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Ambassador Yovanovitch Discusses US Policy in Armenia

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  • Ambassador Yovanovitch Discusses US Policy in Armenia

    Ambassador Yovanovitch Discusses US Policy in Armenia in Exclusive
    Asbarez Interview

    Friday, October 29th, 2010
    by Asbarez

    During her recent visit to Los Angeles, the US Ambassador to Armenia,
    Marie Yovanovitch, expressed interest in discussing US policy in
    Armenia with Asbarez. Overall, her visit to the Western Region
    communities were met with skepticism, given that she generally
    reiterated previous positions articulated by the State Department.
    Asbarez's Allen Yekikian sat down with Yovanovitch at the Glendale
    Public Library on October 14 to discuss Washington's position on
    Armenian-American issues and the State Department's approach to
    Armenia and surrounding neighbors. Below is the interview in its

    Allen Yekikian: Is mentioning the Armenian Genocide still a firing
    offense for U.S. diplomats? Do you fear retaliation by the State
    Department and a fate similar to your predecessor Ambassador Evans, if
    you were to speak honestly about the Armenian Genocide? What actions
    would you take against any of the employees at the U.S. embassy in
    Yerevan if they spoke honestly about the Armenian Genocide?

    Marie Yovanovitch: Well I think that US policy is very clear and I
    think that all US government employees-our job is to uphold the US
    policy and represent US policy, for example in Iraq or on Israel,
    there is only one US policy and that's the President's policy. Nobody
    would expect that there should be be 15 different views about the way
    forward and the same thing is true on this issue.

    A.Y.: Does the U.S. have military or economic interests in connection
    to Turkey that influence its decision on whether to use the word
    `genocide,' when discussing the massacre of 1.5 million Armenians from

    M.Y.: Obviously Turkey is a NATO ally it's been a longstanding partner
    for the US. But i think that when the President looks at this issue
    and makes these decisions, he takes a lot of issues into account. I
    think if you look at his statement from April 24, I think it's pretty
    clear what his views are and that he thinks it's important to have a
    clear and full and just accounting of the facts. He points to the
    discussions that Armenians and Turks are having on these issues and
    how important that is.

    A.Y.: In a July 2008 letter to then-Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    Chairman Joe Biden, Matthew Reynolds, Acting Assistant Secretary for
    Legislative Affairs, wrote, `We indeed hold Ottoman officials
    responsible for those crimes.' What does the U.S. government mean,
    when it says it holds Ottoman officials `responsible for those
    crimes,' which as you just said the President has characterized in his
    April statement as brutal massacres of more than a million people?

    M.Y.: Well I think it's pretty clear what we mean by that. We hold
    them responsible.

    A.Y: What does that entail. Responsibility for a crime in the US
    entails punishment, jail time, legal action or fines. So what does the
    US government consider as punishment in this case?

    M.Y.: I'd refer you back to Assistant Secretary Reynolds' letter on that.

    A.Y.: The President's statement in April clearly characterized
    everything that encompasses Genocide but fell short of using the word.
    What does it take for the President to call it what it is? If the
    Republic of Turkey recognized the Armenian Genocide tomorrow, would
    the United States then also do the same?

    M.Y.: All of our policies, whether they are domestic or foreign are
    the President's policies and he makes those decisions. You are asking
    me a couple of hypothetical questions so all I can say is we can't
    really answer hypothetical questions; it's really up to the President
    to make that decision.

    A.Y.: Did you ever meet with the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey to discuss
    ending Turkey's blockade, as you committed to do during your
    confirmation hearing?

    M.Y.: I meet with the ambassadors and others in all of the embassies
    in the region, so Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey because, obviously,
    there are a lot of issues that we've discussed and we certainly
    discussed these issues with Ambassador Jeffery when he was in place
    and now Charge d'affairs Doug Siloman.

    A.Y.: A little while back we had the flotilla incident with Turkey and
    Israel and the blockade of aid ships going to Gaza. The US took a
    position on that. Why hasn't the US taken a position on the nearly two
    decade-long illegal blockade of Armenia?

    M.Y.: We think that the border should be opened immediately and
    without preconditions. We've encouraged both sides to move forward and
    ratify the protocols so I think our position is pretty clear.

    A.Y.: Armenia began the rapprochement process between Turkey and
    Armenia on the principles of immediate relations without preconditions
    but it quickly evolved to include a whole slew of preconditions that
    eventually stalled the talks as a result of Turkey's refusal to move
    forward without a resolution of the Karabakh conflict favoring

    M.Y.: Yeah, right, that's the only one I'm aware of.

    A.Y.: Right, but Turkey also requires Armenia end any international
    efforts for Genocide recognition. So What...

    M.Y.: I'm not aware of that.

    A.Y.: Well going back to the Karabakh precondition, what is the US
    government's position on that and how is it dealing with that since it
    was a key broker of the rapprochement process.

    M.Y.: I know that this is a controversial issue in the Armenian
    community here, and it's certainly been the topic of much discussion
    in Yerevan-and Armenia more broadly. We think that it's very important
    to move forward; we understand that it's very difficult, but our
    position is that there should be normalization without preconditions.
    We've said that publicly and I can assure you that we have said that
    privately. We hope that just as President Sarkisian indicated in his
    statement in April-that at some point the Turks would be ready to come
    back to the table and start moving that process forward again-and
    that's something that we are ready to assist the parties on if they
    need our assistance.

    A.Y.: So does official Washington consider Turkey's requirement to
    resolve Karabakh a precondition.

    M.Y.: We don't believe there should be any linkage and there should be
    a movement forward in terms of normalization, opening the border,
    diplomatic relations, ordinary commerce-directly, not through third
    countries. Secretary Clinton was very clear when she was in Yerevan
    when she said the ball is in the Turkish court. And we believe that
    President Sarkisian was visionary, very brave, in terms of moving
    forward on this issue. Because he knew it was going to be
    controversial, he knew it was going to be difficult and yet he
    undertook that step. We hope that at some point we can move forward
    again and I think it's certainly clear to all the parties that we are
    ready to help that process.

    A.Y.: Why was it that when Secretary of State Clinton visited the
    Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan, Dzidzernagapert, earlier this
    year she did so in a personal and private capacity but when she
    visited the Alley of Martyrs in Baku, which is in memory of several
    dozen Azerbaijanis who died in fighting with the Soviet troops who
    were sent into Baku to stop anti-Armenian pogroms of 1988, she made
    that visit in her official capacity and in a highly public way? Are
    you concerned that the Secretary's actions represent a double standard
    that demeans the U.S. response to the mass murder and dispossession of
    an entire civilization?

    M.Y: I was with the Secretary when she went to Dzidzernagapert and it
    was a really moving moment. She went to pay her respects to those who
    died and we were greeted by Haik Demoyan, the director of the Museum
    and Memorial complex, and he was able to provide context and explain
    to the Secretary what she was seeing, what various things represented
    and so forth. I think it was very important that she went there and it
    was certainly very moving. Obviously you've seen the footage on TV and
    the photos. We wanted to keep it as dignified as possible and I think
    it was important that she went and I'm really glad that she did go.

    A.Y.: Do you believe there can be a real reconciliation between Turkey
    and Armenia, without a truthful and just resolution of the Armenian

    M.Y.: I think these are all very difficult processes. When people come
    together and talk about whatever it is that students talk about when
    they are together or journalists and professors might have
    professional issues they might want to talk about, other types of
    professionals may have issues that sort of create this space for
    dialogue. I think it's really hard to go back in history and discuss
    some of these very difficult, very emotional, very difficult issues
    when there's not a basis for trust. And I think right now, on both
    sides of the border, because that border has been closed for so long
    because of that history, there isn't a lot of knowledge on both sides
    of the border about the other. So I think it's important to try to
    create a space for dialogue and when you move forward with those
    dialogues, gradually one takes on some of the harder issues.

    I think if you look at the evolution in Turkey over the last few
    years, there's clearly an interest in the issue of normalization and
    so fort. I'm not saying this is a topic in every household, but
    certainly in intellectual circles, this is a topic that is addressed.
    I think there is a shift in the dialogue, where Turks are ready to ask
    some questions of themselves. I'm not saying that they agree with
    Armenians, but I think there is a shift in the dialogue and that's a
    beginning. And I think it's important for Armenians and Turks to come
    together and discuss many issues to create a basis of trust to also
    talk about other issues.

    A.Y.: Why has the Obama Administration, during its first two years in
    office, called for reductions in the level of economic aid actually
    provided to Armenia?

    M.Y.: I Think all you need to do is look at the general budget
    picture. The Armenia budget is not separate from that process. But I
    am glad that the assistance to Armenia is among one of the highest per
    capita in the world. We're pleased that we were able to maintain $45
    million for fiscal year 2010 and as you know we don't have a final
    budget yet for this fiscal year but we are hoping we could keep it up
    there. We do a lot of important things with our assistance budget,
    whether it's in terms of supporting Armenia's economic growth or
    supporting democratic development, whether it's on the health side or
    the social services side, through pension reforms and so forth. So
    certainly, speaking as the American Ambassador to Armenia, we hope
    those budget levels will be maintained. But again, we can't divorce
    what we are doing in Armenia with the overall budget picture in the
    United States.

    A.Y.: By that same account, Azerbaijan continues to receive large
    amounts of US aid, particularly military aid, freeing up its budget to
    allocate more funds to its military. Why do our tax dollars fund
    military aid to Azerbaijan at the same time that its government is
    both threatening and actually using its military to start a new war
    against Nagorno Karabakh? Couldn't that money, which is bolstering the
    Azeri military machine, be better spent on democratization efforts in
    both countries. Why does the US, and in particular me as a tax paying
    citizen, continue to support a country threatening war?

    M.Y.: That's a fair question. We also provide a lot of assistance to
    Russia and most of the assistance to Russia and most of our assistance
    to Azerbaijan goes to democratization programs because we feel that
    it's important to help those countries with their ongoing transitions
    to democracy. In the case of Azerbaijan, I think it would be clearly
    in Armenia's interests if Azerbaijan moves forward in that democratic
    process. Azerbaijan, I think, gets somewhere to the tune of half the
    assistance we provide Armenia and I think there's a consensus on the
    part of Congress and the executive branch that this is a good use of
    our money-to try and help Azerbaijan make that transition.

    You also asked about military funding, we provide funding to both
    Armenia and Azerbaijan. We ensure that that funding does not raise
    tensions in the area and destabilize the area and so forth. One of the
    reasons we give assistance to Azerbaijan in this respect is that in a
    post-911 world we have important counter-terrorism and
    counter-narcotics programs with Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea.

    A.Y.: You mentioned the US gives military aid to both Armenia and
    Azerbaijan. But the President has also exercised his right to waive
    Section 907, and has not yet released the report that justifies
    providing military aid to Azerbaijan. Is there any reason that this
    report should not be shared with the public? If not, can you instruct
    the U.S. Embassy to release this report?

    M.Y.: Well you know, we can take that question and get back to you.
    Obviously, the US embassy in Yerevan wouldn't be the one that writes
    that report and if that's an important answer for you we can ask
    someone at the State Department to get back to you.

    A.Y.: What signal is the President sending when the Administration
    sends Azerbaijan's military more aid than Armenia, particularly when
    Azerbaijan's leaders are threatening to use their army to start a new
    war? You mentioned that the US takes steps to ensure its funding does
    not destabilize the area, but it's clear with recent events that
    Azerbaijan's President is in fact raising tensions in the region with
    repeated violations of the cease-fire agreement with Karabakh that
    results in deaths on the border.

    M.Y.: Well, I think it's fairly straight forward and I understand that
    perhaps you may not agree with this but we were very careful with the
    assistance that we provide. Most of the assistance that we provide
    both countries is actually in the form of training. We have important
    missions with the country of Azerbaijan. It has a strategic location
    on the Caspian Sea and as I said in a post-911 world, we need to work
    with Azerbaijan on important issues of counter terrorism and

    A.Y.: Armenia is similarly important in this post-911 world. It has
    sent troops to serve alongside American soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan,
    and Kosovo, and consistently called for stronger military cooperation
    with the United States. What obstacles do you see preventing broader
    U.S.-Armenia military cooperation?

    M.Y.: Actually I think that what we've seen over the last couple years
    is a strengthening of the bilateral military to military relationship
    and I think it's a real positive and bright spot in our overall
    bilateral relationship. We do many things, both through the NATO
    partnership as well as bilaterally and I'll give you a couple
    examples. On the NATO side, there was a NATO disaster response
    exercise in Armenia recently and that's really important because
    that's the way you train working with your neighbors and so forth
    working with your neighbors on how to respond to a disaster. And I
    think it was great that there was so much participation by NATO and
    the partner countries.

    Turkey had observers there so I think it was a real plus. On the
    bilateral side, we are working with Armenia with US experts through a
    NATO program with its strategic defense review. And that's a new way
    of thinking for a post-Soviet military-trying to determine what does
    it want its military to look like, what does it need to accomplish
    those goals, and putting the budget piece into place too. You've
    probably seen Secretary Gates' comments about the US military, saying
    we need to cut by 10 percent because we can't do all the tasks we want
    to do and the same thing is probably true with most militaries. So
    this is a strategic defense review that kind of helps the Armenian
    military leadership think strategically about where it's going.

    A.Y.: Why do you think the people of Nagorno Karabagh have voted
    repeatedly against being ruled by Azerbaijan?

    M.Y.: I don't want to speak for the people of Karabakh, you have to ask others.

    A.Y.: Throughout the Cold War, America argued against the foreign rule
    Moscow imposed on the peoples of the Soviet bloc, yet, today, we
    defend the very artificial borders drawn by Stalin to deny freedom to
    the Armenian people of Nagorno Karabakh? Why is the U.S. defending
    borders imposed by Stalin? If this principle had been applied during
    the struggle for freedom by the American colonies, we would still be
    part of England.

    M.Y.: Obviously I've heard this question many times during my time
    here in the United States, and in general. Obviously
    self-determination is an important principle, but so is territorial
    integrity. If that wasn't one of the bedrocks of the international
    system you can imagine what we would be dealing with. So I think it's
    important to try to move forward with negotiations to find a political
    solution to the NK conflict-one that is acceptable to both sides. But
    you know, that's going to require compromises on both sides as well.

    A.Y.: Speaking of territorial integrity and self-determination, most
    of the world's countries today were formed because of their exercise
    of the principle of self-determination, including the most
    recent-Kosov. Please explain the obvious inconsistency in the US not
    advocating, let alone supporting, the self-determination of the people
    of Nagorno-Karabakh and the recognition of the independence of the
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic when it actively worked, over Serbia's
    opposition, in support the independence and self-determination of
    Kosovo? Also, please comment on the recent International Court of
    Justice ruling upholding the legality of Kosovo's unilateral
    declaration of independence.

    M.Y.: Again, obviously every Armenian I talk to, whether it's here or
    in Armenia, shares your view that Kosovo should be a precedent for NK.
    But I think when we look at the situation, every conflict is unique
    and challenging and different in its own way. You can't just impose
    solutions onto another.

    Obviously we want to use the lessons of history, the lessons that
    different negotiations can help us with and we want to use those
    lessons learned in finding a solution to the NK conflict. There are
    many possible precedents out there. There are many conflicts, I can
    think of a couple right now, that Armenians would not think relevant,
    but perhaps the Azerbaijanis would. So where we find ourselves is
    discussing which precedent would be the most useful and we will impose
    on NK as an NK solution as opposed to trying to find a solution to NK.
    I think that's what we need to focus on and that's where the efforts
    of the Minsk Group Co-Chairs are.

    A.Y.: Why is the US government looking so far away for precedents when
    there are three fairly recent historical precedents that have defined
    the reality on the ground between Armenia and Azerbaijan, in 1905,
    1918, and 1991. In all three cases, three conflicts flared out between
    the Armenians and Turkic people of the region over the same exact
    reason, with the same people, and in the same territory. And the
    underlying cause for all three conflicts was denial of the right to
    self-determination to the Armenians of Karabakh. Why does the US
    Government, and the Minsk Group in particular, not look to these
    precedents, when working toward a resolution of the conflict?

    M.Y.: I think the Minsk Group Co-Chairs are looking at the entire
    situation and I think what we need to do is move forward with a
    political solution with the negotiation that will actually lead to a
    just and lasting peace.

    A.Y.: That `just and lasting peace,' according to the Minsk Group
    co-chairs, is articulated in the Madrid Principles, which call on
    Nagorno Karabagh to make specific, up-front, and irrevocable land and
    security concessions in exchange for a vague promise that Azerbaijan
    will agree to an as-yet undefined process to address its status at
    some point in the future. Why is this a good deal for Nagorno
    Karabagh, which in fact is not even a full participant to the peace

    M.Y.: Because a decision was made a while ago that Armenia could
    represent NK. I think the Minsk Group negotiators were just in
    Karabakh. They have frequent consultations with the NK authorities, as
    well as with people in NK to find out what they are thinking and so
    forth. I think that there's general recognition that a just and
    lasting solution to the conflict is not going to be possible without
    input from the NK folks. So I think that at some point they will be
    brought into the process, but that's going to have to be something
    that all the parties agree to, including Azerbaijan. Clearly we are
    not at that point yet, so in the interim, the Co-Chairs are frequently
    going to the region in order to find out the views of the NK

    A.Y.: Moving onto the Armenians of Georgia, why has the U.S.
    government remained silent in the face of abuses against the Armenian
    Church, unfair restrictions on Armenian schools, and all other forms
    of cultural, social, political and economic pressure intended to
    intimidate and ultimately drive away the region's historic Armenian
    population, particularly in Javakhk, which the Georgian Foreign
    Minister recently said does not exist?

    M.Y.: I was recently in Javakhk, traveling with Ambassador Bass who is
    our ambassador to Georgia. It was obviously very interesting for me.
    We met with a number of local government authorities as well as folks
    who were living in the region and of course many of them are Armenian.
    I can't really agree with the premise of your question that there is a
    purposeful campaign to drive out Armenians.

    Those that I spoke with actually felt their lives were getting better
    and they pointed to two things. One was gasification, that over the
    last five years the government of Georgia have made a concerted effort
    to hook up certain cities in outlying areas with gas. That makes a
    tremendous difference to the quality of life. Not everyone has this
    yet but that was something a lot of people pointed to.

    The second thing was that was the road that was being built. The
    Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is building a road to the
    Armenian border and having just driven that road-parts of it are
    completed and parts of it aren't. What a difference in terms of
    bringing your crops to market in Tbilisi-hugely beneficial to the
    people of that area, especially now since they are being hired to
    build those roads. In the future, they can use that road for commerce
    and so forth. That's US government money, US tax-payer money.

    The government of Georgia is building secondary and tertiary roads off
    of that main road to the villages. Now all of the villages going to
    have great roads leading to them-no. But again, it's better than it
    was and it's a step forward.

    The US Government has quite a number of programs-administered by the
    US Embassy in Georgia-in Javakhk. We've got $220 million dollars of
    programming, that includes the road, but across the board. That
    includes helping with democratic transition in terms of economic
    growth and so forth and that benefits the people in the region,
    including Armenians.

    A.Y.: I was also recently there in August. I did see the roads, they
    are nicely paved. But I saw a different picture than what you are
    describing. In fact, non of the people working on the road that runs
    directly through Javakhk and to the Armenian border are Armenian,
    despite the fact that Akhalkalak, for example, is almost entirely
    populated by Armenians. Furthermore, Armenian schools have been taken
    over by the state, which has imposed mandatory reductions in hours per
    week they are permitted to teach Armenian language.

    M.Y.: If I can just say, I did meet Armenians who were working on the
    road and I specifically asked the question, whose getting hired.
    Locals are getting hired. Most folks in that part of Georgia are
    Armenian. We certainly try to encourage Georgia to invest in that
    region. In fact, what we've seen-I hear you telling me something
    different-but what we've seen is that Georgia is investing in that
    part of the country. There's a lot of need in Georgia just as there is
    in Armenia and I think in that regard those two are fairly comparable.

    On the schools, we did meet with some schools, I should say one
    Armenian and one Georgian school and the teachers raised the issue as
    well. The minority schools, or ethnic schools- whether they are
    Armenian, Russian, Azerbaijani-all of the teaching at those schools is
    in that language, except for if they are studying a foreign language.
    You are right, what is being reduced is teaching Armenian grammar and
    so forth. That is something the US embassy in Georgia has raised with
    the government in Tbilisi. One of the programs that we have in Georgia
    is to help the educational system in terms of how it makes its
    decisions and to try to help them make decisions based on facts as
    opposed to `well we think this might be a good thing to do.' It's sort
    of strategic planning and so forth and we hope that it will help with
    all the schools in Georgia.

    A.Y.: Georgia's Foreign Ministry recently traveled to Armenia where he
    denied the existence of the Armenian region of Javakhk. So does the US
    government recognize that the region of Javakhk exists?

    M.Y.: It does. Obviously Georgians call that region Samtskhe-Javakhetti.

    A.Y.: This will be my final question. For more than a year, the
    Armenian community has raised the issue of the 9th Circuit Court
    finding declaring California's Armenian Genocide Life Insurance
    Recovery law as unconstitutional. How should we interpret the lack of
    response/silence by the administration on this front? Should we take
    that a sign that the administration has no intention of challenging
    the courts finding or that the administration agrees with the court's

    M.Y.: Can you remind me where this stands right now? Is this in
    litigation right now? If I could can I just take that question because
    I don't have a substantive answer.

    From: A. Papazian