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Crossroads E-Newsletter - October 28, 2010

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  • Crossroads E-Newsletter - October 28, 2010

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 686-0710
    Fax: (212) 779-3558
    Email: [email protected]

    October 28, 2010
    In conjunction with the regular monthly meeting of the Prelacys
    Religious and Executive Councils, last Saturday a special meeting took
    place with council members and about a dozen invited guests from
    various parishes within the Eastern Prelacy. The Prelate, Archbishop
    Oshagan, presided over the meeting which began at 9 am and continued
    through to 2:30 pm. Participants focused on an agenda of varied topics
    relevant to the future of the Armenian Church.
    A partial view of the leadership meeting at the Prelacy. Archbishop
    Oshagan is addressing the participants.
    Archbishop Oshagan will preside over the Divine Liturgy and Requiem
    Service at St. Illuminators Cathedral, New York City, this Sunday,
    October 31. Requiem Service will be said for the late Mrs. Hranoush
    Mokosian who passed away recently at an advanced age. She lived
    independently and from her frugal savings she was able to designate
    donations to a number of her favorite charities, including the
    Armenian Church.
    Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Vicar General, will celebrate the Divine
    Liturgy and deliver the Sermon this Sunday, October 31, at St. Hagop
    Church in Racine, Wisconsin. The parishs priest, Very Rev. Fr. Daniel
    Garabedian, will assist him on the altar. Following the Liturgy the
    Vicar will preside over the parishs annual anniversary banquet.
    Bishop Anoushavan will attend an Interfaith gathering next Thursday,
    November 4, at the Interfaith Center in New York City. The topic of
    the gathering is Building Sacred Space in the City: Religious Freedom
    in Bricks and Mortar.
    His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, invited
    the prelates and lay representatives for a general meeting to discuss
    the vision of being the Armenian Church in the 21st century. An
    important part of the meeting focused on the impact of geopolitics on
    the life of the Armenian nation. At the conclusion of the meeting,
    members of the Catholicosates Religious and Executive Councils and the
    National Assembly will meet to set priorities and develop an action
    plan for all dioceses under the Cilician See.
    Archpriest Fr. Aram Stepanian, chairman of the Prelacys
    Religious Council and pastor of St. Asdvadzadzin Church in
    Whitinsville, Massachusetts, is in Lebanon and representing Archbishop
    Oshagan and the Eastern Prelacy.
    A scene for the general meeting at the Catholicosate of the Holy See
    of Cilicia, with His Holiness Aram I presiding.
    His Holiness Catholicos Aram and Archpriest Fr. Aram Stepanian, who
    represented the Eastern Prelacy.
    Archpriest Fr. Aram Stepanian, chairman of the Prelacys Religious
    Council, and pastor of St. Asdvadzadzin Church in Whitinsville,
    Massachusetts, was invited to Lebanon to deliver a series of sermons
    on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the Armenian Apostolic
    Church Lay Brothrhood (Hayasdanyayts Arakelagan Yegeghetsasirats
    Archpriest Fr. Aram Stepanian preaching in Lebanon.
    Bible readings for Sunday, October 31, Eighth Sunday of the Exaltation
    of the Holy Cross, are: Isaiah 22:15-25; Ephesians 1:1-14; Luke
    Paul, and apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God,
    To the saints who are in Ephesus and are faithful in Christ Jesus.
    Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has
    blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly
    places, just as he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the
    world to be holy and blameless before him in love. He destined us for
    adoption as his children through Jesus Christ, according to the good
    pleasure of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace that he
    freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption
    through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the
    riches of his grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and
    insight he has made known to us the mystery of his will, according to
    his good pleasure that he set forth in Christ, as a plan for the
    fullness of time, to gather up all things in him, things in heaven and
    things on earth. In Christ we have also obtained an inheritance,
    having been destined according to the purpose of him who accomplishes
    all things according to hi!
    s counsel and will, so that we, who were the first to set our hope on
    Christ, might live for the praise of his glory. In him you also, when
    you had heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and had
    believed in him, were marked with the seal of the promised Holy
    Spirit; this is the pledge of our inheritance toward redemption as
    Gods own people, to the praise of his glory. (Ephesians 1:1-14)

    For a listing of the coming weeks Bible readings click here (
    This Saturday, October 30, the Armenian Church commemorates and
    remembers St. John Chrysostom (Hovnan Voskeperan), who was a notable
    Christian bishop and preacher in the 4th and 5th centuries in Syria
    and Constantinople. He is famous for his eloquence in public
    speakingChrysostom literally means golden mouth. The Orthodox Church
    honors him as a saint and one of the three holy hierarchs (along with
    Saints Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian). He is also
    recognized and honored by the Catholic Church and the Church of
    John converted to Christianity in 368 when he was barely 21
    years old. He renounced a large family inheritance and a promising
    legal career and went to live in a mountain cave where he studied the
    Bible. He was later ordained a priest and soon his sermons were
    attracting huge audiences. He challenged wealthy Christians, whose
    generosity was confined to donating precious objects for display in
    churches. The gift of a chalice may be extravagant in its generosity,
    he said, but a gift to the poor is an expression of love. He told them
    they had a duty to help the poor and needy. He wrote often about
    valuing the richness of nature created by God which should
    be enjoyed and protected. Although he was very popular with the
    people, his outspoken criticism was not appreciated by the hierarchy
    and he was sent into exile at various times. His sermons made a great
    impact on Christendom (his Easter homily is considered to be a
    masterpiece). He had a profound influence on the doctrines and
    theology of the Armenian Church because he spent the final years of
    his exile in Armenia. Some of his important works have survived only
    in Armenian manuscripts. He is also the author of liturgical prayers
    used in the Armenian Church.
    Bishop Shahan Sarkissian, the Prelate of Aleppo, represented the
    Catholicosate of the Holy
    See of Cilicia at a special session of the Synod of Middle East
    Bishops in the Vatican, from October 10 to 24. Presiding over the
    Synod was Pope Benedict XVI.
    The main purpose of the Synod was to discuss issues which
    concern the Catholic Church in the Middle East and the current
    situation of Christianity in general and the challenges they face. The
    theme of the Synod was based on a biblical verse (Acts 4:32): Now the
    company of those who believed were of one heart and soul.
    The aim of the Synod was to establish closer communications
    with the Catholic Church in the Middle East, as well as with
    non-Catholic churches in the Middle East, and to provide encouragement
    and hope to the presence of Christianity in the Middle East.
    Shahan Srpazan addressed the Synod and communicated to the
    Pope the brotherly greetings of Catholicos Aram I. He also
    participated in panel discussions and met with several key Middle East
    Christian leaders and the Commission of Church Unity.
    Mrs. Vana Der Hovhanessian represented the Catholicosate of the Holy
    See of Cilicia at a meeting of the Commission on International Affairs
    of the World Council of Churches, which took place in Tirana,
    Albania. The general theme of the meeting was Current Challenges to
    International Relations and the Role of the Churches. The Commission
    identified peace and security, migrant workers, and religious freedom
    as priority issues for the WCC from 2010 to 2013.
    CNN International broadcast a feature on the heroic defense of Musa
    Dagh during the Armenian Genocide, on the 95th anniversary of the
    famed resistance against the Turkish army. The program featured
    footage from a recent commemoration of the anniversary in Armenia, as
    well as interviews with Musa Dagh descendants living in Armenia.
    Although the dates of broadcast were last weekend, we
    understand that it is available online at
    The Armenians on Musa Dagh put up a fierce
    resistance. Outnumbered and outgunned, they had little expectations of
    surviving the siege. Their only hope was a rescue by an Allied vessel
    that might be patrolling the Mediterranean coast. Two large banners
    hoisted by the Armenians were sighted by a passing French
    warship. Soon after five Allied ships moved in to evacuate the entire
    population of men, women, and childrenmore than 4,000 in all.
    Franz Werfels famous novel, Forty Days of Musa Dagh, (the
    siege was actually 53 days), brought international attention to this
    heroic event. Many of the survivors eventually settled in Anjar,
    Lebanon. That community is intact and vibrant to this day.
    Next month a new edition of the Werfel novel is being
    issued, which will include sections that were omitted in the original
    published version.
    October 30Screening of the 1919 American-made silent film, Ravished
    Armenia, on two consecutive Saturdays, at 4 pm, at Theatre of
    St. Clements Episcopal Church, 423 West 46th Street (between ninth and
    tenth avenues), New York City. Co-sponsored by ANC of NY & NJ, and The
    Anahid Sofian Dance Company. Dr. Antonia Lant, chair of the Department
    of Cinema Studies at New York University, will present and discuss
    this 1919 Hollywood film. Please note that this film is not
    appropriate for children. Donation $15 (all proceeds will benefit Near
    East Foundations work in Armenia). For information: 212-741-2848.
    October 30Comedy & Mezza Night, sponsored by the ARS of Eastern USA
    (Agnouni & Spitak chapters), featuring comedian Vahe Berberian in a
    new repertoire, 7 pm at the Hovnanian School, 817 River Road, New
    Milford, New Jersey. For information: [email protected].
    October 31St. Sarkis Church, 38-65 234th Street, Douglaston, New York,
    celebrates the Year of the Armenian Woman. Lecture by Mrs. Nayda
    Voskerijian, member of Ladies Guild and Armenian Relief Society,
    Armenian Women in America, immediately following church services.
    November 5110th anniversary of birth of Aram Haigaz, sponsored by
    Hamazkayin of New York, at 8:35 pm, at the Armenian Center, Woodside,
    New York. Lecture by Dr. Margaret Khatchatrian (from Armenia);
    Remembrances by his daughter, Iris Haigaz Chekenian; Readings from his
    work; Aram Haigazs life through pictures by Dr. Herand
    Markarian. Newly reprinted book, The Fall of the Aerie, will be given
    as a gift to each family; newly published book, Letters, will be
    available for purchase.
    November 5-6St. Stephens Church, Watertown, Massachusetts. 54th annual
    bazaar, at ACEC, 47 Nichols
    Ave., 10 am to 9:30 pm. Delicious lamb, losh, & chicken kebab,
    kheyma, kufta & yalanchi, Armenian pastries, gourmet foods, soujoukh,
    arts & crafts, attic treasures, raffles, live auction, and much
    more. Childrens games on Saturday. For information, 617-924-7562.
    November 5-6-7Annual Bazaar and Food Festival, Sts. Vartanantz Church,
    Ridgefield, New Jersey. Friday 5 pm-10 pm; Saturday, 5 pm-11 pm with
    live music by Jaq Hagopian and his band. Sunday 12 noon 4 pm,
    featuring traditional Kavourma dinner. Menu for Friday and Saturday
    includes kebabs (chicken, luleh, and lamb), various homemade
    appetizers, plus tourshe, string cheese, lahmejun, choreg, manti, sou
    boreg and kufte to take home, and dessert table. Tricky Tray Friday
    and Saturday; host of vendors for shopping; childrens activity
    room. For information contact the church by email
    ([email protected] (mailto:[email protected])) or
    phone, 201-943-2950.
    November 6-7St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan, Annual Bazaar
    featuring lavish Armenian delicacies, exclusive shops, kids carnival
    games, raffles, attic treasures, and much more.
    November 7St. Stephens Church, Hartford/New Britain, Connecticut, 85th
    anniversary dinner and program in the church hall, begins at 1 pm.
    November 767th anniversary, All Saints Armenian Church, Glenview,
    November 13Spiritual Retreat for Women, sponsored by Ladies Guild of
    St. Gregory Church, 1014 W. Pontoon Rd, Granite City, Illinois, 9 am
    to 4:30 pm. Speakers: Janet Dohr, CPPS and Nayiri Baljian
    Bell. Registration, $10.
    November 13-14Soorp Khatch Church, Bethesda, Maryland, 46th
    anniversary banquet Saturday evening. Sunday Divine Liturgy celebrated
    by the Prelate, H.E. Archbishop Oshagan. Information: 301-229-8742.
    November 13-14Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, Rhode Island,
    Armenian Fest 2010 at Rhodes-On-The-Pawtucket, Cranston, Rhode
    Island. Saturday, 12 noon to 10 pm; Sunday, 12 noon to 8 pm. Shish
    Kebob, Losh, and Chicken dinners, sandwiches, falafel, served all
    day. Armenian pastries, Country Store, hourly raffles, silent auction,
    gift baskets, and much more. Live Armenian music, Mourad Armenian
    School students to dance on Saturday at 5 pm and Sunday at 4
    pm. Admission free. For information call the church, 401-831-6399.
    November 14Thanksgiving Luncheon and Cultural Program, sponsored by
    Ladies Guild of St. Illuminators Cathedral, 221 E. 27th Street, New
    York City, following Divine Liturgy, adults $25; children $10. For
    information/reservations: 212-689-5880.
    November 19-20Holy Trinity Armenian Church, Worcester, Massachusetts,
    Fall Food Festival, Friday, November 19, 4 pm to 8 pm, with dinner
    beginning at 5 pm. Saturday, November 20, 10 am to 4 pm with dinner
    beginning at noon. Shish, Losh, and Chicken Kebob and Kheyma
    sandwiches. Variety of baked goods and Armenian Country Store.
    November 21St. Gregory Church of Merrimack Valley, North Andover,
    Massachusetts, 40th anniversary and ordination of acolytes, presided
    by His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan. Anniversary luncheon at Jaffarian
    Hall will follow the Divine Liturgy. Tickets ($50 adults; $10
    students and children) must be purchased in advance. For information:
    December 44th annual banquet, sponsored by the Armenian National
    Committee of America, Eastern Region, at Crowne Plaza, Warwick, Rhode
    Island. Cocktails and silent auction at 6:30 pm; dinner and awards
    program at 8 pm. Warwick Mayor, Scott Avedisian, will host the
    evening. ANCA-ER Freedom Award to go to the late Senator Edward
    Kennedy. Vahan Cardashian Award to Tatoul Sonentz-Papazian. For
    information/reservations, Stephanie at 401-523-0205.
    December 4Annual Bazaar of Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville,
    Massachusetts, at Christian Reformed Church, 25 Cross Street,
    Whitinsville. Delicious shish kebob dinner, baked goods, country
    store, silent auction, Armenian boutique and more. Dinner service
    begins 11:30 am. For information: 508-234-3677.
    December 5Christmas Boutique, sponsored by ARS Mayr Chapter of New
    York at St. Illuminators Cathedral, 221 E. 27th Street, New York City,
    11 am to 5 pm. Homemade Armenian delicacies, beautiful
    Christmas gift items. For information: 718-392-6982; 516-921-0563.
    December 9Film screening of award-winning Aghet: A Genocide, sponsored
    by Armenian National Committee of New Jersey and Center for Holocaust
    & Genocide Studies, Ramapo College, 505 Ramapo Valley Road, Mahwah,
    New Jersey, 7:15 pm. Free and open to the public. For information:
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) or 201-684-7409.
    March 27, 2011Musical Armenia Concert. Sponsored by Eastern Prelacy,
    Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
    May 11-14, 2011National Representative Assembly of Eastern Prelacy,
    hosted by St. Gregory the Illuminator Church, Philadelphia,
    Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacys web
    To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
    add [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) to
    your address book.
    Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
    credit Crossroads as the source.
    Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
    their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

    From: A. Papazian