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Iran Is Armenia's Veiled But Faithful Ally

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  • Iran Is Armenia's Veiled But Faithful Ally


    David Stepanyan
    2010-10-21 16:02:00

    Interview with Sergey Shakaryants, expert at Political Research
    Institute, Presidential Administration of Armenia

    How would you comment on the statement by Iranian Defense Minister
    Ahmed Vahidi that Iran supports Azerbaijan's territorial integrity?

    Armenia constantly makes a boast of its peculiar relations with
    the OSCE MG co- chair-countries, but neither Armenia nor Nagorny
    Karabakh authorities has ever blamed the USA, France or Russia for
    recognizing the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in 1991. As
    regards the statement, the Iranian DM did not specify what he meant
    by his statement. To observe diplomatic ethics Vahidi just repeated
    what all the foreign diplomats repeat when they visit Baku. Earlier
    Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani stated in Yerevan that he
    is well aware of the situation around Karabakh and came out against
    any participation in the resolution process by the actors outside the
    region. He said that resumption of war is inadmissible and called on
    everyone to reckon with the opinion of Artsakh's population

    Do you think this may be part of the traditional oriental Iranian

    This diplomacy is many-sided and multi-layered. For instance, once
    one of the Iranian regional ayatollahs called on Muslims for declaring
    Jihad to everyone who claims Muslim lands. Afterwards, during a meeting
    at the Iranian Embassy in Armenia I wondered if he was competent making
    such statements despite the Armenian-Iranian friendly relations. I was
    told that the Iranian party will take this into account. A few days
    after another Iranian Ayatollah called for Jihad against Azerbaijan
    for destruction of Shiite mosques in its territory.

    Therefore, besides the statements by Mr. Vahidi or Ahmadinejad, we
    should take into account that in the name of Iran we deal with one
    of the first civilized states of the world", he said.

    Shakaryants emphasized that Armenians, unfortunately, underestimate
    Iran, the same is done by the western-Europeans and Americans, and in
    a less degree by Russians. Moreover, the Chinese, which progressively
    extend their cooperation with Iran in the fuel-energy, military
    and international spheres, also underestimate this country. I think
    Armenia has to stop viewing Iran from positions of the Soviet Union or
    USA. Praise be to God that the Armenian authorities always emphasize
    that they are grateful to Iran for its balanced policy in the region.

    Moreover, just due to the efforts of Iran, Armenia succeeded to
    avoid qualification of the Karabakh conflict by the Organization of
    the Islamic Conference as inter-confessional that would entail very
    undesired consequences.

    We must perfectly understand that despite any change of power in Iran,
    its estimation of the situation in the region actually does not change,
    and it means that Iran is Armenia's veiled but faithful ally.

    The Iranian DM and the Parliament Speaker have already visited Baku,
    the FM and the President will go there shortly. Why such a high
    attention to Azerbaijan?

    All this means that Tehran notifies Baku that it is not going to let
    Azerbaijan out of its control.

    I just cannot think differently because Iranian diplomacy is active
    in the Armenian and Georgian dimensions as well. All this means that
    Iran's foreign policy has taken the Transcaucasian course. However
    strange it is, this policy applies even the pro-American Georgia. The
    visits by the Iranian top officials to Azerbaijan mean that Iran's
    diplomacy is focusing on the Transcaucasus in general rather than
    on Azerbaijan.

    Top officials of Armenia have repeatedly visited Iran in 2010 and
    had quite confidential negotiations there.

    In addition, Azerbaijan is currently in the pre-election fever and
    Iran cannot but protect the rights of the Farsi speaking population
    of Azerbaijan

    Every time Aliyev visits Nakhijevan he says that it belongs to
    Azerbaijan. Are these statements meant for Armenia or does the Azeri
    President feel some threat from Iran?

    Although Ilham Aliev says that Nakhijevan belongs to Azerbaijan every
    time he visits it, everyone in Azerbaijan and the clan of Aliyevs,
    first of all, understands that "Saying 'halva-halva' won't make their
    mouth sweet".

    They are well aware that all the doubtful allegations they have been
    repeating for years that the Armenian Nakhijevan is "the original land
    of Azerbaijan" settles some narrow tasks related to propaganda. The
    Iranian maps present Nakijevan as one of the seven pearls of Northern
    Iran. And Azerbaijan will hardly ever manage to make Iran rewrite its
    history and we will not manage to do that either. Another matter that
    this region is closely connected to the Iranian and Armenian history.

    Therefore, Shakaryants said, Armenians should consider Aliyev's
    statements made from Nakhijevan as an extremely primitive PR
    orientated at unaware western officials. As for Russians they can
    easily remember from their archives who Nakhijevan belonged to after
    the Russian-Persian war, specifically, it belonged to Nakhijevan
    district of Erivan Governorate.

    Therefore Azerbaijanis would be much clever if they behaved themselves
    more modest especially with regard to Nakhijevan.

    Despite its commitments, Russia has failed to supply Iran with S-300
    air defense systems, why?

    This issue was initially too politicized, and the backstage influence
    of Israel and USA was also initially present in it. It is not for
    nothing that Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi made a subtle
    statement, alien to a militaryman, saying the agreement on supplies
    of S-300 was signed even in 2005 when the issue of sanctions against
    Iran was not particularly pointed. Who did hamper Russia to fulfill
    it during 5 years without waiting for appearance of a force majeure,
    which Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov currently refers to?

    Nobody can dispute Russia's fault for refusal to supply the half-
    paid product to Iran, and Moscow will not get away just with return
    of the amount paid. Therefore, Moscow tries to put a brave face on
    a sorry business.

    Now Moscow tries to keep on playing big politics with the USA putting
    on the line a more reliable and predictable partner in the name
    of Iran. The point is not even S-300, since Iran, if desired, can
    mention frightening facts about close and confidential cooperation
    in the sphere of conventional arms with Russia till 2005.

    From: A. Papazian