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Forgotten genocides of the Caucasus

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  • Forgotten genocides of the Caucasus

    European Voice
    Nov 11 2010

    Forgotten genocides of the Caucasus

    By Gary Peach
    11.11.2010 / 04:15 CET

    A history and travelogue that features great suffering and some
    remarkable people.
    There is a passage in Oliver Bullough's book that so brilliantly
    encapsulates the 19th century tragedy of the Circassians that it is
    unlikely ever to be surpassed.

    The author is in Akçakale, a mountain village on Turkey's Black Sea
    coast where a century-and-a-half ago tens of thousands of Circassians
    perished from starvation and disease after being exiled by tsarist
    Russia from their homeland in the northern Caucasus. Scouring the base
    of a seaside cliff, Bullough finds human bones in a rock fissure.
    Stunned, he asks locals about Circassian graves in the area, about
    what they learned from their ancestors about the Circassians' plight.
    He said the villagers either had no idea what he was talking about or
    looked at him as if he were a lunatic.

    This episode neatly summarises the story of the Circassian genocide:
    bones all around, and ignorance too. In Sochi, now a Russian Black Sea
    resort and formerly a Circassian bastion, Bullough searches a local
    history museum for information on the region's original inhabitants
    or, more to the point, how in 1864 a quarter of a million Circassians
    were shanghaied onto small cargo boats and dispatched to Ottoman
    shores. Many never reached those shores (many of the younger women who
    did were sold off into slavery). But he finds only a single picture
    showing a column of refugees. `There was no suggestion that anyone
    actually died,' writes Bullough.

    No one book can hope to capture the mind-twisting mosaic of the
    northern Caucasus - Avars, Karachais, Ubykh, Dargins, Adygeans are
    just part of the mosaic - but Bullough's historical travelogue
    expertly illuminates some of the pieces. It is a region that, as it
    has done for centuries, confounds ethnographers and, more importantly,

    As the author shows, Russia's leaders continue to repeat the mistakes
    of arrogant tsarist and Soviet generals, as a result of which two
    horrific wars have been fought in the past two decades (three, if we
    count the Georgian conflict). The soil of the Caucasus is soaked in
    blood, and news reports from the region evoke a perpetual inferno:
    terrorist attacks, gang killings, insurgents, assassination, suicide

    Bullough is indefatigable in his research. In the quest for survivors
    and first-hand testimony of atrocities, he travels to Kosovo and
    Israel to visit small Circassian communities, and to Jordan and
    Kazakhstan to interview Chechens. He climbs mountains to examine the
    ruins of Balkar villages that were annihilated by Soviet forces during
    the Second World War and, in one of the book's most harrowing
    tableaux, he counts the bodies in the Beslan morgue after the 2004
    school massacre.

    Generous and hospitable
    With this kind of material, one can regard `Let our fame be great' as
    an exercise in endurance: readers' tolerance of injustice will be
    tested. Thankfully, the depressing subject matter is softened by the
    remarkable people Bullough interviews. Despite their sufferings, many
    remain generous and hospitable. One cannot help feeling a rush of hope
    at the scene of a large Circassian crowd, numbering in the hundreds,
    singing wistful songs at a memorial service in Turkey for the
    approximate half-million ancestors killed as a result of the 19th
    century war and deportations.

    Will the world ever recognise the Circassian genocide? Any progress
    depends on the Circassians' approximately five-million strong
    diaspora, who have apparently taken a lesson from the Armenians and
    begun lobbying politicians in European capitals. The goal is to win
    support by 2014, the year Russia hosts the Winter Olympics in Sochi.
    Given the ongoing cataclysm of the northern Caucasus, there is some
    chance the Circassians will find attentive listeners.

    But hopes clash with reality. If anything, Bullough's book is a
    sobering testimony to the inextirpable culture of lies that plagues
    not only Russia's `official version' of history, but nearly everything
    that has to do with the Caucasus. For the West, acknowledging the
    tragedy of the Circassians will inevitably lead to a direct
    confrontation with the insidious culture of lies whose roots begin in
    the Kremlin. It is unlikely either Brussels or Washington will have
    the stomach for that.

    Gary Peach is a journalist based in Riga.

    From: A. Papazian