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BAKU: Withdrawal of Armenia from occupied lands of Azerbaijan at iss

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  • BAKU: Withdrawal of Armenia from occupied lands of Azerbaijan at iss, Azerbaijan
    Oct 30 2010

    Withdrawal of Armenia from occupied lands of Azerbaijan currently at issue
    Sat 30 October 2010 05:38 GMT | 8:38 Local Time
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    Asim Mollazade News.Az interviews Asim Mollazade, chairman of the
    Party of Democratic Reforms, Milli Majlis deputy.
    How do you assess the results of the trilateral meeting of presidents
    of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia-Dmitriy Medvedev, Ilham Aliyev and
    Serzh Sargsyan in Astrakhan discussing ways to settle Nagorno Karabakh

    I am inclined to share the optimism, of Russian President Dmitriy
    Medvedev who said by results of this trilateral meeting of the
    presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia that Azerbaijan and
    Armenia can come to a coordinated decision on principles of resolving
    the Karabakh conflict before the OSCE summit. I believe that the
    presidents of the countries of the OSCE Minsk Group and primarily
    Russia are taking an important work to resolve the Karabakh conflict.
    In addition I think the whole world community and superpowers are
    thinking of forcing Armenia to peace.

    What is the reason of such a position of superpowers?

    The matter is that all countries are interested in peace and stability
    in our region and this cannot be reached without the fair resolution
    of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno Karabakh, without
    liberation of all Armenian-occupied lands of Azerbaijan. The position
    of official Yerevan was a hindrance to the comprehensive, long-term
    development and flourishing of the South Caucasus. But such an open
    ignoring of international law and existing realities cannot last long
    and Armenia needs to realize this. And the issue of liberation of
    Armenian-occupied lands of Azerbaijan is current on the agenda.

    What could have made official Yerevan to become more compliant at negotiations?

    This is the same opinion of the world community, leading superpowers,
    primarily Russia. In addition, Armenia has a number of problems for
    the reason of continued occupation of Azerbaijani lands and
    territorial claims not only to our country, but also to neighbor
    states, isolation from all successfully developing regional projects.
    This includes the collapsed economy, demographic problems, related to
    mass outflow of able-bodies citizens from this country. It is
    necessary to settle all these problems. But Armenia's involvement into
    other big regional projects and the settlement of all economic and
    other problems is impossible without changes in the position of
    official Yerevan in the negotiation process, without its agreement to
    liberate the occupied lands of Azerbaijan.

    How much will it take to resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict
    over Nagorno Karabakh completely?

    Today, there is a need for definite steps in the resolution of the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno Karabakh. Step by step, we
    will be able to come to the final resolution of this conflict, reach
    the atmosphere of peace and stability in the South Caucasus region. At
    the current stage it is important to sign a framework agreement on
    principles of the resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over
    Nagorno Karabakh. Here it is also necessary to raise trust between the
    parties. It is also important that the joint agreement-declaration by
    results of the Astrakhan meeting of the presidents of Armenia, Russia
    and Azerbaijan contains a paragraph about the exchange of war
    prisoners and return the bodies of the dead. In other words, there is
    a need to spare no effort for the resolution of this conflict. This
    will be uneasy process but it must be gone through.

    Akper Hasanov

    From: A. Papazian