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Vladimir Kazimirov: No Disputes, All The More Conflicts Are Settled

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  • Vladimir Kazimirov: No Disputes, All The More Conflicts Are Settled


    2010-10-22 12:27:00

    ArmInfo. No disputes, all the more conflicts are settled without
    concessions, ex-Cochairman of the OSCE MG on the Karabakh conflict
    settlement, resigned Ambassador, first Deputy Chairman of the
    Association of Russian Diplomats Vladimir Kazimirov said in the
    article "Compromise is higher than victory. It is time for parties
    to the Karabakh conflict to become realists" published in the Vremya
    Novostey newspaper.

    "The political-diplomatic calendar will give a good few mentions of
    the Karabakh conflict till late 2010: sometimes in vain, sometimes
    seriously and for good of peaceful settlement. They in Azerbaijan
    will not be able to get round of this conflict topic during November
    7 parliamentary election in the country, although the political
    parties and blocs may compete in promises to solve it in any way and
    in calls to power actions. The results of the assessment mission of
    OSCE MG cochairmen, who visited the regions around Nagorno Karabakh
    on October 3-14, will be shortly summed up, though surprises there
    are hardly possible. A new round of struggle on the sidelines of the
    UN General Assembly around the Azerbaijani draft resolution on the
    position in the occupied territories is possible in early December.

    All these actions will rather hamper than facilitate the negotiations
    on Karabakh", Kazimirov said. He recalled that a number of steps
    promoting the negotiation process have been scheduled till late 2010,
    in particular, the OSCE MG cochairmen's visit to the region, top-level
    meetings, as well as the long- expected OSCE summit in Astana in early
    December: "All this will hardly lead to a breakthrough in the Karabakh
    settlement, since the parties' stances on a number of important issues
    still differ. However, gradual progress is possible".

    According to Kazimirov, because of the sharp incidents on the
    contact line, adoption of additional measures by the parties, aimed
    at ceasefire strengthening and creation of a favourable atmosphere
    for further political dialogue and achievement of agreements, like
    foreign ministers of Russia, USA and France proposed in Alma-Ata on
    July 17, acquired special topicality.

    "However, it does not yet seem for the parties to the conflict to
    respond to this proposal. Moreover, they do not fulfill the ceasefire
    agreement which was officially signed under the aegis of OSCE on
    February 4, 1995, by the three parties to the conflict, including
    Nagorno Karabakh. The structures of the pan-European organization shyly
    hush it up. Neither party explained the reasons of non-fulfillment
    of the agreement, and the OSCE does not bring up this issue to
    them. In this situation, one may stumble at loyalty of the parties
    to their commitments and the OSCE ability to assure implementation
    of agreements", Kazimirov said. He added that urgent normalization of
    the situation on the contact line is necessary also because aspiration
    to prompt settlement of the conflict is insufficient.

    "The two parties will have to shift away from their claims and take
    more real positions, which will take long years. Now they easily
    blame each other and sometimes the mediators for being stuck in the
    negotiations, though it is the result of their own inflexibility. One
    of the parties is against the status-quo and fights for resolution
    to the conflict on its own terms and not on the basis of compromises.

    However, that party is silent about the time lost over the 16 years
    of the truce through its fault," Kazimirov said.

    The ex-co-chair pointed out that Russia in cooperation with other OSCE
    MG co-chair- states, the USA and France, has been especially active in
    the process and strived to accelerate the conflict's resolution over
    the last years. "At the initiative and with participation of Russian
    President Dmitry Medvedev Azerbaijani and Armenians presidents met six
    times, including two times in the current year. New meetings in such
    format are possible for instance on sidelines of the OSCE Summit in
    Astana. It would be good if the forum gives a new impetus to the work
    of the parties and highlights inadmissibility of military resolution
    to the conflict for the big Europe," he said, "Speculations on the
    possible stance of Russia in case of resumption of military actions
    around Nagorny Karabakh have become quite frequent recently. Conflict
    provokers expecting Moscow to stay indifferent to all this. However,
    such scenario would affect the interests and even elements of the
    national security of Russia and Moscow would oppose the war most
    of all. The public is not ready for compromises, which is a serious
    obstacle to the conflict's resolution. Nothing is actually done to
    remove that obstacle. But dispute resolution without a compromise is
    impossible. It has been well said that a compromise is above victory,"
    V. Kazimirov said.

    From: A. Papazian