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Sleuths Study Ancient UFOs

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  • Sleuths Study Ancient UFOs


    Oct 28 2010

    Alan Boyle writes: One of the best-known scientific sleuths of UFO
    sightings is focusing his search not on today's flying saucers,
    but on the sky wonders of antiquity.

    Jacques Vallee, the French-born computer whiz and venture capitalist
    who also served as the model for Francois Truffaut's UFO-hunting
    character in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," says such sightings
    show that the UFO phenomenon did not start in 1947. He's a co-author
    of a newly published book, "Wonders in the Sky," that lists 500
    unexplained aerial observations dating back as far as 1460 B.C. and
    going up to the dawn of the industrial age in 1879. (That 500th case
    involved an unknown "airship" that was sighted over eastern Iowa,
    where I grew up. Coincidence? I think not.)

    Vallee and fellow researcher Chris Aubeck also delve into longstanding
    UFO legends that they've excluded from their list for various reasons.

    For example, take the story about Alexander the Great seeing a flying
    object that shot out a blaster ray. "We traced the story and discovered
    it was about the use of gunpowder, not an unexplained flying object,"
    Aubeck and Vallee write.

    About 90 percent of UFO reports turn out to have perfectly natural
    explanations, but Vallee says the reports that remain unexplained are
    provocative enough that they deserve more thoroughgoing study. He
    stated his case this week during a telephone conversation. By the
    way, when he points out that the modern flying-saucer era began in my
    "neck of the woods," he's not talking about eastern Iowa, but about
    western Washington, where is headquartered. (Coincidence? I
    think not.)


    Here's an edited transcript:

    Cosmic Log: It's interesting to see that these sorts of sightings
    go back into antiquity. It almost makes one feel as though this is
    a phenomenon that goes along with being human.

    Jacques Vallee: It certainly has had an impact on humanity. We're
    staying away from theories, because we don't think we're ready to
    have a good hypothesis about this phenomenon. What we're trying to do
    is ... well, as you know, when you're doing science you want to know
    how did something begin, and what were the conditions under which it
    began. So far, if you read most UFO books, they say this started in
    1947. In fact, they say it started in your neck of the woods when a
    pilot named Kenneth Arnold described seeing six objects similar to
    saucers in flight. The problem with that is, it didn't start in 1947.

    We have cases just like it earlier in the 20th century, and when you
    look at the literature of the 19th century, we find experiences of
    the same kind.

    Courtesy of Chris Aubeck

    Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck, seen here in a 2003 photo, are
    co-authors of "Wonders in the Sky."

    Forty years ago, I published a book called "Passport to Magonia,"
    saying, "Look, this is very similar to ancient folklore, about elves
    and demons and angels and other types of creatures, leprechauns and
    so on, who in many cases were also coming from the sky and were doing
    very similar things." Of course this became folklore, and the question
    I raised was, are we being faced with the same kind of folklore with
    modern UFOs? Could there be a real phenomenon underneath all of this
    that has not been recognized? Whether or not it's extraterrestrial
    is a different question. Of course, it could be. It's a big universe
    out there. Many astronomers -- including myself -- strongly believe
    that there is life throughout the cosmos.

    But we still need to know the characteristics of the phenomenon. And
    thanks to the Internet, now we have the means to look at vast
    collections of records, from newspapers and books, from museum
    collections. Chris Aubeck is an Englishman living in Madrid who is
    very much a scholar of history and languages, and he contacted me
    about doing this research together. So we merged our databases. He
    had assembled a remarkable network of people in Russia, Germany,
    Latin America, the U.S. and so on who were interested in the same
    kind of research. We started tracking down every case, trying to
    find original references. It took six years. Nobody got paid. It's
    very much a labor of love. I think all of us fell in love with the
    material, it's so rich and so interesting.

    Q: How does one approach a study of this sort of thing? The scientific
    study of these observations, and the assessment of it, is so fraught
    with difficulty. Some people might say there's a high "giggle factor."

    A: We went beyond the giggle factor. Today there are pilots and
    military people willing to talk openly about what they've seen. The
    records of many countries have been made available. You know, I'm a
    member of the expert committee for the aerial phenomena study group
    of the French equivalent of NASA, CNES. It has been working on this
    phenomenon officially since 1975 and has a database. I built one of the
    early databases of sightings. My background is in computer science,
    so I started looking for patterns. Of course we all know that 90
    percent of the reports are explainable, as illusions or airplanes,
    or meteors or atmospheric phenomena. The second part of our book is
    all about the cases that we have excluded, and why we did. But you're
    left with a significant number -- dozens of thousands of cases --
    all unexplained. Not only are they unexplained, but they're also very
    well documented, well enough that scientists can begin to look for
    patterns in the phenomenon.

    That's what I've been doing. That's what my earlier books were about.

    I've been doing that with a small group of scientists from other parts
    of the world who are very interested in this phenomenon. Again, I have
    no firm conclusion, but this certainly behaves like a technology that's
    very much in the science of our own. I'm interested in the physics of
    this. There are radar records, visual observations, electromagnetic
    observations, so there is quite a bit of material that one can begin
    to work with.

    Q: I suppose the fact that these sightings in the sky, at least the
    small percentage that are unexplained, could be taken as evidence that
    there are entities that have been around here for a long time. It's
    not as if someone just showed up in 1947 and said, "We're going to
    save humanity from themselves." It could suggest that alien visitors
    have been here for a long time, but there could be other explanations.

    For example, it could say something about how our mind works ... that
    this is a purely psychological or mental phenomenon.

    A: It's not simply a psychological phenomenon. Many of the cases,
    both ancient and modern, involve a number of trained people --
    sometimes the entire crew of an aircraft. ... There is a database of
    over 500 reports by pilots in the first person. This is not hearsay,
    this is not a case of "my nephew told me there was something that a
    pilot saw." This is first person, and official reports by pilots which
    in many cases involved near-collisions. So this is serious business,
    and everybody knows it.

    There is a reaction of ridicule simply because we don't know what it
    is. The tendency is to laugh, and it's probably a healthy tendency.

    It's a psychological reaction to protect ourselves from things we don't
    understand. Many of the reports in our book came from professional
    scientists in the 18th and 19th centuries. Two directors of the Paris
    Observatory. People who have left their name in the history of science,
    like Lagrange and Messier. These are not casual observers. These are
    serious men.

    Q: This subject sometimes leads people to say that the government must
    know more than it's telling, and that there's some kind of global
    conspiracy going on. I think you've resisted that pull to point to
    conspiracies. But if it seems as if there's credible evidence, how
    do you avoid falling into that way of thinking?

    A: You know, there is a great difference between having a lot of
    data and having an explanation for something. For example, we have a
    lot of data about people dying of cancer every day. We have samples,
    we have X-rays, we have everything about what happened to them. And
    we've been applying high technology to this problem for 50 years. But
    we still don't know how to cure cancer. So there's a big difference
    between saying "the government must have a lot of data" and saying
    "the government knows what this is."

    Tarcher / Penguin

    "Wonders in the Sky" chronicles 500 cases of unexplained aerial

    The place where I end up is, parts of the government must have a lot
    of data that should be turned over to the scientific community. What
    are they afraid of? The way to approach this is to turn over any data
    to the scientists, and they can compete to try to explain it. That's
    the way modern software is created. That's the way the Internet
    was built. I know that from my professional history. As you know, I
    was involved in ARPANET as a principal investigator. You do it with
    small teams, working on a competitive basis for two or three years,
    and that's how you do science. What's wrong with that?

    We know there is data. All of us who have investigated this have
    spoken to pilots and radar operators who said that after a sighting,
    a couple of people in blue jeans showed up with some identification
    from somewhere and confiscated the tapes or the film, and they took
    it somewhere and no one ever saw it again. There's enough of that
    now that we know that data went somewhere.

    You know how the government works: They accumulate things they never
    do anything with. I'd certainly love to see that data, and many of my
    colleagues would love to see it. To that extent, I think there should
    be more openness, especially from the military. They can strip out
    anything that's confidential or classified. If it's data that came from
    a special kind of radar, we don't need to know what type of radar. We
    should just see what the phenomenon was and go on from there. To that
    extent, I agree with people who say there should be disclosure. I have
    no evidence to tell me that the government has a solution to this,
    but I could be wrong. The government doesn't tell me what it does.

    Q: You've worked in this field for decades now. How does it make you
    feel? Do you feel fearful? For a lot of people, this can get to be
    scary stuff.

    A: Well, first of all, I'm certainly not frustrated. We're making a
    lot of progress, and this book is an example. We think this is only
    the beginning. This book will stimulate scholars in other countries
    to start looking at their records. That's exciting.

    We've worked for a long time, and we don't have an answer -- but
    that's the way it works in science. I've worked at the University
    of Texas on the structure of galaxies, and we still don't know the
    structure of galaxies. We are puzzled by dark matter and all those
    things. There are very few sciences where you have definite answers
    in your lifetime. You can work on cancer research for decades and
    see only a marginal improvement in rates of success.

    Personally, I've nver been afraid of the phenomenon. I'm occasionally
    awed by it. One thing that kept us going through the six years of
    the book project was that the material was so amazing. Here you
    have Michelangelo observing a triangle in the sky. You have Cassini
    observing something in the sky, and not publishing anything about it
    until he saw it a second time, some years later. You're touching upon
    not only the history of science, but also the history of culture.

    Q: If there was anything you could change about the way anomalous
    phenomena are reported in the media, what would it be? What would be
    your prescription?

    A: If you go out in the streets of Seattle tonight and see something
    in the sky, where would you report it? If you call the Air Force,
    they will say, "We're no longer entrusted with this." If you call
    an observatory, they will laugh at you. If you call the police, they
    will say, "We've got more important crimes to go after." You have no
    place to go. So you might call the newspaper, and the newspaper will
    write a somewhat tongue-in-cheek article about somebody who maybe had
    a little bit too much to drink. And that's the end of that. You'll
    never report anything anymore after that.

    Why not have a series of small scientific projects with a
    well-advertised reporting number, where people can be taken seriously?

    Again, most of those reports will be explained very quickly. People
    do misunderstand Venus for a spacecraft, they do misinterpret the
    moon rising through a layer of fog as a flying saucer. Most of these
    witnesses are really genuinely looking for an ordinary explanation,
    and if you give it to them, they will be happy. But once in a while
    you have something that does not have the usual explanation, and then
    you have to do research.

    So I would set up four or five small projects around the country,
    just looking into this with no preconceived notions, not saying that
    this is an invasion by E.T. or anything like that. Potentially this
    is a very important phenomenon.

    Jacques Vallee's top-ten list of pre-20th-century unexplained aerial

    ~UJuly 7, 1015: Objects emerge from "mother stars" over Kyoto, Japan.

    ~UOct. 2, 1235: Stars are seen circling over Japan. Astrologers say
    "it is only the wind making the stars sway."

    ~UJune 3, 1277: Chinese poet Liu Ying immortalizes flying-saucer
    sighting in a poem titled "Event Seen at Dawn."

    ~UNov. 1, 1461: The legal adviser to Philip III, duke of Burgundy,
    describes a bright object that spirals upward, spins around, rolls over
    "like a loose watch" and disappears.

    ~U1513: Michelangelo observes a triangular light with three tails of
    different colors. He even paints a picture of it, but the painting
    has not survived.

    ~UMarch 1638: Puritan settler James Everell and two companions report
    seeing a bright object appearing in the sky above Massachusetts'
    Muddy River ... and experiencing the "missing time" phenomenon.

    ~USept. 14, 1641: An Armenian chronicler describes the appearance of
    a light that "revolved like a wheel" in the sky and moved away.

    ~UJan. 25, 1672: While serving as the director of the Paris
    Observatory, astronomer Giovanni Cassini spots an object he takes to
    be a moon of Venus. He announces the discovery after seeing the object
    again in 1686. But no such moon exists. (The hypothetical moon, which
    came to be known as Neith, was reported by other astronomers as well.

    Scientists have speculated that the object was actually an optical
    illusion or a nearby star.) ~USept. 7, 1820: Astronomer Francois
    Arago, director of the Paris Observatory, watches a formation of
    unknown objects making turns with "military precision" during a
    lunar eclipse.

    ~UJune 18, 1845: Crewmates on the British brig Victoria report seeing
    "three luminous bodies" rise from the sea between Malta and Turkey.

    From: A. Papazian