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ISTANBUL: Turkey not partner but owner of NATO, FM says

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  • ISTANBUL: Turkey not partner but owner of NATO, FM says

    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Oct 30 2010

    Turkey not partner but owner of NATO, FM says

    Saturday, October 30, 2010
    XI'AN/SHANGHAI ` Hürriyet Daily News

    'Turkey is not in a position to be a frontier country. NATO should
    cover all member states and should remain outside any formula that
    would geographically set one country against another," FM DavutoÄ?lu
    says. AA photo

    Turkey is not a partner, but an owner of NATO, Foreign Minister Ahmet
    DavutoÄ?lu said Saturday, adding that an agreement within the
    multi-national alliance is as important as an accord within the
    European Union.

    Speaking to a small group of journalists en route from Xi'an to
    Shanghai as part of his weeklong China trip, DavutoÄ?lu related a story
    about how a foreign minister from an EU member state referred to
    Turkey as an `important partner' during a meeting involving European
    security and defense policy.

    `I took the floor after him in the same meeting and said that we are
    not a partner here, but an owner. We are an owner of NATO. We are not
    a partner,' the Turkish foreign minister said.

    `I told my colleague the hat that should be worn in this meeting
    should belong to NATO and if he wants to speak with his EU hat on, he
    should go to another street in Brussels,' DavutoÄ?lu added.

    French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner is believed to be the EU
    colleague to whom DavutoÄ?lu was referring.

    `That was a pleasant discussion. My friend came later saying he had
    been misunderstood and we hugged,' the Turkish foreign minister added.

    Turkey is not a member state in the EU, but a candidate country that
    began formal accession talks in 2005. The country has, however, been a
    member of NATO since 1952. Most recently, Ankara has been the subject
    of discussions over a potential NATO missile-defense system originally
    proposed by the United States during the Bush administration. It is
    unclear whether Turkey will actively participate in the proposed
    system directed against Iran, which much of the international
    community considers a threat due to its controversial nuclear program.

    In discussing the plans, DavutoÄ?lu first said calling the proposed
    system a `missile shield' was incorrect both technically and

    `Missile shield, missile wars, where will Turkey be in this war? The
    discussions within NATO are not about this at all,' he said. DavutoÄ?lu
    added that the focus at the recent Brussels meeting of NATO foreign
    and defense ministers was more about NATO-EU cooperation, which he
    said did not have ramifications in Turkey.

    Turkey not alone, but at the center of NATO

    DavutoÄ?lu then clarified the basic three principles in Ankara's policy
    toward the NATO missile-defense system.

    `First of all, Turkey is not a country that has to be convinced by
    NATO. Turkey is not alone; Turkey is at the center of NATO,' he said.

    The foreign minister then gave another example from a different
    international meeting where Turkey's role in NATO was being

    `I gave a similar reaction in this debate too. If one [official from a
    member state] asks if the alliance is losing Turkey, this is an insult
    to Turkey... Every matter is discussed in NATO together. Turkey's
    position should be taken into consideration here,' he said. `NATO
    regularly reviews its security defense concept as a whole and takes
    necessary measures as a security organization. It is out of the
    question for Turkey to oppose these measures.'

    While explaining the country's second principle, the foreign minister
    said NATO should take into account the principle of `indivisible
    security,' meaning that the alliance should preserve each and every
    member state's security.

    `An understanding of exclusion of certain regions of Turkey [from the
    proposed defense system] cannot be accepted. Turkey should entirely be
    protected,' he said. `The essence of the focus is the security of
    member states and only the security of member states.'

    `Turkey will not be a frontier'

    In explaining the third principle, DavutoÄ?lu said Turkey does perceive
    any threat in its neighborhood and does not plan to be a frontier
    country as it was during the Cold War era.

    `Turkey is not in a position to be a frontier country. NATO, while
    doing threat planning on this issue, should cover all member states
    and should remain outside any formula that would geographically set
    one country against another,' he said.

    The United States has often portrayed the missile-defense system as a
    safeguard against a possible ballistic strike from Iran. Ankara is
    concerned that such a perception could damage its growing relationship
    with its neighbor and has said it does not want the system to
    specifically identify any neighboring country, whether it be Iran or

    `It is true that Turkey does not consider it appropriate to refer to
    neighboring countries in this [missile-defense] system... we want
    stability, prosperity and peace in our neighborhood,' DavutoÄ?lu said.

    `We are not afraid of loneliness'

    Asked if Turkey had reached a compromise with Washington on the plan,
    the foreign minister said it was in the works.

    `If we defend one true thing, we never become afraid of remaining
    alone... It is natural for NATO to develop a defense system and Turkey
    will take part in this. It is not possible for anyone to oppose this,'
    he said.

    Commenting on cooperation between NATO and the EU, DavutoÄ?lu said, `An
    accord within NATO is as important as an accord within the EU.' He
    added that Turkey should be involved in the decision-making mechanisms
    related to EU security studies.

    The decades-old Cyprus impasse is a sticking point in NATO-EU
    cooperation. Turkey objects to Greek Cyprus, an EU member state,
    sitting in on EU-NATO meetings because it is not a member of NATO's
    partnership-for-peace program. Such issues were discussed in detail
    when NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen visited Ankara

    `The EU has not signed a security agreement with Turkey. Turkey's
    accession to the European Defense Agency has not been approved. Turkey
    is not actively involved in the European security and defense policies
    and Turkey is the only country in this position compared to other
    non-EU, but NATO member states,' said DavutoÄ?lu.

    The foreign minister made clear that considering the abnormality, it
    would not be correct to expect Turkey to approve Greek Cyprus'
    involvement in NATO decision-making mechanisms.

    `Our attitude is based on principles and well understood by all
    parties concerned,' DavutoÄ?lu said.

    Genocide resolution not used as leverage

    Asked about whether Washington was using the threat of a resolution
    acknowledging the alleged Armenian genocide as leverage against Ankara
    during negotiations on the NATO missile-defense plan, DavutoÄ?lu said
    it was out of question.

    `It is out of the question for any friendly country and ally to use an
    issue as leverage against us¦ This does not bode well with an alliance
    understanding,' he said. `We have constructive dialogue with the U.S.

    From: A. Papazian