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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 10/28/2010

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 10/28/2010

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Phone: (212) 686-0710 | Fax: (212) 779-3558
    Web: [23]

    TOP STORY October 28, 2010

    _An Evening with Author Agop J. Hacikyan to be Held at the Diocesan Center on
    Friday _

    The Eastern Diocese will host Armenian-Canadian author Dr. Agop J. Hacikyan
    for an evening celebrating his literary career on Friday, October 29, at
    7:30 p.m. Mr. Hacikyan has written more than two dozen books, including the
    international bestseller _A Summer Without Dawn_, a novel about the Armenian
    Genocide. His most recent work is _The Lamppost Diary_.

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church
    of America (Eastern), will preside over the event, and deliver remarks. Also
    speaking will be Mr. Hagop Vartivarian and Mr. Osheen Keshishian. Mr. Berc
    Araz will serve as the master of ceremonies.

    The event is being organized by several Armenian organizations in the
    greater New York City area. It is free and open to the public. A reception
    and book-signing will follow the program. [4]Click here to view a flyer for
    more information.

    Scripture of the Week

    Is 22:15-24
    Eph 1:1-14
    Lk 8:17-21

    Prayer of the week

    O Lord, turn not your face from me. O beneficent Lord, I beseech you, be my
    helper. O Lord, despise me not and forsake me not. O God, my Savior. Amen.

    Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    _31 October:_ Eighth Sunday after the Exaltation

    _6 November:_ Holy Archangels Gabriel and Michael


    The Very Rev. Fr. Vahan Hovhanessian performs the sacrament of holy
    matrimony in Dublin.

    _New Parish Established in Dublin, Ireland _

    The Armenian community of Dublin, Ireland, recently organized its first
    parish and welcomed the Very Rev. Fr. Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate of the
    Diocese of the Armenian Church of Great Britain, for services and
    fellowship, from October 16 to 18.

    On Sunday, October 17, more than 100 people gathered to participate in the
    celebration of the Divine Liturgy, a historic occasion for the city's
    Armenian community. Fr. Hovhanessian congratulated the newly-formed parish
    and encouraged members to continue developing programs to preserve their
    faith and heritage. The weekend also included a wedding and seven baptisms.

    The Armenian community of Dublin has applied for and received formal
    recognition from the government of Ireland, which now lists the Armenian
    Church as an official denomination and as a solemnizing religious body.

    For more information, [5]click here to visit the website of the Diocese of
    the Armenian Church of Great Britain.


    _Eastern Diocese's "Matching Challenge" Now Underway
    The success of last year's Annual Appeal Matching Challenge was a tribute to
    the confidence and enthusiasm of our people, who supported their Diocese in
    record numbers.

    This year, we're hoping that lightning will strike again!

    For our 2010 Diocesan Appeal, a generous donor has issued another =80=9CMatching
    Contribution Initiative.' Once again, the idea is to raise funds to help our
    Diocese meet its budgetary goals. But we also want to _inspire people across
    our Diocese_ to show their support of the Armenian Church.

    The donor has agreed to contribute up to $100,000-_matching
    dollar-for-dollar every contribution received by the Diocese this fall!_

    Our success depends on donations large and small, from people who want to
    seize this opportunity to _double the impact_ of their contributions to the
    Armenian Church of America.

    Whether you're one of the Diocese's much-appreciated longtime donors, or
    someone who's been looking for the right time to give, _you won't want to
    let this opportunity slip away!_
    CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW. To track our progress, [7]click here.

    Students at GTech (file photo).

    _FAR's GTech Graduates Help Train Teachers in Armenia
    Two recent graduates of the Fund for Armenian Relief's Gyumri Information
    Technology Center (GTech), Suren Gharagyoazyan and Garegin Tonoyan, recently
    joined a teacher-training project sponsored by the Armenian Educational

    By signing up to prepare local teachers to lead computer classes,
    participants not only promote computer literacy, but also acquire more
    hands-on training in their field. The current project enables Suren and
    Garegin to work in 12 different villages around Vanadzor in Armenia.

    GTech was established in 2005 by FAR, in partnership with several technology
    companies. The goal of the center is to strengthen the information
    technology skills of young Armenians and to expand opportunities in the
    region. GTech also helps to bolster development by providing an incubator
    space for new start-up IT businesses. [8]Click here to visit FAR's blog and
    to read more.

    _Women's Guild Central Council Prepares for Symposium _

    The Women's Guild Central Council is preparing to host its fall symposium in
    Washington, DC, from November 5-6 (with Sunday, November 7, reserved for
    church services at the city's St. Mary Armenian Church and travel).

    Billed as "a celebration of faith and fellowship in our nation's capital,"
    the WGCC symposium will include inspirational speakers, empowering
    presentations, sightseeing around Washington, and opportunities for

    General information about the symposium can be obtained by contacting Rita
    Oscherician at [9][email protected], or (201) 398-0153.
    9. mailto:[email protected]

    _Please note that there has been a change of venue for the program planned
    for Saturday evening, November 6. It will now be held at St. Mary Church.
    [10]Click here for details._

    To learn more about the Women's Guild, and its recent and future activities,
    [11]click here to read the organization's `Hye Reflections' newsletter.

    _Be Creative: Enter Our Photo Contest__ _

    Since the launch of our new website last summer, the Eastern Diocese has
    been expanding its online outreach to better serve our readers in an
    ever-advancing digital media age.

    This month, we set up a Posterous page
    ([12], where users can upload photographs
    and video from their computers, or directly from their mobile phones. To
    kick-off this effort, we announced a photo contest on the topic of _=80=9CWhat is
    Armenian about your day?'_

    We invite our readers to share digital photos on the site by e-mailing them
    to [13][email protected] (please include a caption in the
    subject of your e-mail, and your full name in the body). We hope to feature
    the best entries in our e-newsletter in the coming weeks.
    13. mailto:[email protected]

    To read more about our digital media projects, [14]click here.

    _Schedule of Hymns for Sunday Services Available Online _

    The `Giratsooyts,' or schedule of hymns for Sunday services, is now
    available on the Diocese's website, in the Sacred Music Council section.
    [15]Click here to access the listing.

    The information has been gathered and translated from several liturgical
    resources published by the Armenian Church. The accessible schedule helps
    guide parish choirs in preparation for Sunday services.

    The Sacred Music Council is a Diocesan-wide organization dedicated to the
    dissemination and appreciation of Armenian liturgical music.

    _Diocese Searches for Executive Director_

    The Eastern Diocese is searching for candidates for the position of
    Executive Director.

    Based in New York City, the Executive Director will be responsible for the
    management of the administrative and operational functions at the Diocese,
    in accordance with the policies established by the Primate and the Diocesan
    Council. Responsibilities will encompass the areas of finance,
    administration, development, communications, education, and facilities

    [16]Click here to view a complete job description and list of
    qualifications. Applicants should send a resume and cover letter to
    [17][email protected].
    17. mailto:[email protected]


    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian and the Rev. Fr. Krikor Sabounjian with newly
    ordained sub-deacons.

    _Two Sub-Deacons Ordained at Church of the Holy Translators in Framingham, MA_

    On Sunday, October 24, the Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross,
    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, visited the Church of the
    Holy Translators in Framingham, MA. Archbishop Barsamian presided over the
    celebration of the Divine Liturgy and ordained parishioners Daniel Hyde and
    Ara Bablouzian to the sub-diaconate.

    The Divine Liturgy was celebrated by the Rev. Fr. Vard Gyozalian, a priest
    from Holy Etchmiadzin who is completing a pastoral internship at Holy
    Translators Church under the guidance of the parish pastor, the Rev. Fr.
    Krikor Sabounjian.

    Archbishop Barsamian delivered the day's sermon, speaking on the
    significance of the Holy Cross to the Armenian people. [18]Click here to
    read more.
    A Requiem Service was held in Baton Rouge for the defenders of Hadjin.

    _Baton Rouge, LA, Parish Welcomes Archbishop Gizirian, Commemorates Battle of
    Hadjin _

    Last weekend, the parishioners of St. Garabed Church of Baton Rouge, LA,
    welcomed Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian, as they gathered for the parish's
    annual commemoration of the heroic defenders of Hadjin.

    The majority of local parishioners are descendants of survivors of the
    Hadjin massacres, perpetrated in the 19th and early 20th centuries while the
    city was part of the Ottoman Empire.

    The occasion marked Archbishop Gizirian's first visit to St. Garabed Church.
    Traveling with him was the Rev. Fr. Tateos Abdalian, director of the
    Department of Mission Parishes at the Eastern Diocese.

    More than 90 people gathered for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy on
    Sunday, October 24. Fr. Abdalian celebrated the Divine Liturgy, with
    Archbishop Gizirian presiding and delivering the day's sermon. A Requiem
    Service was held for deceased community members, as well as the defenders of
    Hadjin. [19]

    Click here
    to read more.

    _Upcoming Parish Festivals and Gatherings _

    _St. Hagop Church | Pinellas Park, FL_
    Renowned Armenian scholar Richard Hovannisian will speak at St. Hagop Church
    of Pinellas Park, FL, on Saturday, October 30, beginning at 7 p.m.

    Titled "The Vanishing Landscape of Historic Armenia and Cilicia," Dr.
    Hovannisian's presentation will focus on his personal journeys to historic

    Tickets are $20 (advance purchase) and $25 (at the door). To make a
    reservation, contact Mallory Maslar at (727) 481-3271.

    The event is being held in conjunction with other Armenia-related events at
    the University of South Florida Holocaust and Genocide Studies Center.
    [20]Click here to view a flyer.

    _Holy Cross Church | Union City, NJ_
    Holy Cross Church of Union City, NJ, will host its annual bazaar and food
    festival on Saturday, October 30, at the church center (27th Street and
    Bergenline Avenue).

    A children's Halloween party will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. Dinner will
    follow at 6 p.m. Enjoy khavourma, keshkeg soup, kufteh, luleh kebob, cheese
    boreg, yalanchi, and pastries. The event will also feature a raffle and
    international music by DJ Berj.

    Admission is free. Street parking is available. For more information,
    contact the church office at (201) 864-2480.

    _St. Vartan Cathedral | New York, NY_
    The St. Vartan Cathedral Council is sponsoring a fall gathering at Michael
    Aram's flagship store in Manhattan on Friday, October 29, from 6:30 to 8:30

    Come mingle and meet members of the cathedral community. Meet artist and
    designer Michael Aram and browse his latest collection. Light food and
    refreshments will be served.

    The Michael Aram Flagship Store is located at 136 West 18th Street in
    Manhattan (between 6th and 7th avenues). [21]Click here to view a flyer.
    RSVP is requested but not required. Call Deacon Sebuh at (212) 686-0710,
    ext. 141.


    _Zohrab Center to Co-host Guitar Recital Next Month _

    The Diocese's Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center, the Armenian
    Students' Association of New York, and the Armenian Network of Greater New
    York will co-host a guitar recital at the Diocesan Center on Friday,
    November 5, at 7 p.m.

    The event will feature Joao Kouoyumdjian on the guitar, and special guests
    Solange Merdinian, soprano; Gohar Vardanyan, guitar; and Joe Arndt, piano.
    They will perform works by Iakovos Kolanian, J.S. Bach, Heitor Villa-Lobos,
    Isaac Albeniz, and others.

    Admission is free. A wine and cheese reception will follow the event. For
    more information, contact Taleen Babayan at (212) 686-0710.


    ACYOA members at this month's leadership conference created action plans for
    the holiday outreach project.

    _Parishes Encouraged to Take Part in ACYOA Holiday Outreach Initiative _

    At the ACYOA Leadership Conference, held from October 8 to 10 at the
    Diocesan Center, young adults from 24 parishes made a commitment to
    implement a holiday outreach initiative in their local communities.

    Working in small groups, they designed action plans to collect art supplies
    and other items for the Fund for Armenian Relief's Children's Center in
    Yerevan, Armenia. The project is one phase of a three-pronged plan to build
    a partnership with FAR-an idea that was first adopted at the ACYOA's Annual
    Assembly last spring.

    Parish ACYOA Chapters are asked to participate in this outreach initiative
    during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season, and to help collect items for
    the Children's Center in Yerevan. Parishes without formal ACYOA chapters are
    also encouraged to take part. [22]Click here to learn more about the
    project, and to access guidelines and resources.

    St. Sahag Church ACYOA Juniors with the Rev. Fr. Hratch Sargsyan and
    Jennifer Morris last weekend.

    _St. Sahag ACYOA Juniors Participate in Overnight Retreat_

    Last weekend, Jennifer Morris, the Youth Outreach coordinator at the Eastern
    Diocese, traveled to St. Paul, MN, to lead the St. Sahag Church ACYOA
    Juniors in an overnight retreat, which was a first for the young parish.

    The retreat began on Saturday, October 23, with an informational meeting for
    teens and their parents about the ACYOA and Diocesan-wide programs. After
    dinner, the parents departed and the teens participated in Bible Study and
    interactive team-building exercises to help them build their leadership
    skills for developing their newly-established ACYOA Juniors chapter.
    Participants also had an opportunity for fellowship and an evening movie.

    The retreat concluded on Sunday, October 24, with the celebration of the
    Divine Liturgy by the parish pastor, the Rev. Fr. Hratch Sargsyan. During
    the fellowship hour, Jennifer Morris addressed parishioners, shared with
    them the highlights of the retreat, and thanked them for their warm

    From: A. Papazian