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Turksat Nearing Award Of Two-Satellite Contract

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  • Turksat Nearing Award Of Two-Satellite Contract

    By Peter B. de Selding

    Space News
    Oct 28 2010

    PARIS - Turkey's Turksat satellite fleet operator has received
    best-and-final offers from bidders vying to manufacture the Turksat 4A
    and Turksat 4B telecommunications satellites in a competition that
    does not include the company that has built most of the previous
    Turksat spacecraft, according to industry officials.

    Thales Alenia Space is sitting out this contest for reasons that
    remain unclear.

    Turksat is already behind its stated schedule of announcing a winner
    in time to have the satellites in orbit in 2012, but it has received
    bids from Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Melco) of Japan, Lockheed Martin
    Space Systems of the United States and a team proposing a satellite
    platform built by Orbital Sciences of the United States with a payload
    built by Astrium of Europe, officials said.

    Dulles, Va.-based Orbital Sciences has partnered before with
    Thales Alenia Space in addition to bidding on its own for full
    telecommunications satellites. Officials said a win here would be a
    first for an Orbital-Astrium team.

    Astrium has a joint venture with the Indian Space Research Organisation
    to provide small telecommunications satellites designed to compete
    head-on with Orbital, but that product offer has not gained much
    traction in the market.

    Officials from Lockheed Martin and Melco in recent months have said
    they expected to raise their profile in the commercial satellite

    In one or another of its corporate incarnations, Thales Alenia Space
    of France and Italy has built most previous Turksat satellites and
    was a shareholder in a Turkish startup satellite operator, called
    Eurasiasat, which has since been folded into Turksat.

    A Thales Alenia Space official said the company has elected to focus
    its attention in Turkey on the Gokturk Earth observation satellite
    project, a contract won by satellite services provider Telespazio of
    Rome, which has the same shareholders as Thales Alenia Space.

    One industry official said Turksat may have decided to bypass Thales
    Alenia Space to demonstrate to other builders that it is not wedded
    to one or another satellite manufacturer.

    Turkish government officials in the past have threatened to punish
    French industry for moves in the French parliament to classify as
    "genocide" the massacre of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire at the
    outset of the First World War.

    Industry officials have long said that Turkish competitions like this
    are among the toughest and most exhausting in the world for bidders.

    From: A. Papazian