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The Armenian Vote: The Democrats Are Losing Solid Constituency

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  • The Armenian Vote: The Democrats Are Losing Solid Constituency

    Sevan Kolejian
    Fri, Sep 10 2010

    When it comes to the U.S. Congress, the Armenian American community-a
    constituency as politically diverse as any in America-has been, by
    and large a steady backer of Democrats, since the days of FDR and
    the New Deal.

    That's not to say that the Armenian community doesn't have its full
    share of Republicans. It does, and they are active, and effective,
    and eloquent, just like their Democratic brothers and sisters.

    On one election day after another, however, Armenian American voters
    have cast their ballots, time and again, for a Pallone or a Pelosi,
    a Sherman or a Schiff, a Bonior or a Kennedy, a Coelho or an O'Neill.

    The list goes on. And for good cause. These powerful leaders and
    Democrats generally, by any measure, have been the overwhelming
    majority of active champions and reliable foot-soldiers on Armenian
    issues, from Armenian Genocide recognition and support for Artsakh
    to aid to Armenia and the full range of other community priorities.

    Republicans have been very helpful, often decisively so, but any
    honest observer would agree that the Armenian Lobby on Capitol Hill
    is primarily driven by the Democrats, a fact that has been widely
    recognized and steadily rewarded at the ballot box.

    Here, it gets more interesting.

    Against this backdrop of Armenian community appreciation for Democratic
    Congressional leadership, we've seen a steady demographic shift,
    as many Armenian American-like so many other ethnic groups-migrate,
    from generation to generation, rightward politically on economic
    and social issues. This pro-Republican shift is clearly evident-as
    any dinner-table conversation in an Armenian home will prove-but
    has yet-until very recently-begun to translate into changing voting
    patterns on Congressional races. The reason is simple, an Armenian
    American voter, who might otherwise vote his pocket book or social
    issues for a Republican, ends up voting his identity-keeping faith
    with his community and cause-by pulling the lever for a Democrat.

    All that's about to change.

    The Democrats are about to lose another traditionally solid


    Well, the first prize for this rightward shift goes to President
    Obama, who ran a campaign of high promises and higher expectations on
    Armenian issues, only to break every one of his pledges-most notably
    his commitment to recognize the Armenian Genocide. In so openly and
    offensively breaking faith with an entire community, on the most
    sensitive of issues, he destroyed the credibility of all who went to
    bat for him during his campaign, denying his reelection effort and,
    more importantly, other Democrats moral standing or credible community
    allies. He personally-and remarkably quickly-squandered generations of
    good will fostered by the hard work of Democrats dating back decades.

    The damage done by President Obama's betrayal is compounded by the
    unwillingness of Congressional Democratic leaders to act on their own
    long history of promises to the Armenian American community. Today,
    with a bipartisan majority supporting the Armenian Genocide
    Resolution and Turkey on the defensive like never before, the House
    leadership-with a large majority of their own-has failed to act on
    its golden opportunity to pass this human rights legislation. They've
    got an endless series of excuses, but the fact remains that getting
    this measure adopted on the floor-a promise that has proven to be a
    solid vote-getter since the 1970s-is well within their power.

    It's not about what the Democrats have the power to do, it is really
    about what they want to do. And it does not seem that they want to
    pass the Armenian Genocide resolution.

    That makes them, well, just like the Republicans.

    And, if there's no difference on Armenian issues, the question for
    Armenian American voters becomes: "What's holding me back from going

    As a Democrat myself, I find this sad but painfully true.

    The Democrats in the White House and Congress have made their
    decision. And now Armenian American voters will make theirs.

    We'll see the results on Election Day.

    From: A. Papazian