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Armenia's Foreign Ministry Responds To Azerbaijan's Decision

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  • Armenia's Foreign Ministry Responds To Azerbaijan's Decision

    09:40 10.09.10

    Armenia's Foreign Ministry has issued a statement over Azerbaijan's
    move to call back a draft resolution brought on agenda of the United
    Nations' General Assembly.

    The statement reads as follows:

    "On September 9 Azerbaijan withdrew its proposed draft resolution
    A/64/L.57 from consideration and voting at the UN General Assembly,
    requesting to move the relevant agenda item to the agenda of the 65th
    Session of the General Assembly.

    "We are thankful to all those UN member states and in particular to
    the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries, which through their stance
    prevented Azerbaijan from deviating and damaging the negotiation
    process of the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh problem and not allowing
    the adoption of an unconstructive draft resolution presented by
    Azerbaijan at the UN General Assembly.

    "The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs' field-assessment mission in the
    territories surrounding Nagorno Karabakh is in no way connected to the
    draft resolution proposed by Azerbaijan at the UN General Assembly. In
    their statement of September 6, 2010, the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs
    noted that an agreement had been reached with the sides about the
    field-assessment mission already before summer, that is, weeks ahead
    of Azerbaijan's submission of the draft resolution to the UN.

    "Azerbaijan should refrain from its continuous attempts to shift
    the settlement process, currently underway within the Minsk Group
    framework, to other formats and it should refrain from provocative
    and bellicose statements and actions so that the negotiation process
    could proceed in a more constructive and effective course."

    From: A. Papazian