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Mensoian: Karabagh And The Credibility Of 'Hai Tahd'

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  • Mensoian: Karabagh And The Credibility Of 'Hai Tahd'

    By: Michael Mensoian
    Wed, Nov 17 2010

    Karabagh occupies a very small piece of the earth's surface, but it
    represents the sum and substance of Hai Tahd (Armenian Cause) and
    the political fortunes of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF).

    Some may view this as hyperbole, but Karabagh does represent a defining
    moment in the history of the ARF. Not only were ARF members part of the
    Karabagh government that declared its independence from Azerbaijan,
    but ARF combat units were effective participants in the war for
    liberation. And it was an ARF unit in a well-coordinated surprise
    attack on May 8, 1992 that defeated the Azeri forces entrenched in
    the historic mountain fortress city of Shushi that marked the turning
    point in the war for liberation.

    The 1994 ceasefire agreement "establishing" the de facto independence
    of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic (NKR) represented a major victory
    for the Armenian nation and the ARF in particular. However, much
    needs to be done before Karabagh and the liberated lands of Artsakh
    are recognized as a free and independent state. Achieving de jure
    independence would give credence to Hai Tahd, a Dashnaktsutiun
    manifesto, and would affirm to the Armenian people that the injustices
    rooted in the genocide, in the Treaty of Sevres, and the Bolshevik's
    territorial dismemberment of Armenia can be overcome.

    Failure, for whatever reason and from whichever quarter, will
    have a deleterious effect on the ARF and Hai Tahd. Unfortunately,
    the present reactive policy of both Yerevan and the ARF will be more
    likely to guarantee failure than success for Karabagh. If Yerevan feels
    constrained for obvious or less obvious reasons, then the burden falls
    more heavily upon the ARF. At stake is Hai Tahd and the creditability
    of the ARF whose 120 year history identifies it as a force dedicated
    to the welfare of the Armenian nation. Within this context, success
    is more vital for the Dashnaktsutiun than it is for Yerevan.

    Since the loss of Karabagh (historic Armenian Artsakh), Azerbaijani
    President Ilham Aliyev has engaged in a repetitious harangue that
    threatens military action if negotiations (which exclude Karabagh as
    a participant) fail. As part of this ongoing attempt to undermine
    the resolve of the Karabagh Armenians and strain relations between
    Stepanakert and Yerevan, statements are routinely released alluding to
    agreements and understandings with Armenia or the Minsk Group mediators
    (France, Russia, and the United States) that have no basis in fact.

    As part of this psychological attack, Azerbaijan recently announced
    that its 2010-11 military procurement budget will be about $3.4
    billion. This is over 800 percent greater than the combined military
    budget for Armenia and Karabagh. Since 2002, Azerbaijan has earmarked
    approximately $10 billion for its military establishment. Yet, given
    this unprecedented military expansion, neither NATO nor the Minsk Group
    seems overly concerned. While ignoring the destabilizing effect this
    has on the south Caucasus and possibly beyond, the Minsk mediators
    continue to press Armenia and Karabagh that the first step toward a
    peaceful resolution of the conflict requires the withdrawal of all
    Armenian and Karabagh military units from the so-called "occupied"
    territories. Nothing is said about Azerbaijan withdrawing military
    units from occupied Shahumian and the eastern margins of Martakert
    and Martuni.

    This is a lose-lose situation for Karabagh and Armenia. This
    unacceptable demand would leave Karabagh as an exclave, unprotected
    and indefensible, the Lachin Corridor road notwithstanding. And the
    Armenians would be no less vulnerable at the negotiation table. This
    proposal by the Minsk mediators is based solely on the principle of
    (Azerbaijan's) territorial inviolability and completely ignores the
    principles of self-determination and remedial secession compatible
    with the objectives of the Karabagh Armenians (see "Artsakh and ICJ's
    Advisory Opinion on Kosovo," The Armenian Weekly, Aug. 21, 2010).

    There is an ominous component to this determination by the Azeris to
    undermine the will of the Karabagh Armenians. During the past several
    months, six Karabagh Defense Force personnel have been killed along
    the Line of Contact (LoC). This is the number released to the public by
    Armenia. The latest killing was the result of sniper fire-an absolutely
    unprovoked and unwarranted death. It may seem a fine distinction,
    but it is a significant one. Whereas probing actions may or may not
    result in deaths, Azeri snipers have orders to shoot to kill any
    target of opportunity (obviously an Armenian soldier), but it could
    just as well be an Armenian civilian living near the border.

    With spotting scope and the proper gauge weapon for the task, it takes
    one round to kill someone without any danger to the sniper. Their
    use along the LoC, given the ceasefire agreement, cannot be tolerated.

    Eldar Sabiroglu, the Azeri Defense Ministry spokesperson, proudly
    stated that Armenia "...does not have a power capable of neutralizing
    the Azerbaijani snipers." Given the rigorous technical training and
    emotional and physical conditioning required of snipers, Sabiroglu's
    confidence suggests that Azeri snipers may be trained by the United
    States and most definitely by Turkey. Armenia has offered to withdraw
    its snipers from the LoC-in line with the suggestion by United
    Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon that all snipers should be
    withdrawn from the LoC. Azerbaijan refuses. One has to assume that
    these killings will continue as Azerbaijan seeks to undermine the
    morale of the Defense Force personnel and Karabagh civilians.

    The Minsk mediators have taken no substantive action against Azerbaijan
    nor have they issued any serious condemnation with respect to these
    LoC violations. For that fact, neither Armenia nor Karabagh seem
    willing or deem it necessary to mount any measured response.

    There are numerous strategic objectives that would send a clear
    message to Azerbaijan, Turkey, and the Organization for Security
    and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), represented by the Minsk Group,
    that Armenia and Karabagh are prepared to resist any military action
    by Azerbaijan. Equally important is the subtext of this message that
    Karabagh's independence and the lands governed by Stepanakert will
    not be negotiated away. If the hard-fought gains in Karabagh cannot
    be protected, does it seem likely that the other injustices Hai Tahd
    represents can be successfully served?

    Any further deterioration along the LoC could suggest to the Karabagh
    Armenians and their diasporan supporters that the situation is becoming
    precarious. Funds from the diaspora (if they continued to flow given
    this perception) can never override the need for a proactive policy
    that unequivocally indicates the determination of Yerevan and the
    ARF in keeping Artsakh (Karabagh and the surrounding territories)
    independent. Absent such a policy could encourage an out-migration
    of Armenians from Karabagh, a development that would be welcomed
    by Azerbaijan.

    As it is, the population of Karabagh has shown no significant growth
    since 1994. The resettlement program envisioned by Stepanakert
    never materialized due primarily to a shortage of funds. In
    fact, the inability by Yerevan or the ARF to have a comprehensive
    resettlement program in place that would encourage the thousands of
    families necessary to strengthen Armenian claims to historic Artsakh
    represents a serious weakness. There is no shortage of potential
    in-migrants. How they view the long-term viability of Artsakh
    influences their decision to migrate. Any uncertainties or fears
    that affect the Karabagh Armenians will affect them as well. Such a
    malaise cannot be allowed to take hold.

    Having said that, the question we must ask is what configuration
    the future independent state will have. Will it be the former Soviet
    autonomous oblast of Nagorno-Karabagh (the present-day Nagorno Karabagh
    Republic minus Shahumian) or will it encompass all of the liberated
    lands (historic Armenian Artsakh) governed by Stepanakert?

    This begs the question as to the fate of Shahumian and the
    Azeri-occupied eastern borderlands of Martakert and Martuni. This
    configuration has yet to be definitively expressed allowing some
    latitude for minor territorial adjustments. The present nomenclature
    defining the region offers no help. We have allowed the Minsk
    moderators (and ourselves) to divide the liberated territories into
    two distinct parts: the Nagorno Karabagh Republic and the "occupied
    territories" or "security zone." The recent Minsk mission referred
    to the territory surrounding Karabagh as "occupied." They went so
    far as to refer to the capital city of Stepanakert by its Azeri name
    (Khankendi) as well.

    Place-names do have geopolitical significance which explains why
    Georgia has eliminated Javakhk from its maps. Georgian Foreign Minister
    Grigol Vashadze recently claimed that he didn't "...know what Javakhk
    is" and that "[t]here is no Javakhk on the map." Obviously not; his
    government simply eliminated its use. The erasure and replacement
    of place-names has been the official policy of Turkey and Azerbaijan
    as well and is usually accompanied by the destruction of evidentiary
    physical cultural artifacts attesting to its Armenian antecedents. It
    might do well to refer to all of the liberated territory as Artsakh
    to indicate the intent of Armenia and Karabagh.

    This would be a bold move and sure to give Aliyev an apoplectic event.

    It should not be difficult to see the connection between success in
    Karabagh and the beneficial impact it would have on Hai Tahd and the
    ARF. Maintaining the credibility of the ARF is important because its
    work is just now beginning with respect to Hai Tahd. This includes
    issues such as the state-imposed problems facing the Javakhkahayer
    (Javakhk Armenians) and the forgotten Armenians of the genocide who
    populate the lands of historic western Armenia. How would the concept
    of "a united Armenia, free, and independent, for all Armenians" be
    implemented? And then there are the issues of genocide recognition,
    restitution, indemnification, and reparations. These are significant
    issues that may or may not need to be addressed concurrently.

    Within Armenia, the ARF must continue to serve as the catalyst to
    effect the changes necessary to create a system that will provide
    social and economic justice and opportunity within a democratic
    structure for the worker and his family. There is nothing new here.

    Historically the agenda of the ARF has encompassed many causes
    simultaneously. Present conditions now suggest a restructuring that
    will allow for an efficient and effective response by the ARF to
    the various issues facing the Armenian nation-a nation that it has
    successfully served for the past 120 years. How effective the ARF will
    be as it moves into the second decade of this century depends in very
    large measure on how the Armenian people assess its role in Artsakh,
    whether or not that assessment is justified.

    From: A. Papazian