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NKR: The Rights Of Over 200 Persons Are Rehabilitated

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  • NKR: The Rights Of Over 200 Persons Are Rehabilitated

    Ruzan Ishkhanian

    Azat Artsakh Daily
    27 October 2010
    Republic Of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

    The NKR current status obliges us to observe the human rights more
    strictly. The European human rights convention, which was adopted
    after the World War II, proclaimed the basic human rights and
    freedoms, which are the necessary conditions for real democratic
    development. Currently, our Republic follows this convention. We have
    also created the human rights, or Ombudsman Institute, which is firm
    in its development process, though overcoming certain difficulties. It
    proves the international community that after the collapse of the
    Soviet rule the tendency of democratic development in the NKR is
    obvious, so our country can introduce itself to the world with
    the proper level of self-rule and self-government. Following is our
    interview on human rights issues with NKR Ombudsman Yuri Hairapetian: -
    Mr. Hairapetian, the Human Rights Institute has occupied its place
    in the state system. It is fairly considered an attribute of an
    established state. What are the achievements of the Ombudsman Institute
    in the NKR and what development level have you personally fixed? - Yes,
    you are right in noting that the Ombudsman Institute is considered an
    attribute of an established state. This was the reason that, following
    the sample of the overwhelming majority of the world states, it was
    created in our country on April 16, 2008, and the NKR NA elected the
    Ombudsman. This was also an unprecedented step, as there is no state
    in the world, which created a similar structure in the conditions
    of martial law, while just the contrary is conceded - restriction of
    some human rights and freedoms. The Ombudsman Institute creation is
    a component of the democratic processes in the NKR, which is aimed at
    improving the statehood and creating an open society. Our achievements
    can be divided into two basic groups - domestic and foreign. The
    basic domestic achievement is the citizens' trust in the Institute,
    which is testified by the considerable increase of their applications
    number and the significance of the raised issues. I also consider
    it important that in spite of the opposition of the Azerbaijani
    authorities and ombudsman, our Institute was privy to international
    cooperation in the human rights sphere. The NKR Ombudsman has been a
    member of the European Ombudsman Institute for two years; in May 2010,
    the NKR Ombudsman and the human rights delegate of the Transdniestrian
    Moldavian Republic signed a cooperation agreement. Also, we cooperate
    with the Ombudsmen and other human rights structures of some CIS
    states. Besides, we have started the process of joining the trilateral
    cooperation agreement between the Transdniestrian Moldavian, Abkhazian,
    and South Ossetian Republics. - People apply to your service with
    hope and trust. How can you satisfy their applications and when do
    you face certain obstacles?

    If you have any statistic data, please introduce them briefly. -
    I didn't face any grave obstacles within my activity. Surely, there
    were rare cases when the Ombudsman's proposals were rejected. But,
    it wasn't caused by any confrontation; it was caused by the fact that
    our Institute and any other structure have differences in interpreting
    the same law regulating legal relations. But, similar cases find their
    solution as well. With our corresponding legal support, the citizens
    applied to the court and the applicant's request was always satisfied.

    There were also cases when I applied to the state's leadership,
    following the corresponding legal procedure, and the raised issue
    got its positive solution. As of the statistic data, within May 20,
    2008 and October 6, 2010, 950 citizens submitted 650 applications
    to the NKR Ombudsman Office, and the rights of over 200 persons were
    rehabilitated. - The Ombudsman Institute is the structure reflecting
    the job of the judicial power. The people are surely interested in
    your assessment of the independence level of our courts. - I have
    repeatedly referred to the activity of the judicial power related
    to the citizens' applications, including complaints about different
    judicial levels. The analysis based on the citizens' complaints is
    comprised in the Ombudsman's 2008 and 2009 annual reports. As of
    the courts' independence, we haven't received any complaint from
    the citizens. In any case, the NKR Constitution and laws provide
    the courts' independence. Along with the legislation improvement,
    the recent structural and personnel reforms, as well as those
    related to the judges' financial support let us hope for the actual
    independence of the courts. - The Republic's legal field is still far
    from perfection, and the issues of deleting the differences between
    the acting laws, bringing the legislation in correspondence with the
    Constitution are still pending. And all this, surely, relates to
    human rights. - Let me disagree with you in this issue. After the
    NKR Constitution adoption, the issue of bringing the acting laws
    in correspondence with the state's Basic Law was raised. I think
    this process is quite efficient and successful. The legislative
    activity related to human rights and freedoms, proceeding from the
    constitutional requirements, can be considered accomplished, and it
    can be stated that the rights fully correspond to the international
    standards. As of the differences between some laws, they really exist.

    It should be noted that improvement of laws is a long process existing
    in almost all, especially young and democratic states of the world. -
    In the West, Ombudsman is an indisputable authority. You once noted
    this fact. What do you think is needed that our society may fully
    realize the role of the Ombudsman Institute? - Your question can be
    certainly answered in the following way: only time is needed.

    Generally, the Ombudsman Institute has decennial and centennial history
    in the world. It was formed between the 19th and 20th centuries
    in Sweden and later spread in other western states. The national
    institutes of the states' Ombudsmen passed a long and difficult way
    of self-affirmation and their today's high authority is the result
    of the decades-long democratic and open society development. It's
    clear that the NKR current status obliges us to develop more
    rapidly in any sphere, including strict observance and protection
    of human rights, than it is done in Azerbaijan. For achieving the
    abovementioned in a short period, we have the most important thing:
    the structure's institutional efficiency is equally in the interest of
    the Ombudsman, the state's top authorities, all the power branches,
    and the grass-roots, including the mass media, which is hopefully
    testified by this interview. P.S. - While preparing this interview,
    we were informed that the NKR first-level court had rehabilitated
    the violated right of another citizen.

    From: A. Papazian