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Schiff, Sherman transfer funds

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  • Schiff, Sherman transfer funds

    Glendale News Press , CA
    Oct 30 2010

    Schiff, Sherman transfer funds
    Candidates seen as heavy favorites divert campaign money to other Democrats

    By Bill Kisliuk, [email protected]
    October 30, 2010

    Reps. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) and Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks) have
    given nearly $1 million in combined donations to their colleagues
    during a fundraising cycle in which Republican challengers are poised
    to make significant gains.

    Both incumbent congressmen face relatively weak Republican challenges
    in their own re-election campaigns for Nov. 2, and so have diverted
    more money to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

    The committee directs dollars to the congressional races where
    Democrats need them most. Many House Democrats from around the nation
    are fighting for their political lives this year, with polls
    indicating Republicans will win enough seats Tuesday to gain control
    of the House.

    Sherman and Schiff's races are seen as relatively safe, as they have
    more money and name recognition than their rivals - Mark Reed and John
    Colbert, respectively - and represent Democratic-leaning districts.

    In 2009-10, Sherman says his campaign has given more than $746,000 to
    other Democrats. That includes $517,500 to the Democratic
    Congressional Campaign Committee and nearly $229,000 to candidates
    ranging from other House Democrats to California gubernatorial hopeful
    Jerry Brown.

    "I'm proud of it," Sherman said, noting that a recent U.S. Supreme
    Court ruling made it easier for corporations and unions to pay for
    influential political ads that are not directly tied to candidates.

    "Given the large amount of money given by corporations secretly, I
    felt I had to step forward," he said.

    Sherman has also hosted fundraisers for others, including an August
    event for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee at the
    Western Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Burbank.

    Schiff has given more than $163,000 to the Democratic Congressional
    Campaign Committee for the 2009-10 cycle, according to Federal
    Election Commission filings. Since he was first elected to Congress in
    2000, records show Schiff has given more than $816,000 to the

    "Adam has always been supportive of other good candidates around the
    country," said Schiff campaign spokesman Parke Skelton. "The battle
    terrain is extraordinarily broad this year, and the needs for funding
    are major because there are so many seats in play."

    The donations are part of a river of cash flowing toward House races
    as election day nears. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
    raised $129 million through Oct. 13, while the National Republican
    Congressional Committee had raised $107 million, according to the
    Federal Election Commission.

    But John Pitney, Jr., a professor of politics at Claremont McKenna
    College, said Schiff and Sherman are expected to pay dues to the

    "One reason they do it is simple," Pitney said. "They have to."

    He also said the donations are strategic investments for both the
    parties and the candidate. Parties put the money into races where it
    is most needed.

    For example, in 2010 the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
    has given Pennsylvania candidate Timothy Burns, who is trying to win
    the seat of the late Democratic Rep. John Murtha, more than $480,000.

    The money also helps the donor, Pitney said.

    "Some members are ambitious to move up in the party ranks, and you get
    the gratitude of the leadership and the members by giving campaign
    money," he said.,0,3091461.story

    From: A. Papazian