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Expenses For Financing Social Security In Armenia Planned At AMD 271

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  • Expenses For Financing Social Security In Armenia Planned At AMD 271


    October 21, 2010

    Expenses for financing social security area in Armenia are planned at
    AMD 271.9 billion and constitute 27.23% of the 2011 draft government
    budget's spending, Pavel Safaryan, the first deputy finance minister,
    said Thursday while discussing the draft budget with National
    Assembly's committees.

    He said the government would finance and implement ten social programs
    in 2011.

    Safaryan said that AMD 39.5 billion in the draft budget was targeted
    for family benefits and lump-sum assistance - 14.4% enlargement,
    compared with 2010.

    This spending enlargement was due to the increase of family benefits
    prompted by rise in gas prices.

    Over AMD 4.6 billion is earmarked in the 2011 draft budget for benefits
    intended for birth of third and follow-up babies. This amount is
    greater than that of the 2010. This enlargement was due to the higher
    birth rate.

    The benefit for birth of first and second baby amounts to AMD 50,000
    and the third and follow-up child AMD 430,000.

    Safaryan also said that the minimal salary would be raised from AMD
    30,000 to AMD 32,500.

    Labor and Social Affairs Minister Arthur Grigoryan said that expenses
    for financing social sector would grow by AMD 27.6 billion in 2011.

    He reminded his colleagues that the program of pension reforms had
    already been approved, and the process of introduction of the voluntary
    accumulative pension system would start in 2011.

    The basic pension size will be enlarged by AMD 2.500 to AMD 28,100.

    Grigoryan said that the government would continue paying compensations
    for deposits frozen in the soviet-era Savings Bank. It allocated AMD
    1.6 billion for that.

    The minister said that 34,000 depositors, including 1,700 veterans
    of the World War II, would receive their compensations.

    The ministry plans to implement new programs on retraining specialists,
    employing disabled people and re-equipment of workplaces for them
    in 2011.

    Some 400 wheelchairs, 1,300 devises for hearing-impaired people as
    well as books and copybooks for visually impaired people will be
    bough in 2011.

    Over AMD 20.7 billion is earmarked in the draft budget for paying
    pensions to retired military officers and their families. This amount
    is larger than that of 2010 by AMD 601.5 million.

    This enlargement was due to increase of the basic pension size from
    present AMD 5,800 to AMD 10,500 and medium pension size by AMD 1,100
    to AMD 44,700.

    More than AMD 8.5 billion is allocated for social pensions. The
    amount is enlarged by AMD 2 billion, compared with 2010, because of
    the increase of the basic pension size by AMD 2,500 to AMD 10,500.

    Over AMD 163.9 billion is intended for paying insurance pensions
    (increase by AMD 15.9 billion).

    Median size of working pension will be enlarged to AMD 28,300 in 2011
    against AMD 25,700 in 2010. M.V.-0---

    The Armenian government approved the 2011 draft budget on September 30.

    The 2011 budget spending will come close to AMD 1 trillion, revenue
    is planned to total AMD 849.9 billion and deficit will amount to AMD
    148.6 billion.

    GDP growth is projected at 4.6%. M.V.

    From: A. Papazian