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Construction Of Dolphinarium In Yerevan Again On Agenda

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  • Construction Of Dolphinarium In Yerevan Again On Agenda


    2010-11-26 15:14:00

    ArmInfo. The Armenian Environment Network (USA) protests against
    construction of dolphinarium in the Komitas Park in Yerevan.

    Armenia must adopt the right decision and join the countries protesting
    against exploitation of dolphins, AEC Executive Director Serda
    Eozbenyan told media on Friday. She said that the dolphinarium in
    Turkey has been recently closed under pressing of the world community.

    "Breeding and further exploitation of dolphins is inadmissible for the
    United States as well. We think that Armenia's climate (hot summer
    and cold autumn) affect the health of dolphins," she said. She
    recalled that over 1200 people from various countries signed the
    petition against construction of dolphinarium in Yerevan at the

    "We enlisted support of 50 international and local organizations,"
    Eozbenyan said. For his part, Head of the Heritage Party Faction Stepan
    Safaryan said that the Nature Protection Ministry of Armenia is still
    studying permission for import of sea animals for dolphinarium.

    "It is interesting that construction of dolphinarium in Komitas Park is
    already underway though the ministry has not made its final resolution
    on the issue," he said. Safaryan outlined the fact that in response
    to Heritage Party's request the Ministry of Culture replied that
    only part of the park where the Pantheon is located is a protection
    zone. Therefore, construction of the entertaining complex in front
    of the Pantheon is not under jurisdiction of the Culture Ministry.

    In the meanwhile, Bardukh Gabrielyan, Director of the Hydro-ecology
    and Ichthyology Institute of Armenia, condemned the mess around

    "Environmentalists devaluate themselves by protesting the project of
    dolphinarium. They say that dolphins will not survive in conditions
    of the dolphinarium. I disagree with this; otherwise it is senseless
    investing millions in the given project. They say that dolphins have
    high intellect. The intellect of monkeys is higher. Let's hold them
    from performing at the circus," he said.

    From: A. Papazian