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Parties Of The Ruling Coalition, Coupled With Dashnaktsutyun, Are Su

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  • Parties Of The Ruling Coalition, Coupled With Dashnaktsutyun, Are Su

    David Stepanyan

    2010-09-09 15:59:00

    Interview with Chairman of the Board of Armenian National Movement
    oppositional party Aram Manukyan

    Mr. Manukyan, people in Armenia keep rumoring about early parliamentary
    elections. Are there prerequisites for this?

    There are three prerequisites for such a situation.

    Unprecedented intensification of external pressure on our authorities
    is the main prerequisite and, appearingly, the circle keeps on
    converging. All the documents and resolutions passed with respect
    to Armenia, as well as the Europeans' attitude in general create an
    unfavourable background for the republic.

    Almost all the international structures - US Department of State,
    all the three OSCE MG cochairmen, European Union, two UN resolutions,
    four resolutions of the European Parliament and statements by other big
    countries gave a negative estimate to Armenia during 2 years. Besides,
    there are negative conclusions by international organizations engaged
    in estimation of democratic processes.

    Armenia's regress in general makes up 30 points and the country takes
    the 120th-130th place among 200 countries of the world, while the
    aggregate of similar indicators before 1998 varied within 50-80 points.

    All these external levers of pressure bear hard on Armenia, moreover,
    in an unbiased manner, since the republic does not fulfill its
    commitments and does not play according to the game rules, by which
    it joined one or another international organization. This is the
    primary factor which promotes holding of early election.

    Do internal factors matter here?

    The domestic political situation is a weighty factor which creates
    background for holding of the extraordinary elections in Armenia,
    it will simply force the authorities to make this step.

    I mean the political prisoners, regress of democracy, awful indices
    of corruption in the country, monopolization of economy as well as
    gradual destruction of free economic market. The macro-economical
    indices of Armenia are also sad. There are few countries in the world,
    the external debt of which is about 50% of GDP and the import of
    which surpasses export by 4-5 times.

    Such indices are peculiar to the countries going down the drain. Along
    with these factors there is inflation, legal exposure of citizens
    and other factors which promote outflow of population from Armenia.

    All this allows the intellectual part of our society to make a
    conclusion about incapability of the incumbent authorities and aspire
    to get rid of them.

    And what about the Republican Party? Do they also want mid-term

    The only political force not striving for extraordinary elections in
    Armenia are the Republicans, because during extraordinary elections
    their levers of influence on the voting process and their results
    will be insignificantly lower than during regular elections.

    During regular elections, authorities resort to every possible method,
    even to criminal actions, to rig elections, whereas it is much easier
    to control the mechanism of extraordinary elections. In addition,
    during extraordinary elections, the authorities will fail to falsify
    the results and the psychological aura of such elections will be
    absolutely different. It is strange, but extraordinary elections are
    pledge of their fair and free conduct, though extraordinary elections
    do not make us happy because they often lead to serious shocks.

    Are early elections expedient considering that quite little time is
    left till 2012?

    Yes, there are. 2 years is not a short period. In addition, time is
    not the only matter.

    As for me, I do not seek to come to power, I just strive for
    sovereignty, independence, real political predictability of our
    country. Today we have none of these important elements of statehood.

    To become a normal and desirable partner for other countries we need
    these elements as the breath of one's nostrils, because they ensure
    trust and stability. Today all these parameters are at the zero level
    in Armenia.

    The key element and task of any state is its security. Have we obtained
    guarantees of security after the visit of the Russian President and
    the prolongation of the agreement 1995?

    In general, partnership between Armenia and Russia any be just
    welcomed. At the same time I have an extremely negative attitude to
    some steps of our authorities, as we shall not manage to correct what
    they are doing today. Obviously, it is not enough to them not to be
    legitimate, and they take long-term steps for determination of the
    future of the new generation, though they do not have such a right.

    As a result of wabbling from the USA and the West to Russia and
    Turkey and back, from NATO to CSTO the Armenian authorities have
    found themselves in a situation when all these parties fell into
    disenchantment with Armenia as an unpredictable and windy partner.

    In other words, this situation is the result of Mr. Oskanyan's
    complementary policy?

    Complementary policy of the Armenian authorities led the republic
    to unipolarity.

    This is quite natural considering that the authorities carried out
    a complementary policy at a tinhorn racket level trying to cheat the
    Russians and sell out to the Americans, and then cheat the Americans
    and fly to the Russians' arms. Something similar happened in case of
    fraudful games of our authorities with Turkey, as a result of which we
    have achieved nothing. A country appeared, as a result of all these
    wiggles, which claimed of the readiness to solve Armenia's problems,
    as Armenians themselves turned out to be unable to solve them.

    It turned out necessary for Russia considering the importance
    of Armenia's geostrategic position. This is the only result of
    complementarism in Armenian.

    Lets put aside the so-called legitimacy of our authorities and answer
    the question how bad this might be for us considering that the primary
    task of Armenia is to ensure the security of Nagorno-Karabakh?

    Of course, extension of the functions and terms of Russian servicemen
    staying in Armenia is not bad for us. But we should not forget that
    national security first of all depends on the fact how much this or
    that country has been integrated in various security systems.

    At present our authorities have done everything possible for the West,
    the USA in particular, to step back.

    As a result of it, I expect similar stepping back by Armenia in the
    matter of democracy, the grant programmes, etc. That is to say, the
    West has lost hope to turn Armenia into a serious partner, and we have
    transferred from the multi-pole system to the single-pole one. This
    reduces the potential of Armenia to maneuver, though promotes security
    enhancing. Undoubtedly, we are for the strategic union with Russia,
    but this union should be equal.

    Till 2003 Russia paid for renting of the territory for its military
    base, but thanks to Robert Kocharyan's efforts since 2003 all these
    expenses devolted upon the shoulders of Armenian tax payers.

    If you show me at least one country which being a host party pays for
    maintaining of the base of a foreign state, I will take my words back.

    Yes, but if Armenia decides to strengthen its alliance with Russia it
    will have to give up the complementarism game. Isn't this a positive

    Armenia's foreign policy must be multi-level but open at the same time.

    Trying to deceive our partners, we pickle a rod for our own back,
    for honesty is the best pledge of success in foreign policy for
    the countries like Armenia. Something similar happened under Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan when Yeltsin knew what to wait from Armenia and the
    West knew that Armenia's security is ensured, first of all, by
    Russia's presence.

    We must observe the rules of the game to wage a multi-level foreign
    policy. In the meantime, Armenia has found itself under influence of
    just one of the global poles

    From: A. Papazian