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NKR: The Executive Proposes Changes In The State Budget

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  • NKR: The Executive Proposes Changes In The State Budget


    NKR Government Information and
    Public Relations Department
    September 08, 2010

    Today, a special session of the NKR Government conducted by the Prime
    Minister Ara Haroutyunyan has taken place.

    The Executive has discussed one agenda issue, the project of changes
    in the law "On NKR State Budget 2010". By the Vice Prime Minister,
    Minister of Finance Spartak Tevosyan's clarification its adoption is
    preconditioned by the necessity of solution of some issues standing
    before the NKR Government. In particular, it was noted that from
    November 1, 2010, the retirees pension will be increased by 2500 drams
    and the size of monthly pecuniary aid rendered to some privileged
    groups of citizens was increased by 30 percent from May 1, 2010.

    In 2010, in Artsakh, an increase of birthrate was recorded, for
    spurring of which the sums anticipated by the state budget are
    henceforth insufficient.

    By the Vice Prime Minister's clarification, changes in the State Budget
    are also preconditioned by increase of expenses foreseen in capital
    investment programme, which have derived in the result of construction
    and restoration of some units of strategic and paramount importance.

    One more financial amendment: sums of expenses for involved borrowed
    means will increase by 150 mln drams.

    For financing of the mentioned programme the Executive proposes to
    increase the supply by 4 mlrd 590 mln drams. The budgeted deficit
    will increase by the same size correspondingly.

    In concern with the project of the NKR State Budget changes the Prime
    Minister A.Haroutyunyan has given additional clarifications. He has
    noted that at 2009 year-end, when State Budget 2010 was affirmed,
    financial sources of some under implementation programmes were not
    justified that's why these expenses were not considered and included
    into the State Budget. Today, these sources are known, the Premier
    explained, and consequently there is a chance to make some budgetary
    changes. It was emphasized that for construction of Stepanakert airport
    (its construction is foreseen to be accomplished by the end of the
    year) some additional sums are needed. The same is in concern with
    twenty-four-hour water supply of the capital. According to the Premier
    for complete solution of these issues 6.5 mlrd drams are needed. It
    is foreseen to accomplish water supply of the city in forthcoming
    2-3 years.

    The Executive has approved the project, which will be submitted to
    the discussion of the NKR NA.

    Beyond the agenda of the special session, a problem of working out
    of governmental medium-term programmes was touched upon. The Prime
    Minister has recommended the ministers to be guided by the affirmed
    figures and to present realistic programmes.

    From: A. Papazian