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HAAF completes reconstruction of Noyemberyan Hospital

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  • HAAF completes reconstruction of Noyemberyan Hospital

    Hayastan All-Armenian Fund
    Governmental Buiding 3, Yerevan, RA
    Contact: Hasmik Grigoryan
    Tel: +(3741) 56 01 06 ext. 105
    Fax: +(3741) 52 15 05
    E-mail: [email protected]

    15 October, 2010

    Hayastan All-Armenian Fund completes reconstruction of Noyemberyan Hospital

    Major project is co-sponsored by the fund's German,
    Swiss, Lebanese, and Australian affiliates
    as well as Saad Hariri, prime minister of Lebanon

    Yerevan, October 15, 2010 - Following a year of large-scale renovation work,
    the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund has completed the reconstruction of the
    Noyemberyan Hospital, the only major healthcare center in Armenia's Tavush
    Region. The project was co-sponsored by the fund's German, Swiss, Lebanese,
    and Australian affiliates as well as Saad Hariri, prime minister of Lebanon.

    Worth close to 317 million AMD (U.S. $880,000), the initiative brings fresh
    testament to the effectiveness of the fund's longstanding practice of
    synergistic financing, whereby two or more supporters join forces to help
    implement a given project. The reconstruction of the Noyemberyan hospital is
    the second such undertaking in the Tavush Region.

    Co-sponsor contributions to the project comprised money raised by the German
    and Swiss affiliates during the 2009 Pan-European Phoneathon, the entirety
    of proceeds from the Lebanese affiliate's 2008 Radiothon, and a portion of
    proceeds from the Australian affiliate's 2008 Gala Dinner.

    On October 10, the Noyemberyan Hospital celebrated the opening of its
    renovated premises as it hosted a site visit by a large number of
    dignitaries, benefactors, and affiliate delegates. Officials in attendance
    included Armen Gevorgyan, deputy prime minister of Armenia; Harutyun
    Kushkyan, minister of health; Ara Vardanyan, executive director of the
    Hayastan All-Armenian Fund; and Armen Ghularyan, governor of the Tavush

    Visiting supporters and delegates included Gilbert Momdjian, chairman of the
    fund's German affiliate; Avedis Kizirian, chairman of the Swiss affiliate;
    Lorig Sabounjian, representative of the Lebanese affiliate; Ara Sisserian,
    representative of Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri; Murat Akyuz,
    representative of the Armenian Merchants' Union of Germany; and benefactors
    from Germany Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weidemann, Zolak Ter Harutunian, and Amini
    Kamin. Also present were numerous local supporters and the entire staff of
    the Noyemberyan Hospital.

    As he addressed the attendees, Deputy Prime Minister Armen Gevorgyan
    conveyed his heartfelt congratulations to the hospital staff and the
    residents of Tavush, and expressed gratitude to the Hayastan All-Armenian
    Fund. "I find it extremely gratifying that the benefactors of the fund are
    focused particularly on helping improve Armenia's healthcare sector," he
    said. "I am certain that, with the reconstruction of the Noyemberyan
    Hospital, the medical staff will no longer have to grapple with a host of
    technical and logistical difficulties." The deputy prime minister added that
    another healthcare facility, a cardiology center being built by the fund in
    the Syunik Region, will open soon.

    The Noyemberyan Hospital is of vital importance to the Tavush Region, as it
    serves the more than 30,000 residents of Noyemberyan City and surrounding
    villages. The hospital, which has 30 patient rooms and 60 beds, houses a
    general clinic with a physiotherapy wing, an emergency room, an
    intensive-care unit, departments of surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, and
    infectious diseases, as well as a dental clinic. In the near future, the
    facility will be able to further improve its services thanks to state-of-the
    art medical equipment and furniture donated by the Union of Armenian
    Physicians and Healthcare Professionals of Germany.

    In his speech during the opening, Health Minister Harutyun Kushkyan said, "I
    have the highest regard for the work of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund. A
    standard of excellence and great attention to detail are evident throughout
    the renovations realized at the Noyemberyan Hospital. The premises,
    including the emergency room, surgery department, and maternity ward, have
    been thoroughly modernized. This facility is the only healthcare center of
    its kind in Tavush, and now, with its reconstruction concluded, it is poised
    to provide an unprecedented level of service."

    The Noyemberyan Hospital was established some 80 years ago. Today's
    three-story structure, built in 1961, had not undergone any major
    renovations prior to the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund project. The initiative
    included a complete redesign of the facility in accordance with modern
    healthcare standards, the replacement of the roof, floors, windows, and
    doors as well as installation of upgraded communications systems.

    In addition, all patient rooms now feature bathrooms with hot and cold
    water, heating for the hospital has been secured with the installation of a
    boiler room, and an elevator has been built. The lack of an elevator has
    long stood out as a grave issue for the facility, causing particularly
    serious difficulties with regard to the transportation of patients to and
    from the surgery department, located on the third floor. Finally, the
    project has resulted in completely new landscaping.

    In his remarks during the opening, Gilbert Momdjian, chairman of the fund's
    German affiliate, recounted the evolution of the hospital-reconstruction
    project. "When I visited the facility for the first time, it was in a
    dreadful state," he said. "On my return to Germany, my colleagues and I
    resolved to raise funds for a complete renovation of the hospital. Today I
    can't tell you how happy we all are that our joint efforts finally paid

    "I am extremely impressed by the new look and feel of the facility," said
    Avedis Kizirian, chairman of the fund's Swiss affiliate. "We, the diaspora,
    specifically the Armenian communities of Germany, Switzerland, Lebanon, and
    Australia, were able to implement this beautiful project through our close
    collaboration. I hope this hospital will long serve our compatriots and
    continue to facilitate numerous births. May our lambs born here grow up to
    become lions and defend our borders."

    In her address to the attendees, Lorig Sabounjian, representative of the
    fund's Lebanese affiliate, recalled how her community was galvanized to help
    make the hospital-reconstruction project possible. "Fortunately the results
    of the 2008 Radiothon far exceeded our expectations," she said. "That's when
    we decided to join the affiliates of Germany, Switzerland, and Australia in
    carrying out this indispensable project."

    According to Dr. Ashot Gyozalyan, chief physician at the Noyemberyan
    Hospital, the facility, which has a staff of 113, serves 1,400 patients and
    delivers close to 400 babies annually. Dr. Gyozalyan expressed confidence
    that the vastly improved conditions of the hospital will lead to a marked
    rise in the number of births at the hospital.

    Also delivering remarks at the opening was the fund's Ara Vardanyan, who
    stated: "It is such a joy to see that our benefactors attach great
    importance to the existence of top-notch healthcare centers in Armenia's
    border communities. I wish you all glowing health." Vardanyan informed the
    attendees that medical equipment and furniture donated by the Union of
    Armenian Physicians and Healthcare Professionals of Germany will reach the
    Noyemberyan Hospital within the next two months. The bulk of the donated
    material, comprising six sea containers, is already on its way, while the
    remainder of the hospital's furniture and equipment needs will be fulfilled
    by Armenia's Ministry of Health, Vardanyan concluded.

    The city of Noyemberyan, founded in 898, is situated a few kilometers from
    the Azerbaijani border. With a population of about 5,000, Noyemberyan offers
    a mix of urban and rural lifestyles. While the city and nearby villages form
    an agricultural zone, with core industries including farming, wine-making,
    and bee-keeping, in recent years the business and service sectors have grown
    to become significant factors in the area's economic development. Today
    Noyemberyan City functions as the main marketplace for the area's
    agricultural output. Among the city's commercial establishments are those
    specializing in food-processing, wood-cultivation, and stone-making.

    Hayastan All Armenian Fund

    From: A. Papazian