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Obama And Pelosi's Delusions Of Grandeur - Minority Leader

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  • Obama And Pelosi's Delusions Of Grandeur - Minority Leader

    America's News Online
    Nov 11 2010

    Obama And Pelosi's Delusions Of Grandeur - Minority Leader

    By Audrey Howard on November 10, 2010, 6:40 pm

    The leadership contest between Hoyer, a lawmaker from Maryland, and
    Clyburn, who is the highest-ranking black member of Congress, was
    sparked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's decision to gain the House
    minority leader position in the new Congress. Due to the fact her
    party will no longer be in the majority in January, she'll lose her
    speaker's position.

    Possible Phantom Jobs
    It has been lauded that President Obama and the old Congress were job
    creators from day one. It has been said that they saved the country
    from the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression. The
    Recovery Act created or rescued more than 3 million jobs, and America
    is moving forward. October marks the 10th straight month of private
    sector job growth. But it was revealed recently that the jobs the
    Labor Department could be only a ruse using the numbers, in order to
    make the administration look a little better in the public eye.

    Administration Failed Us
    In reality though, the victory of Republicans was not a failure of
    Obama, but that of the Democratic-majority House and Nancy Pelosi
    (Democrat-California.) Pelosi, who was its speaker from January 2007,
    was elected on false promises to stop the war in Iraq or oust the
    then-President George W. Bush, the outgoing Democratic-majority
    Congress and its speaker has not given up much. Except, as famous HBO
    talk-show host Bill Maher taunted in October 2007 (when the House
    Committee on Foreign Affairs voted to pass Resolution HR106 on the
    Armenian Genocide. This is why the voters gave control over to the
    Democrats, to send a stiff message to the Ottoman Empire. It was quite
    an accurate description of Nancy Pelosi's legislature with Howard
    Berman (Democrat-California) leading its failed foreign policy.

    Pelois's Delusions Of Grandeur
    In every Democrat Pelosi saw a mini-me. What was good for Frisco was
    surely good for down South or the Rustbelt. From his perch on high, as
    White House chief of staff, Emanuel was a lonely voice surrounded by
    liberal purists (including the Purist in Chief). His calls to phase in
    the Democrats agenda in smaller increments, his arguments that the
    public wasn't ready for a radical far-reaching liberal agenda, were
    set aside by the purists. The Republicans should be happy Emanuel was
    overruled as often as he was. Bad economy or not, the Democrats
    wouldn't have suffered the beating they did without their votes on
    health care.

    From: A. Papazian