russia itself.

    Do you think the US may apply the Kosovo script related to Karabakh or
    you think these cases are unique?

    Frankly speaking, here it is difficult to make forecasts.

    Do you agree with the opinion that the United States have recently
    reduced its activeness in the region especially after the
    Russian-Georgian war and is there a chance to renew this activeness?

    I agree that the United States is already not so active, like it was
    earlier. It is very important to appoint the US ambassador in
    Azerbaijan and I regret that the resolution of this issue is put off.
    I think the situation will start improving as soon as the US envoy
    starts activity.

    Leyla Tagiyeva

    From: A. Papazian