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OSCE Summit May Incite Baku To New War?

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  • OSCE Summit May Incite Baku To New War?

    Karine Ter-Sahakyan / PanARMENIAN News

    November 24, 2010

    It's not ruled out that in case of a new war, the international
    community will press on Armenia in order to rescue Baku, to be more
    precise, the oil and gas pipelines.

    Niyazi Niyazov, the dean of the international relations faculty of
    Saint Petersburg State University, said Baku doesn't exclude resumption
    of hostilities in Nagorno Karabakh.

    "If a new war starts, the UN may urge Baku to cease military operations
    and return to the bargaining table. In this very case, Azerbaijan
    will have a possibility to ignore this demand and compel the UN to
    renounce the policy of double standards," Niyazov said.

    Unfortunately, Niyazov said nothing new. There is an impression that
    Baku is just preparing the international community for a new war.

    Azerbaijan is echoed by well-known expert Thomas de Waal saying that
    Azerbaijan can't waste 10-15 more years on talks.

    It's not hard to understand the meaning of these words. However,
    Armenia is not likely to sit idle and hope for the assistance of
    the international community, which did not stir a finger during the
    massacre of Armenian population in Azerbaijan and during the demolition
    of Armenian monuments in Nakhijevan. Furthermore, the international
    community seems not to notice the armament race and unprecedented
    boost of defense budget in Azerbaijan.

    It's not ruled out that in case of a new war, the international
    community will press on Armenia in order to rescue Baku, to be more
    precise, the oil and gas pipelines.

    These pipelines, but not the territorial integrity of an obscure
    Azerbaijan which appeared on the map with a wave of Stalin's hand,
    do matter.

    It's worth recollecting the words of late Ayatollah Khomeini, who said:
    "There is no country called Azerbaijan. There is Republic Baku."

    From: A. Papazian