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Ekmanian: Armenia-Iran Relations In Light Of Recent Developments

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  • Ekmanian: Armenia-Iran Relations In Light Of Recent Developments

    By: Harout Ekmanian

    Armenian Weekly
    Wed, Nov 24 2010

    Iran~Rs human rights issues, its greater involvement in the
    Arab-Israeli conflict and in regional politics, and its controversial
    nuclear program have put the country on the most debated list in
    various foreign policy forums and media throughout the world.

    Trade and economic sanctions have been applied to the Islamic Republic
    for decades from western governments, particularly the United States
    and the European Union. And negotiations to solve the Iranian nuclear
    problem by peaceful means and to lift the sanctions have failed
    several times.

    A new round of negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 group (the five
    permanent members of UN Security Council and Germany) kicked off
    in Istanbul this week, with Turkish mediation. The process didn~Rt
    look promising from the outset, however. Prior to the negotiations,
    a spokesperson of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed
    that Iran~Rs nuclear program must be discussed separately from the
    trilateral agreement signed last May~Wand not welcomed by the U.S. and
    European Union~Won uranium exchange between Iran, Turkey, and Brazil.

    Despite Iran~Rs challenges to the world~Rs leading political and
    economic superpowers, its relations with Armenia appear to be very
    close. Plans to boost cooperation are being discussed and bilateral
    agreements have been signed between both sides during regular visits
    by high-level government officials.

    Successive Armenian governments have avoided any criticism of Tehran~Rs
    nuclear ambitions, underscoring the Islamic Republic~Rs perceived
    importance for the security and economic development of the landlocked
    country. Unresolved bitter disputes with two other Muslim neighbors,
    Azerbaijan and Turkey, have made Iran one of Armenia~Rs two transport
    conduits to the outside world.

    According to Civilitas Foundation analyst Tatul Hakobyan, Armenia-Iran
    relations were very cordial during the last two decades. ~SIran has
    been Armenia~Rs friend in its worst moments, and Armenia shouldn~Rt
    forget that fact,~T said Hakobyan. ~SDuring the period from 1992-94,
    the Islamic Republic was a window of hope connecting us with the

    Since its independence from the Soviet Union, Armenia has established
    good relations with the United States, European Union, and other
    Euro-Atlantic organizations, but hasn~Rt become a tool against
    Iran. ~SI think that Tehran appreciates this fact,~T said Hakobyan.

    During an official visit to Tehran in mid-September, Armenian Foreign
    Minister Eduard Nalbandian said that Armenia is ~Sclosely monitoring~T
    the situation and hopes for ~Sa mutually acceptable solution~T to
    Iran~Rs nuclear program.

    RFE/RL reported that Armenian President Serge Sarkisian, while visiting
    Germany last June, publicly stated that the nuclear crisis will not
    be resolved unless the West addresses ~SIran~Rs sense of being in
    danger.~T He also held up Armenian-Iranian projects as a model for
    regional cooperation.

    According to the National Statistical Service of Armenia, the scale of
    that trade totaled $97.6 million and accounted for only 4.5 percent of
    Armenia~Rs overall external exchange in the first half of this year.
    This rate stands modestly in comparison with the volume of Armenia~Rs
    trade with the United States, for example, which is slightly higher.

    However, Tehran presented a draft Free Trade Agreement (FTA) to Yerevan
    to enhance the two-way transactions in August 2009. In early 2010,
    after the ninth meeting of the Armenian-Iranian Intergovernmental
    Commission on Economic Cooperation, Iranian Foreign Minister Manoucher
    Mottaki said the FTA would allow both countries to boost their trade
    to $500 million. In an interview with in September, he
    said it ~Swould help to elevate our relations to an adequate level.~T

    Prior to the visit of the Armenian minister of economy, Nerses
    Yeritsyan, in September, and the visit of Prime Minister Tigran
    Sargsyan in mid-October, Iranian newspapers claimed the FTA would be
    signed during these visits; however, the Armenian side denied such
    claims and the agreement has not yet been signed.

    Armenia appears to be reluctant about finalizing the free trade deal
    with Iran because Iran is not prepared to introduce zero customs
    dues in trading with Armenia, according to a statement by an Armenian
    government official to the Capital daily newspaper of Yerevan.

    Iran is not a member of the World Trade Organization and protects its
    market by applying extremely high import tariffs, in sharp contrast
    to Armenia~Rs liberal trade regime~Wone of the reasons why Armenian
    exports to Iran make up only a fraction of bilateral trade. Armenian
    businessmen have long complained about that disparity, reports RFE/RL.

    Nevertheless, during the Armenian foreign minister~Rs last visit
    to Tehran, both sides discussed the implementation of agreements
    previously signed in various sectors, including energy, electricity,
    trade, and transportation, and the oil industry.

    Several joint energy projects are being planned by both countries.
    Most important is the 140km-long Iran-Armenia Gas Pipeline, which will
    carry 2.3 billion cubic meters per year from Iran to Armenia once it
    start to function in 2011. Other projects include the construction
    of two hydro-electric plants on the Arax River, which marks the
    Armenian-Iranian border, and of a third high-voltage transmission line
    linking their power grids and dams; the improvement of infrastructure;
    the development of railways; and the construction of an oil refinery.

    According to Tatul Hakobyan, Armenia doesn~Rt have a huge dependence
    on Iran. ~SThe reason is that Armenia is greatly dependant on
    Russia, be it economically, politically, militarily, and most of all
    psychologically,~T said Hakobyan. ~SBut as a neighboring country,
    which is connected with Armenia by a gas pipeline, a few electricity
    plants, and other energetic-communication projects, Iran is very
    important for Armenia.~T

    In a recent analysis, the director of the Norvanak Research Complex,
    Gagik Haroutyunyan, said that Iran is seeking to counterbalance Russia
    and Turkey in the South Caucasus to get its ~Sshare~T in the ongoing
    political process. Evidence thereof is the visa-free travel agreement
    with Georgia similar to that established with Azerbaijan earlier.
    (Azerbaijan, however, hasn~Rt yet applied the agreement on its side.)

    Iran has repeatedly expressed its readiness to act as a mediator
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan in resolving the Karabagh conflict.
    During an official visit to Baku last week, Iranian President Mahmoud
    Ahmadinejad stressed that his country is ready to support the peaceful
    resolution of the Karabagh conflict. ~SWe are ready to make our
    utmost contribution to a quick resolution of the Karabagh problem
    by means of negotiations, on a just basis and within the framework
    of international law,~T said Ahmadinejad in an interview to Lider
    TV. ~SThe Nagorno-Karabagh conflict can be solved if the external
    pressure on the South Caucasus region is stopped,~T he added.

    According to the Regnum news agency, Ahmadinejad skirted Azerbaijani
    journalists~R persistent questions about Iran~Rs close political and
    economic ties with Christian Armenia and its compatibility with Muslim
    solidarity championed by Tehran. ~SI~Rm not going to say what you
    want to hear from me,~T the Russian news agency quoted him as saying.

    Armenian officials have always praised Iran for its role in resolving
    the Karabagh dispute, saying it has taken a ~Sbalanced~T stance. ~SIran
    supports Azerbaijan in its statements regarding the Karabagh conflict,
    but de facto it remains neutral, or pro-Armenian neutral, if it~Rs
    right to put it like this,~T said Tatul Hakobyan, who is also the
    author of Green and Black Artsakh Diary. ~SDuring the process of
    finding a resolution for the Karabagh conflict, Iran~Rs views must be
    considered too. But, while powerful mediators like Russia, the EU, and
    the United States are involved in this process, it is unlikely they
    would share the tempting cake of mediators with Iran. Nevertheless,
    Iran~Rs positive neutrality regarding the Karabagh conflict is very
    important,~T Hakobyan added.

    Unlike its border with Turkey and Azerbaijan, Armenia~Rs short border
    with Iran is open to traffic. The increasingly common sight of Iranian
    tourists in Armenia reflects the growing relationship between the two
    states. Data extrapolated from the National Statistical Service of
    Armenia shows that only 29,600 Iranian tourists entered Armenia from
    January to September 2008, while more than 44,000 entered during the
    same period the following year. Recent statements from the tourism
    department of the Ministry of Economy indicate that from January to
    September of this year, 84,000 Iranian tourists chose Armenia for
    their holidays~Wnearly double the number of the previous year.

    Many Iranian citizens are also favoring Armenia to either establish
    businesses or for study purposes. Some of them are establishing a
    permanent residency in the country, buying property and settling their
    business and family there. For many Iranians, Armenia offers a breath
    of fresh air, away from the tight control of an ultra-conservative

    Earlier this month, a group of Iranians residing in Armenia picketed
    in front of their country~Rs embassy to condemn the possible execution
    of an Iranian woman, Sakina Ashtiani, who is sentenced to death for
    alleged adultery. A group of Armenian activists organized a protest
    in front of the Iranian Embassy in Yerevan as well.

    In late October, Tehran hosted the 17th festival of press and
    information agencies. The Armenian delegation, represented by
    reporters from the agency and Azg newspaper,
    was attacked by the Azeri delegation after showing a photograph of
    Artsakh~Rs symbol in their pavilion. The Iranian organizers were not
    sympathetic to the Armenian delegation, which in turn boycotted the
    event and disseminated a condemning statement. However, virtually no
    Armenia media outlet referred to the incident.

    Two years ago, during the public outcry after the Iranian presidential
    elections, Yerevan also witnessed minor protests and petitions by some
    journalists and activists. However, Armenian officials preferred to
    turn a blind eye in this and other such cases; government officials
    have never released any comments regarding human rights issues in Iran.

    According to Tatul Hakobyan, there are two reasons for the official
    idle attitude. First, Armenia itself is not a great example in
    democracy and human rights, thus it has no right to teach that to
    others. Second, in Armenia, most people understand that with two
    enemies on our borders~WAzerbaijan and Turkey~Wit~Rs not right to
    risk relations with Iran.

    With its strategic location in the Middle East and Central Eurasia,
    and its large reserves of petroleum and natural gas, Iran holds an
    important position in the world economy and in energy security. Iran
    is a regional power of particular significance for Armenia, which
    is battling for survival and development in one of the world~Rs most
    difficult neighborhoods.

    Note: The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Armenia was
    contacted for questions and opinions on this report. As of publishing,
    however, it had not responded.

    From: A. Papazian