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Saakashvilii: En Route to Geopolitical Revolution in the Caucasus

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  • Saakashvilii: En Route to Geopolitical Revolution in the Caucasus

    Saakashvilii: En Route to Geopolitical Revolution in the Caucasus

    ZAMLELOVA Svetlana | 21.10.2010 | 17:15

    Georgia Russia

    Georgian deputy foreign minister N. Kalandadze announced on October 11
    that Georgia planned to unilaterally lift the visa requirements for
    Russia's Caucasian republics and to allow Russian citizens residing in
    Dagestan, Chechnya, North Ossetia, the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, the
    Karachay-Cherkess Republic, and the Republic of Adygea to visit
    Georgia for up to 90 days without visas. Georgia's explanation behind
    the step is that absent formal diplomatic relations between Georgia
    and Russia residents of the above regions have to request visas at the
    Georgian Interests Section at the Embassy of Switzerland in Moscow,
    which may be fairly inconvenient. For example, those who live in
    Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, have to go to Moscow to obtain
    Georgian entry visas. Georgia's administration and personally
    Saakashvili must have been overwhelmed by compassion for the people of
    Russia's part of Caucasus who are forced to endure such complexities
    to obtain the much-needed Georgian entry visas.

    Russian President's deputy envoy to the North Caucasus federal
    district A. Yedelev saidsuch decisions should be bilateral rather than
    be made on Mr. Saakashvili's or somebody else's whims and termed
    Georgia's step a provocation. Russia's foreign minister S. Lavrov also
    stressed in a comment on October 12 that normally civilized partners
    resolve such issues on a bilateral basis. It became known the same
    day, though, that the Georgian president had signed the corresponding
    decree and the visa-free regime for residents of Russia's North
    Caucasian republics would formally enter into force on October 13.

    While Russia's representatives and the Georgian opposition warn that
    the opening of visa-free travel would likely attract terrorist to
    Georgia, Tbilisi seems to be totally unreceptive to any arguments.
    Citing the Georgian president's speech at the UN General Assembly,
    Chairman of Georgia's Parliamentary Committee on Diasporas Nugzar
    Tsiklauri remarked recently that Saakashvili credited the EU with a
    whole geopolitical revolution that united the European nations and
    stated as Georgia's initiative a similar geopolitical revolution in
    the Caucasus. Saakashvili said Georgia would prove that the Caucasus
    is united.

    Indeed, Saakashvili declared at the September session of the UN
    General Assembly that there are no such things as the South Caucasus
    and the North Caucasus but there is only one Caucasus. Now we are
    witnessing practical steps follow the declaration: visa requirements
    for residents of Russia's North Caucasian republics are being
    abolished, Tbilisi is in the process of launching a Russian-language
    TV channel, the Georgian government's site starts featuring web pages
    in Abkhazian, and English is about to be adopted as Georgia's second
    official language.

    English was made a mandatory part of the Georgian school curricula in
    2010 while studying Russian became optional. The Georgian government
    plans to invite native speakers of English as instructors to every
    school in the country and every school student aged 5 - 16 will be
    expected to master the language. Shorena Shaverdashvili, editor of
    Georgian weekly Liberali, expressed reservations concerning the reform
    considering that the language Georgia shares with the neighboring
    countries happens to be Russian. She opined that since Georgia is
    voluntarily taking the role of a US protectorate and knocking on
    NATO's doors these days Georgians are supposed to learn the language
    spoken by their would-be commanders. If Georgia's mission is a
    geopolitical revolution aimed at merging the territorial formations of
    the North and South Caucasus, English is the only potential language
    for the alliance.

    The forces which regard the whole world as a sphere of their interests
    are keenly interested in the Caucasus, which can be used as a foothold
    in the onslaught on Russia and Iran as well as opens opportunities to
    control the Black Sea region and the lucrative Caspian oil reserves.
    Reacting to Moscow's discontent at the opening of visa-free travel to
    Georgia for a fraction of Russia's population, Georgian foreign
    minister Grigol Vashadze alleged on October 15 that the Kremlin felt
    outraged simply because Georgia is a successful country. As for
    Georgia's success, the claim sounds dubious, but it is clear what the
    future holds for Russia if the geopolitical revolution masterminded by
    Saakashvili and his US patrons proves successful: an independence
    parade like the one which brought about the collapse of the USSR would
    sweep across Russia's Kaliningrad enclave, Tatarstan, Yakutia, and the
    Volga region.

    Obviously, Saakashvili's regime is charged with boosting separatism in
    Russia's North Caucasian republics. This may be an uphill task, but if
    Moscow's response remains limited to airing views like `we have no
    problems with Georgia, we only have a problem with Saakashvili', there
    is a risk that some day we will see the job done.

    The pan-Caucasian agenda is not exactly a novelty. It routinely recurs
    in the media, and from a broader perspective it can be traced back to
    US President Woodrow Wilson's 1918 Fourteen Points which actually
    underly the modern globalization program. According to the Sixth
    Point, Russia was to be partitioned and reduced to the Central Russian
    Upland, while a network of independent states stretching from the
    Baltic region to Turkestan were to serve as a buffer between the
    country and the rest of the world. The Baltic republics were to
    insulate the Black Sea from Russia, the united Caucasus - to shut down
    Russia's access to the Black and the Caspian Seas along with Turkey
    and Iran, and Turkestan was to morph into a barrier between Russia and
    India. It should be realized that the implementation of the plan began
    in the 1990ies and is underway.

    From: A. Papazian