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Has Aliyev Approved Medvedev's Proposals?

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  • Has Aliyev Approved Medvedev's Proposals?


    Sept 10 2010

    The passions over Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's visit to
    Azerbaijan have already calmed down. Armenian, Azerbaijani and Russian
    experts agreed that the visit was a standard one and did not have any
    special significance. Certainly, it is difficult to oppose to these
    common assessments, though, with reservation.

    First, about the importance of the visit, or rather lack of
    importance. Experts studying the schedule of Russian President's
    visit to Baku on the eve of the visit already concluded - no political
    problem would be resolved.

    The point is that the list of issues scheduled to be discussed at
    Dmitry Medvedev - Ilham Aliyev meeting indeed was beyond the format
    of Presidents' bilateral contacts.

    Obviously, the issue of the Russian-Azerbaijani border is not the
    business of the Presidents. It is an issue due to be discussed by
    Deputy Ministers. The Russian President has been never reported to
    discuss border issues with Georgia or Kazakhstan. The activities
    related to the Armenian-Georgian border are also coordinated by the
    Deputy Foreign Ministers. Therefore, placing that issue on Medvedev -
    Aliyev meeting's agenda suggests that they had to fill up the agenda
    of bilateral discussions.

    The same can be said about the Caspian Sea status. The bilateral
    format is not efficient in that issue, either. Discussion of the issue
    in the absence of the Presidents of the rest of coastal countries -
    Iran, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan also suggests that the Presidents'
    talk lacked content, thus they tried to fill up the gap by discussing
    undue issues.

    The issue of increasing Azerbaijani gas supplies to Russia is a
    commercial matter beyond Presidents' jurisdiction. The Azerbaijani and
    Russian leaders were not going to discuss provision of Gazprom with
    the total volume of gas exported from Azerbaijan, they were merely
    planning to sign a document on increasing gas supplies to the extent
    sufficient to satisfy the needs of a medium-sized Russian regional
    center, thus Presidents' interference was absolutely unnecessary.

    Therefore, taking into consideration the circumstances mentioned
    above, political analysts and experts established the fact that
    Dmitry Medvedev's visit lacked a political component. Almost without
    exception, experts are unanimous in that issue.

    At first, there were disagreements over the propaganda effect of
    Russian President's visit to Baku, but they are gradually smoothing.

    What is the matter?

    It was no secret that Medvedev's "voyage" to Azerbaijan proceeded in
    the context of his visit to Armenia and the agreements reached during
    that visit.

    The protocol on extension of the Russian military base deployment
    term was signed during Russian President's visit to Yerevan, and many
    said that the goal of Dmitry Medvedev's travel to Baku was retaining
    the balance.

    Azerbaijani political circles did not even conceal their expectations.

    They expected Medvedev to declare in Baku that he was misunderstood
    in Yerevan and Russia is not going to carry out its allied commitments
    in case of a military operation in the South Caucasus (in Yerevan, the
    Russian President spoke about it exactly, without diplomatic coquetry).

    Russian President's assertion in Baku that Russia's agreement with
    Armenia did not have "reefs" against Azerbaijan and is aimed at
    keeping peace and stability in the region satisfied Baku's expectations
    at first.

    Azerbaijan was especially encouraged by Russian President's and Foreign
    Minister Lavrov's comments that the Russian-Armenian document does
    not envisage a change in the military base functions.

    However, only initially. Azerbaijan got disappointed very soon.

    Probably, Baku analyzing the facts understood that the Russian
    authorities did not refute their former statements, moreover, they
    confirmed them.

    Thus, Russia's assertion about lack of "reefs" can be interpreted as
    a hint at exactness and transparency of Armenian-Russian cooperation
    and the advice to consider the presence of the military base as a
    guarantee of peace as an appeal for restraint addressed to Azerbaijan.

    Speaking about the manipulations of the statement on the military
    base functions we must say that the protocol signed on August 20 in
    Yerevan indeed did not change the military base functions, it merely
    specified the geography of those functions.

    That is why Azerbaijan's delight turned into disappointment. Baku's
    propaganda executives understood that they are not able to make a
    regular anti-Armenian hysteria over Medvedev's visit.

    And now about the reservation. Dmitry Medvedev's visit to Baku is
    indeed noteworthy in the context of the process of Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict peaceful resolution. Not of the Nagorno Karabakh problem
    but the process of problem peaceful resolution.

    What is the matter? In this phase Azerbaijan makes various manoeuvres
    so as not to express its opinion over the proposals discussed in the
    last round of talks in Saint Petersburg. At first Azerbaijan declared
    that no proposals were presented in Saint Petersburg; later, when
    the fact was already obvious, some Azerbaijani officials referred
    to the circumstance that the proposals were presented by Russia,
    while the Minsk Group is empowered for a mediation mission.

    Baku did not stop making evasive statements even after the co-chairs
    assured with a joint statement in Almaty that they completely support
    official Moscow's efforts. Dmitry Medvedev visited Baku on the very
    background and spoke about the necessity of keeping and intensifying
    the contacts, and Ilham Aliyev had to thank Russia and Dmitry Medvedev
    personally for their efforts.

    One might ask - why did Ilham Aliyev thank Moscow, while his
    administration constantly complains that Russia should not have
    presented proposals on its own? Can we perceive his thanks to Medvedev
    as public acceptance of Petersburg proposals? If yes, we can establish
    that Dmitry Medvedev's visit to Baku yielded serious results, against
    the lack of content.

    From: A. Papazian