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Reforestation Helps Revitalize Crisis-Stricken Armenia

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  • Reforestation Helps Revitalize Crisis-Stricken Armenia

    by Jennifer Hattam

    Sept 10 2010

    The series of calamities -- a massive earthquake, energy shortages,
    and military conflict -- that hit the small Caucasus nation of Armenia
    in the late 1980s left much of its population uprooted and unemployed,
    and its environment impoverished as well. At the current rate of
    deforestation, the country could be a desert within 20 to 50 years,
    according to the Armenia Tree Project, which has been working to
    rebuild and revitalize the nation and its people, one seedling at
    a time.

    Villagers uprooted during the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan
    are among the beneficiaries of the group's environmental efforts. In
    the Getik River Valley, families that had to abandon the fields
    they'd tended for decades are reestablishing their lives with the
    help of the group's Backyard Nursery Micro-Enterprise Program, in
    which villagers in the area grow seedlings in their yards and sell
    them to the organization when they are ready to be planted in the
    forest. Many have doubled their annual income as a result:

    Thirty-nine-year-old Vatchakan Tsakanyan... lives with his sister
    and her two kids, as well as his wife and their four children. The
    tree seeds they received from Armenia Tree Project are cared for
    by Vatchakan's sister, 35-year-old Nvart, who fills buckets from
    the nearby Getik River a few times a day and carries them to water
    the plants.

    Though it's hard work, Nvart and Vatchakan are happy to use part of
    their land to raise tree seedlings for ATP. With the money they will
    receive from ATP for their backyard tree nursery, Vatchakan and Nvart
    hope to increase their three beehives to 15.... [and] earn a bit of
    an income from the sale of honey.

    A successfully re-greened park in Armenia. Photo via the Armenia
    Tree Project.

    Since its founding in 1994, the Armenia Tree Project has planted
    and restored more than 3,500,000 trees at over 800 sites around the
    country and created hundreds of jobs in tree-regeneration programs.

    The need is dire: Dependence on wood for cooking and heating has
    reduced the amount of forest cover from a healthy 25 percent at the
    beginning of the 1900s to less than 8 percent today, causing flooding,
    erosion, and landslides that have destroyed homes and arable land.

    In addition to planting trees, the group is designing environmental
    education programs for the country's schools and providing sustainable
    forestry training for adults in partnership with Yale University's
    Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry. It also provides fruit
    and nut trees to people in urban areas and hopes to eventually win
    national protection for forests as wilderness sanctuaries. "In many
    ways," NatGeo News Watch wrote in a blog post about the group's work,
    "the effort to restore trees to Armenia is a restoration of the
    nation's vitality."

    From: A. Papazian