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BAKU: Azerbaijan Can Make Right Conclusions, Become Independent Play

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan Can Make Right Conclusions, Become Independent Play

    Sept 10 2010

    Yuriy Bocharov News.Az interviews Yuri Bocharov, political
    technologist, PR-manager (Israel).

    Some experts believe the main event in the Russian President's visit
    to Azerbaijan was the signing of the final document on the state
    border, others say it is the agreement on raising volumes of export
    of Azerbaijani gas to Russia, while the rest say that by his visit to
    Yerevan and Baku Medvedev showed to the West that Russia is the main
    power in the region. And what are your impressions of Medvedev's visit?

    There is a saying "To do a good face in a bad game", which means to
    try to conceal trouble and problems under external calmness. Russia has
    troubles in both political and especially economic sense. But it needs,
    if exactly, it 'wants' to play a role of the leading political force
    not only in our region. President Medvedev is striving to show his
    international importance on the background of the "working" success
    (and shortages) of Premier Putin.

    I think the whole visit is a formality, Moscow's attempt to justify
    itself for Armenian projects. In fact, Moscow had nothing to offer Baku
    except for its explanations. From here come the so-called projects
    of the century. Have there been any differences on delimitation of
    state border? Is this the level of presidents? On the background of
    the volumes of oil products supplies to other countries and Iran's
    intention to get up to 10 bn cubic meters of gas a year, the new
    agreement with Russia for supply of 2 bn cubic meters of gas seems
    not too significant. In fact, President Aliyev by his actions has
    "saved Dmitriy Medvedev's image" by his actions, like we say in
    the East by signing a number of protocols thus making this a state
    visit. Let's take into the essence of Russia's economic offers in
    the sphere of energy sources. We can view this either a bribe to
    Azerbaijan for their pro-Armenian policy or as a long-term project
    on the settlement of their own interests.

    Why did Gazprom proposes the allegedly extremely favorable economic
    offers by means of which Azerbaijan can sell its gas by European
    prices paying to Russia only for transportation. Here we see Russia's
    intention to fill its pipelines by 100% since it does not only bring
    tens of millions of dollars a year to its treasury but also freezes
    construction of alternative ways of oil supplies to Europe. In fact,
    Russia wants to transit all Azerbaijani energy sources by any means
    even by raising the amount of deals in order to remain the main
    supplier of energy sources, which means to be the main player in
    the European space. Meanwhile, Gazprom's offer to purchase share of
    BP which is operating the BTC pipeline shows Russia's intention to
    control others' oil flows.

    Which goals do you think Russia pursues by ensuring its long-term
    military presence in Ukraine and Armenia?

    Like most superpowers of the world Russia pursues only its own state

    In any form Russia is losing its influence in the Caucasus and in
    the entire Middle East. Today the military base in Gryumri (Armenia)
    is factually its last bastion in the region which helps it control
    the air space of Turkey, Iran, Georgia, Azerbaijan and defend its
    borders at a distance.

    Meanwhile, Sevastopol is the last serious marine base of Russia
    in the Black Sea. After losing it, Russia will lose the Black and
    Mediterranean Seas and along with them its influence in the Middle

    Today Russia is taking huge efforts to preserve its influence in the
    region including supplies of free arms to Armenia and the writing
    off Ukraine's debt partially.

    On the other hand, where can Armenia surrender, who needs it in
    its current state? Who wants to be friends with it and why? The
    leading geopolitical players view Armenia only as their platform in
    the Caucasus.

    Do you think it is possible to believe Russian leadership who states
    that the recently signed agreement on the Russian military base in
    Armenia is not targeting Azerbaijan?

    What does sincerity of people who are willing to rule the world mean?

    Though the tasks of the 102nd Russian military base provide for the
    strategic stability of Russia's external border, we should not forget
    that they are equipped with anti-missile S-300 complexes and MiG-29
    fighters while the staff is about 5,000 people. Meanwhile, according
    to different sources, almost the whole staff consists of Russian
    citizens of Armenian ethnic. In fact, the base is de-facto a part of
    the Armenian armed forces, supported by Russian money and technique.

    So whose interests will the base defend in case of the armed conflict?

    Though Russia will hardly intervene into the armed conflict in the
    territory of NKO, it cannot be said about the Armenian armed forces
    including the soldiers of the 102nd 'Russian' military base.

    Why do you think Russia is raising its military cooperation with
    Armenia and simultaneously agrees to export S-300 complexes to

    As they say: "Nothing personal, only business!"

    We should not forget that Russia is the world's second arms suppliers
    after the United States, while its revenues from the military
    industrial complex occupy a significant place in its budget after
    supplies of energy sources and crude. In addition, Russia is obliged
    to supply arms to Armenia free of charge, while it can get the real
    price from Azerbaijan. In addition, according to other estimates,
    it is the same S-300 complex, which Russia was trying to supply to
    Iran but could not do this because of sanctions. It means that if
    Azerbaijan gets it, this will rescue Russia once again.

    I would like to draw your attention to a number of other military
    proposals received from Russia, in particular, on modernization
    of MiGs and tanks, supply of missile boats and other accompanying
    military technique. In fact, the geopolitical importance of Azerbaijan
    and 'unstable' neighbors obliges the country to raise its military
    potential all the time. However, due to existence of many proposals
    of the leading arms dealers, I think Azerbaijan may get additional
    privileges as a "gratitude" for each purchase of this kind especially
    that it has a choice between the United States, Turkey, Israel and
    Ukraine. Thus, Russia has someone to compete while Azerbaijan has
    someone to choose between.

    Can we believe the Russian president who says Russia, as the Caucasus
    state, is extremely interested in the soonest resolution of the
    Karabaakh conflict and therefore, it will further take measures
    for settlement?

    The life in the Middle East taught me not to believe any word. I would
    not say that Russia is interested in the full scale war. In fact, no
    one, even very odious regimes, are interested in such a war. However,
    no one is against local wars, especially if they are controlled. All
    leading arms dealers are interested in international conflicts and
    they constantly encourage their participants in their intention to
    arm and get military superiority and then try to settle the problem.

    Unfortunately, unless there is the Karabakh conflict, Azerbaijan will
    be interested in 'partnership' with both Russia and America and will
    have to take account of their strategic interests. On the other hand,
    Russia will be obliged to take into account Azerbaijan's interests in
    other spheres and other neighbors by trying to prove its importance
    in the region to Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan must be able to take advantage
    of this moment and settle at least a part of its problems.

    How will this Russia's intensification influence the South Caucasus
    and a wider region?

    In fact, in the Caucasus Russia is trying to apply the US model
    of conduct in the Middle East and in particular in the issue of
    Israel-Palestine confrontation. The negotiations here are also
    intensified only in period of election campaigns in both America and
    Israel. The periodical intensification of hostilities up to local wars
    and everything goes anew. In the result, all neighbors are obliged to
    rearm in order to "preserve: the military parity which is constantly
    violated by either America or Russia.

    For example, it is proven that in period of the second Lebanese
    war the terror organization of Hezbollah fought against Israel by
    "Russian" arms supplied to Syria. Meanwhile, today Russia is trying
    to supply Syria with new missile complexes and Jachont missiles
    intended to fight ships at a distance of up to 300 kilometers and
    capable of carrying warheads of up to 200 kg. Israel considers
    not without grounds that they may get to Hezbollah terrorists and
    therefore it starts discussing purchase of new fighters in America
    which immediately causes the protest of Egypt and Jordan who are
    allegedly losing military parity. In the result, America is "obliged"
    to modernize their armed forces. So, who has gained here?

    See how differently the military capacities of Caspian littoral states
    are declared today, how many publications about ships and cruisers of
    different countries there are in press. There are so many proposals
    for modernization of their marine fleet. Don't you think that we have
    already seen this script?

    However, seeing such a Middle Eastern script of developments,
    Azerbaijan can make right conclusions and become an independent
    player in its region especially that it has the economic component
    and political opportunities for this step.

    Yuri Bocharov is political technologist, PR-manager (Israel), foreign
    member of the Russian academy of natural science, member of a number
    of expert councils of Israel and Russia.

    From: A. Papazian