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Rep. Schiff Discusses Armenian American Issues In Congress

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  • Rep. Schiff Discusses Armenian American Issues In Congress


    Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

    In an extensive interview with, Armenian Genocide
    Resolution led sponsor, US Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), spoke about
    Armenian American issues in Congress, including US aid to Armenia,
    the Genocide Resolution and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We present
    the interview below.

    PanArmenian: For many years you've been struggling for Washington's
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide. What are the chances for the
    adoption of Genocide Resolution by new Congress?

    Adam Schiff: Passing this resolution and honoring the memory of
    1.5 million Armenian men, women and children has been one of my
    top priorities since coming to Congress. Building a broad coalition
    of support is critically important as we look for opportunities to
    bring the Resolution to the floor for a vote. Although the desire for
    adoption of the Genocide Resolution is stronger on the Democratic
    side than on the Republican side, there will still be strong,
    bipartisan support for the resolution, regardless of which party is
    in the majority. We are seeking to gain votes every day, and my hope
    is to move the resolution forward as soon as we are confident that
    we have the votes we need to adopt the resolution. If the Resolution
    doesn't come to the Floor during this session, I plan to reintroduce
    the resolution in the new Congress.

    P.A.: In 2007, you stated in the interview to PanARMENIAN.Net that
    not only Turkish lobby and pro-Turkish congressmen but also the U.S.

    Administration hampered adoption of Genocide Resolution. What's the
    situation at present? Did the Administration reconsider its position
    on the issue?

    A.S.: The U.S. has given in to Turkey's bullying for far too long
    and efforts to recognize the victims of the genocide have fallen short.

    Although there is near unanimity among historians that the events of
    1915-23 constitute genocide, the government of the modern Republic
    of Turkey steadfastly denies that the mass murders carried out by
    its predecessor was genocide and threatens any nation or group of
    nations that recognizes the genocide.

    I was very disappointed in April when President Obama again did
    not use the term "genocide" to describe the events of 1915-23. I
    will continue urging him to stand with the ever-dwindling number
    of survivors, as well as the descendants of others, who survived
    the Armenian Genocide and continue to suffer the "double killing"
    of denial, by referring to it as a genocide.

    Although Turkey won't be pleased with U.S. recognition, we need to
    speak frankly with each other as allies. I will not rest until we
    have overcome Turkey's threats and propaganda.

    P.A.: What role does the Armenian Genocide Congressional Record
    Project as well as Capitol Hill screening of Genocide film 'Aghet'
    play in this struggle?

    A.S.: I started the Armenian Genocide Congressional Record Project as
    part of an ongoing effort to parallel H. Res. 252, the Congressional
    resolution I sponsored to recognize and commemorate the Genocide. The
    submissions contribute to the effort to raise awareness about the
    issue, and educate Members of Congress now and in the future on the
    necessity of recognizing the Genocide carried out by the Ottoman
    Empire from 1915 to 1923. I encourage survivors of the Genocide and
    their families from throughout the country to participate in the
    project by sending in the stories of what happened to their family
    during the Genocide.

    I was honored to host the screening of 'AGHET: A CENOCIDE' in order to
    help educate my colleagues and their staffs about the first Genocide
    of the 20th Century. In the fight for recognition, we are armed only
    with the truth; but in the end, the truth will be victorious. I also
    sent a letter to PBS regarding the powerful, comprehensive documentary,
    urging the network to fulfill a great educational and public service
    by showing this film and bringing the story of the Armenian Genocide
    to the American people. This is the type of programming for which PBS
    was created, and 'AGHET: A CENOCIDE' is a film that every American
    should see.

    P.A.: Can the Project promote President Obama's recognition of Genocide
    in his next year's April 24 address?

    A.S.: Yes, it is my hope that including in the Congressional Record the
    stories of individuals who survived the genocide we can help educate
    the Administration and Congress, and make the genocide a part of the
    historic record of our government.

    While the Armenian Genocide has been recognized by more than 20 nations
    including Canada, Italy, Sweden, France, Argentina and Russia, as
    well as the European Parliament, it has not been formally recognized
    by the U.S. Congress or Administration in decades.

    The President should take a stand. There are a couple of compelling
    reasons for President Obama to recognize the Genocide, which transcend
    party and political lines:

    First, to be a moral force on issues like genocide, whether stopping
    Darfur or preventing future atrocities, we have to speak unequivocally
    about such occurrences - we cannot pick and choose which to recognize,
    as it undermines our moral authority. And second, as there are still
    survivors among us, there is a moral imperative that we recognize
    the Genocide in their life time.

    P.A.: Attempting to prevent U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide,
    Turkey asserts that the recognition will hamper its rapprochement
    with Armenia. Are such statements well founded?

    A.S.: Some argue that the possible reconciliation between Armenia and
    Turkey is a reason to hold off on recognition. This misapprehended
    the nature of reconciliation, which can never find a sound basis in
    the denial of genocide, or silence when confronted by denial.

    Almost from the moment that it signed the Protocols, the Turkish
    government gave every indication that it would not ratify or implement
    the agreement and sought to make resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    issue a precondition for any action by the Turkish parliament. I
    had repeatedly warned that Turkey would attempt to use the protocols
    process as a means to prevent the Administration from using the word
    "genocide," and to try to forestall consideration of a genocide
    resolution by the Congress. Linking the process of the protocols to
    the Armenian Genocide resolution actually encourages Turkey to not
    ratify them, since the Turks know that prolonging the process serves to
    provide opponents of the resolution with a continuing excuse to delay
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide. In any event, no nation should
    have to accept the falsification of history in exchange for peace.

    Given Turkey's recent behavior, Congress needs to reevaluate whether
    we should continue to dishonor the dead to placate Turkey. While
    many Americans remember Turkey's refusal to allow coalition forces
    to enter Iraq from its territory in 2003, Ankara's refusal to assist
    American forces has grown to embrace an agenda that is at odds with
    our own by cozying up to Iran and Hamas.

    P.A.: Recently, Matthew Bryza's nomination for the position of U.S.

    Ambassador to Azerbaijan was blocked. Can President Obama exercise
    his right and appoint the ambassador, bypassing the Senate?

    A.S.: President Obama can use the power of a recess appointment to
    appoint Mr. Bryza as Ambassador to Azerbaijan. Given the delicate
    nature of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the importance of not
    sending the wrong signal to the Aliyev government, I would hope
    that the President would instead choose to work with the Senate to
    address the concerns of several of my friends in the other body who
    are champions of Armenia, namely Senators Boxer and Menendez.

    P.A.: Can you please assess the situation in Karabakh conflict zone.

    What do you believe is the reason for Azerbaijan's increased
    militaristic statements, constant subversive actions and ceasefire

    A.S.: As a champion for modern Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, I have
    been a steadfast supporter of self-determination for the people of
    Artsakh, repeatedly pushing for economic assistance to the region.

    Providing a more hopeful future for the people of Armenia and
    Artsakh will continue to be one of my top priorities. As a member
    of the Foreign Operations and Related Programs subcommittee of
    the Appropriations Committee, I have fought for greater funding
    for Armenia and Karabakh, as well as tightening of Section 907 of
    the Freedom Support Act, which conditions security assistance to
    Azerbaijan. I am greatly concerned by continued Azeri war rhetoric,
    as well as Azeri acts of aggression along the Line of Contact that
    have resulted in the deaths of Karabakh military personnel. Recently,
    I worked with the Congressional Research Service to identify funding
    shortfalls to Nagorno Karabakh for badly needed economic development.

    I am following up on this issue with the State Department and USAID
    and will work to ensure that Karabakh receives the assistance that
    Congress intends.

    From: A. Papazian