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Former FM Arzumanyan Astonished By Agiotage Over Azerbaijan's Resolu

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  • Former FM Arzumanyan Astonished By Agiotage Over Azerbaijan's Resolu

    14:09 10.09.10

    Member of the opposition movement the Armenian National Congress
    (HAK) and former Armenian foreign minister Alexander Arzumanyan is
    surprised by the agiotage that the postponement of the discussion
    of a resolution proposed by Azerbaijan at the United Nations General
    Assembly has generated.

    "I want to express my surprise at the agiotage that this resolution
    generated," said he, further explaining how that resolution happened
    to be brought on the UN General Assembly's agenda.

    According to him, first Azerbaijan brought it on the UN agenda in
    2006, and then on 18 March 2008 for the second time. "When at the
    beginning of 2008 the Azerbaijani delegation was actively pushing
    that resolution forward at the UN, elections were being rigged in
    Armenia, people were being massacred, and the sole function of the
    foreign ministry in those days was to ensure the PR of the illegal
    authorities was made, and they [the authorities] ignored it. Now,
    two years later, we are asking how it happened?"

    Mr Arzumanyan said he was also surprised that Armenians consider it
    a victory that the resolution was withdrawn. But in fact, according
    to him, it was not withdrawn, but rather postponed until the next,
    the 65th UN General Assembly session which will start on September
    14 and will last a year.

    "Azerbaijan's representative simply stated yesterday that he is
    proposing to replace the date of the discussion to the 65th UN
    session. That is to say, the issue is on the agenda beginning the
    next Tuesday and will until the second Tuesday of the next September
    be hung over us as the sword of Damocles," said he.

    That Azerbaijan submitted that resolution to the UN, according to him,
    is the result of inactivity of Armenia's diplomacy. As what concerns
    the statement by Armenia's foreign ministry, in his words, was aimed
    at the domestic consumption, it is clear that the authorities will
    represent such a reality so that to justify their inactivity and the
    fact that they live on taxpayers' expenses.

    From: A. Papazian