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Kosovo Important Precedent For Karabakh Conflict

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  • Kosovo Important Precedent For Karabakh Conflict


    Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (Artsakh) President Bako Sahakian said
    Friday the Kosovo precedent was important for the resolution of the
    Karabakh conflict and rebuffed Azeri attempts to poison his appearance
    at a gathering hosted by Orange County World Affairs Council at the
    Pacific Club, where Sahakian was the keynote speaker.

    Sahakian spoke to an audience of about 250 guests, mainly members of
    the Armenian community and the WAC, but peppered with members of the
    Azeri community, who asked biased questions during the Q & A session
    at the end of president~Rs speech. Another group of 15 to 20 Azeris
    was protesting outside of the venue.

    In his opening remarks, President Sahakian talked about some of
    the domestic and foreign policy objectives of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic, and the progress that has been made in those areas over
    the past few years.

    In reference to the parallels between Karabakh and Kosovo, which was
    brought up in one of the questions, the President said that ~SKosovo
    is an important precedent of the implementation of international law,
    where the principle of self-determination prevailed~T and stated that
    the International Court of Justice confirmed Kosovo~Rs independence.

    Just like in Kosovo, the people in Karabakh made their choice to
    live independently, and that decision is ~Snot subject to speculation
    and interpretation.~T

    Sahakian said that Karabakh must return to negotiation table because
    ~Sno settlement of the conflict is going to be possible without
    the agreement of Stepanakert.~T The President said the government
    of Azerbaijan was unwilling to take any real steps to resolve the
    conflict peacefully and pointed to the continued military rhetoric
    and the constant ceasefire violations initiated by the Azeris.

    He called upon the international community to condemn the ~Sdestructive
    position~T of Azerbaijan, stating that ~Sthe international community
    can have an influential role in curbing Baku~Rs militaristic rhetoric
    and stopping the Azeri government from continuous increase in military

    In response to a question about the status of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic, Sahakian stressed that the ~Srecognition of Arstakh is
    just a matter of time~T and expressed confidence that ~Smost Western
    countries are interested in the establishment of a new, free, and
    democratic state~T in the Caucasus.

    On the domestic front, Sahakian reported that the gross domestic
    product of the country has increased fivefold from 2003, when it was
    only $427 per capita, to 2009, when it reached the $2,000 mark. Even in
    2008, the year when the most recent economic crisis began, Artsakh~Rs
    economy grew by more than 70 percent compared to 2007 levels. The
    budget of the republic currently stands at 55 billion drams (or roughly
    $150 million), and the main sectors of the economy are construction,
    agriculture, industry, and energy.

    The President expressed confidence that soon, Karabakh is poised to
    become an energy-exporting country and reforms in the agricultural
    sector will enhance the productivity of Karabakh farmers.

    The protesters outside were holding anti-Armenian signs with references
    to the ~S500,000 refugees from Karabakh,~T ~Sthe occupation of Azeri
    territories,~T and the so-called ~SKhojaly massacre.~T A few Armenian
    Youth Federation members challenged the protesters~R falsified claims
    and gave historical evidence to point out to the inaccuracies contained
    in the posters held by the Azeris, but that did not seem to change
    the mind of the Azeri activists.

    While addressing statements made about the ~SKhojaly Massacre~T in
    his response to an Azeri member of the audience, Sahakian stated
    that the ~SKhojaly issue was a tactical move [adopted by the Azeris]
    to divert attention from the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.~T

    He stated that the Armenian forces never engaged in any actions against
    the civilian population of Azerbaijan, and only fought back in war
    which was imposed upon the Armed Forces and the population of Artsakh.

    From: A. Papazian