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Tigran Sargsyan Says RA Government Effecting Serious Reforms In Agri

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  • Tigran Sargsyan Says RA Government Effecting Serious Reforms In Agri


    SEPTEMBER 10, 2010

    YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 10, ARMENPRESS: RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan
    answered today the questions of journalists after the opening ceremony
    of RA agriculture ministry's republican veterinary anti-epidemic and
    diagnostic center in Yerevan.

    - Mr. Prime Minister, the Russian 'GasProm' company announced about
    raising the tariff of gas supply 2011. What kind of measures is the
    Government undertaking for relieving the consequences of the rise in
    gas tariff?

    - The issue of rise in gas tariff was discussed during the visit of
    President of Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev to Armenia. The issue
    is always on focus of the RA Government, and the corresponding bodies
    always hold consultations on it. A concrete task is assigned to the
    board of 'ArmRosGazProm' company to continue the talks for making the
    gas tariff policy and methodology foreseeable. Within several months
    the company board will provide concrete information on the results
    of the talks with the Russian side.

    - Mr. Sargsyan, economic declines have been registered in the
    agricultural sphere. What can you foresee for the near future?

    - In the first seven months of 2010 the agricultural sphere was not in
    a good state; because of weather variations we suffered serious losses
    in the fruits-vegetables production. The agricultural decline was quite
    enormous and all the general macroeconomic indices went bad because of
    agriculture. It is too difficult to foresee the weather conditions of
    spring and autumn sowing; however it is evident that we are effecting
    reforms of utmost seriousness in the agricultural sphere. For the first
    time in the recent 10 years we adopted a program for seed farming.

    Despite Russia's embargo on wheat exportation, we will import 1000
    tons of high-quality wheat. We selected those companies, which are
    able to be engaged in seed farming in the provinces. We have an aim to
    achieve the level of producing 30,000 tons of elite seeds within the
    forthcoming 5 years. This will ensure 15-20% rise in productivity. We
    hope that the issue will be solved completely within that period. We
    have adopted a program of organic fertilizer production, using the
    local research potential. In this sphere we implemented pilot projects
    in all the provinces; the results were positive.

    Due to this project our dependence on imported fertilizers will be
    reduced. Besides, the Armenian fertilizers will be twice cheaper
    than the imported ones. We established regional support centers for
    holding consultations with villagers. The systems of irrigation
    is being improved as well. It was the first time the program of
    agricultural reforms was put to public vote. A program for supplying
    the agricultural sphere with equipments was adopted as well.

    This concept is aimed at extending farms and increasing the
    agricultural efficiency. It is significant that we connect the concept
    on development of agriculture with rural development; the complex
    development of villages and creation of jobs in rural communities
    are quite important for the symmetric territorial development of
    the Republic.

    - Mr. Sargsyan, a discussion on 'Armenia in Post-Crisis Period:
    Challenges and Opportunities' will be held tomorrow in Dilijan. What
    kind of issues does the state face in the post-crisis period? What
    kind of issues are expected to be discussed at tomorrow's event.

    - We will discuss not only the issues of the post-crisis period,
    but also the long-term development of Armenia, taking into account
    the lessons of the crisis, the rout, we passed during the recent 20
    years, the economic reforms, the further model of development, the
    relative advantages and vulnerable parts of our economy. We will have
    conceptual discussions; it will give the Government an opportunity
    to make clear the programs and strategies, which are on the basis of
    the economic policy.

    From: A. Papazian