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NATO leaders rebuff Medvedev's proposal?

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  • NATO leaders rebuff Medvedev's proposal?

    NATO leaders rebuff Medvedev's proposal?

    10:53 - 27.11.10

    Leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization have rebuffed a
    proposal from Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to unite Russia's
    missile defenses with those of the West, said diplomats and NATO
    officials, The Wall Street Journal reported.

    At a closed-door meeting with NATO leaders in Lisbon Saturday, Mr.
    Medvedev suggested uniting a missile shield being built by the 28
    allies with Russia's own missile defense system.

    People attending the summit said President Barack Obama and other
    leaders diplomatically rejected the Russian leader's proposal, saying
    the issue should be looked at by the countries' technical experts. The
    experts will look at ways the two systems can cooperate and report to
    a meeting of NATO and Russian defense ministers in Brussels in June.

    NATO diplomats said the Medvedev proposal goes way beyond what the
    alliance envisages, which is cooperation and information sharing
    between two systems rather than a single system. "We're looking at two
    different systems linked up," said a NATO spokeswoman.

    Mr. Medvedev's told a news conference afterward that his proposal was
    for "sectoral missile defense." Russian officials later said Mr.
    Medvedev proposed that Russia and NATO countries would be responsible
    for shooting down missiles flying over their own territories and
    Russia would destroy missiles headed for NATO territory.

    Dmitry Rogozin, Russia's ambassador to NATO, said in an interview with
    the Russian website Vzglyad that Mr. Medvedev's proposal "goes much
    further than NATO's fantasies" of limited cooperation.

    "Medvedev is effectively proposing to create a collective
    missile-defense system along the perimeter of the Euro-Atlantic
    region. It roughly amounts to agreeing not to keep missile-defense
    systems inside the region - something that raises our suspicions - and
    arrange for the system to be pointed outwards."

    The proposal would mean the NATO system's sensors wouldn't be pointed
    toward Russia, which is sensitive that the system could blunt its own
    nuclear deterrent.

    Mr. Rogozin "tweeted" from the summit that the Russian approach was
    "reminiscent of two knights who, defending themselves from attackers,
    stand back-to-back."

    Governments were left puzzling about whether Mr. Medvedev's proposal
    was an initial negotiating position or a spoiling gesture, diplomats
    said. But NATO leaders reacted diplomatically because most welcome the
    prospect of improved security cooperation with Russia, and that
    missile-defense cooperation offers benefits to both sides.

    President Barack Obama publicly welcomed Mr. Medvedev"s presence at
    the meeting, describing him as "my friend and partner." The decision
    to cooperate on missile defense "turns a source of past tension into a
    source of potential cooperation against a shared threat," he said.

    Skepticism over the proposal isn't limited to NATO governments.
    Nikolai Makarov, chief of Russia's General Staff, said in the official
    Rossiiskaya Gazeta newspaper that the idea of Russia shooting down
    missiles headed over its territory for Europe and vice versa was

    "For military men on both sides, this supposition looks, to put it
    gently, far-fetched. The fact is that any country with missile-defense
    systems would shoot down missiles approaching its borders without any
    international agreements."

    Alexander Golts, an independent military analyst and deputy editor of
    the Russian news weekly Yezhenedelny Zhurnal, wrote that Russia isn't
    currently capable of mass producing suitable ballistic missile
    interceptor systems. Russia only has the S-400 system, of which it has
    only two batteries, just outside Moscow.

    "If this is the case, then Moscow has practically asked NATO to drop
    missile defense," he wrote.

    Despite the apparently conciliatory signs on missile defense, the
    Kremlin hasn't given up its goal of expanding its global military
    reach. On a visit to a base in central Russia Thursday, Mr. Medvedev
    said the government is looking for ways to build new military bases
    abroad to support its navy on long-distance missions.

    "I won't hide it from you, we have some ideas about this," Mr.
    Medvedev said in comments carried on state television. "Unfortunately,
    it turned out that a series of our country's previous capabilities
    disappeared," he added, an apparent reference to Soviet-era bases in
    Cuba and Vietnam that Moscow gave up about a decade ago.

    From: A. Papazian