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Armenia Has A Special Place In Iran's Foreign Policy

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  • Armenia Has A Special Place In Iran's Foreign Policy

    Yekaterina Poghosyan

    September 2, 2010

    The situation around Iran's nuclear remains tense. The recently adopted
    UN Security Council resolution inflicted new sanctions against the
    country. For Armenia, which enjoys neighborly relations with Iran
    and implements a number of joint programs, establishment of dialogue
    between Tehran and the West is extremely important. Iranian Foreign
    Minister, Dr. Manouchehr Mottaki commented to PanARMENIAN.Net on the
    prospects of Armenian-Iranian relations and Tehran's approaches to
    regional problems, including the Karabakh conflict.

    Armenian-Iranian relations are rapidly developing, specifically
    in energy and economy. How would you assess the political dialogue
    between the two countries?

    Iran attaches importance to development of relations with neighbor
    states and Armenia has a special place in Tehran's foreign policy.

    Significant progress has been registered in relations between the
    two countries. Mutual visits of high ranking officials as well as
    the document signed testify to the will to strengthen bilateral ties.

    Achievement of a final agreement to build transmission facilities with
    capacity of 400 kilowatt, a reservoir on River Araks and a hydropower
    plant in Meghri will help develop cooperation. I am also hopeful to
    witness conclusion of an agreement on construction of oil pipeline
    and oil terminal soon. Iran is willing to join technical projects
    implemented in Armenia, including the North-South transport corridor.

    I believe that our countries have potential to expand cooperation,
    specifically to develop a free trade agreement. Political and cultural
    relations between Tehran and Yerevan are advancing as well. During
    their meeting on the sidelines of various international conferences,
    leaders of our states do not miss the opportunity to exchange views
    on political issues.

    Recently, media referred to Tehran's initiatives on Karabakh conflict
    settlement, specifically organization of a meeting between the
    President of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran. Does it mean that Iran
    wants to join the process as a mediator?

    Contribution to regional peace and security as well as resolution of
    conflicts in accordance with the international law is Iran's position
    in principle. We stand for resolution of disputes taking into account
    the interests of conflicting sides. Iran's initiatives regarding the
    Karabakh conflict settlement can only supplement the other endeavors
    to that end. We believe that all conflicts should be resolved through
    efforts of the countries of the region.

    What is Iran's official position on the Karabakh issue?

    Iran's official position is as follows: Iran calls on all parties
    to conflict to show restraint and resolve the problem peacefully. On
    our part, we are ready to contribute to the process.

    Iran has numerously voiced support to normalization of Armenian-Turkish
    relations. How did Iran react to Armenia's decision to suspend the
    process of ratification of Protocols?

    Iran supports Armenian-Turkish normalization. In this context, we
    welcome activities seeking establishment of diplomatic relations and
    opening of the border between the two countries. We are confident that
    settlement of historical disputes should take place if all necessary
    conditions are created.

    How does Tehran eye intensification of Turkey's mediatory efforts on
    Iran's nuclear file?

    The statement signed on May 17, 2010 by the Foreign Ministers of Iran,
    Turkey and Brazil was crucial. On May 24, the Iran sent a letter to
    IAEA Secretary General to evidence our adherence to the letter of this
    document. Now, it's the opposite side's turn to demonstrate good will.

    Maximalism and pressure on Iran are inefficient. Tehran's constructive
    policy came across illogical and hasty actions of some European
    states. Turkey and Brazil helped open a dialogue on Iran's nuclear
    issue and the international community should appreciate their efforts
    and exclude the policy of double standards.

    Adoption of the 4th subsequent anti-Iranian resolution was an illegal
    step, aiming to prevent Iran's progress, including development of
    nuclear technologies. Such approach is not only destructive and
    ineffective but is also viewed as nuclear discrimination.

    From: A. Papazian